Are slavs friendly to white foreigners?
Are slavs friendly to white foreigners?
Is that filthy Frank?
Just learn a few words in locak language and keep repeating them. We will love you.
Also prepare your liver
cause you are going to knock me out and harvest it? or did you mean prepare to get wasted?
Poland is about as far east as I would go. Poles aren't even really slavs, they're wends like lithuanians etc. Catholics. But its dangerous for a white man to venture into russia/ukraine/bulgaria/khaz
What are the NW parts of Poland like BTW, the areas that used to be Prussia
Get wasted.
When you're at someone's house in eastern europe they just keep giving you beers and there's nothing you can do to stop them.
Why Russia?
I'm half ruskie but I'm not sure how they take to half breeds
sounds good desu
Wasted dude.
Why would we want to knock you out....If you are not black obviously...then it's the 1st scenerio usually.
Sorry I don't know what "NW" if you could explain it...that would be gr8
Northwest you stupid drunk faggot.
As long as you speak russian fluently and stick to our culture - you are russian. End of story.
>being this mad
Over 18s only pal
Damn man calm down.
No idea how you guessed that I'm drunk tho.
I though it's some kind of "niggers welcomed" or other shit
I like just "N" part more than NW but it's still cool. If you want to discover former Prussia's just a meme. Those ppl are gone.
If I would have to move somewhere It would be Gdańsk or Wrocław. People there are less liberal than in Warsaw ( its polish liberal so nazi in sweaden ) but more than the eastern part of the country. Also it's just a nice place
Jawohl (I don't know how to say okay in Russian)
How is Tarnow? What about the women there?
Never been there
There are many qt's here but you can find ugly one everywhere. There are some golddiggers but Ive also met normal and really smart girls.
I think it's like everywhere...just without shitskins and blacks
Sounds perfect desu
Women will be women, I suppose.
no it's not you pathetic nu-male pussy
>mememe the scarly slavs r going to hurt lil me :(
grow a pair.
It's funny to see ppl thinking that we are stabbing and beating everyone here.
We aren't psychos and also most of us are nice when drunk
Do you mean Kazakhstan?
Because Kazakhstan isn't slav, not by a VERY long shot.
fuck off we're full
i wish ameribros and britbongs liked to drink as much as us