Has anyone ever noticed there generally aren't any old or smart gay people?

It's starting to make me think things like homosexuality and transgenderism are just widely-publicized social identities to which mostly stupid, whiny young people adhere - rather than that people are born with their ideologies. I guess it could go both ways :^)

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There are plenty, they just don't make a big show of it like young fags.

Absolutely not true. I'm not even particularly pro-gay but there are tons of intellectuals who are gay and lots of them are aging.

This may be more true of lesbians but gay men are often quite intelligent.






All gays die of AIDS before they reach 30

cuz they all die of aids!

Older people, when they were young, didn't flaunt their sexuality. That's still how they operate to this day. With homosexuals being a small portion of the overall population, and taking into account the elderly population, it's no wonder there aren't many elderly homosexuals that are open.

Why are mentally unstable trannies still associated with gay people?

Fucking damnit, half the shit gay people get is because of trannies.

Homosexuals 2% of population
Transgender 0.3% of the population

the old gays don't act gay in public because we used to beat them when did that shit back in the good ole days

A lot hide it. And a lot die of aids and/or kill themselves, usually the bottoms, when they hit 30 and realize no one but the gayest of gays actually wants their hairy flabby disgusting asses.

Anyone who went to HS knows this. Every week there was some dumb slut claiming to be bisexual or lesbian to get attention

this desu

>No smart gay people

Did you get rejected once, OP, or is your homosexuality completely repressed?

Yes. The silent generation are gone and most of them never shared any wisdom too they're kids due to the horrors and real depression they've seen. The Boomers can't die fast enough.

>no old gay men
You should sign up on any gay dating/hook up site or app as someone under 20. You won't even need a picture or a single word in your profile, you'll get ''''offers'''' from old guys ranging from thinly veiled 'Hey, you are hot ;) ;) ;)' to not-even-trying 'I want to blow you for 20$'.

You only ever see the degenerate parade san francisco fags, who should all be burned at the stake. Not the regular guy who simply happens to like dick.

>who is Allen Turing
>what is lemonparty.org

This tbqh family

Liking dicks is an opinion. It has nothing to do with fact. But saying you are girl when you have a penis is blantant denial of fact and is quite frankly insanity.

supposedly gay men are common, and yet you still cling onto that one historical example.
a cherry picked. gays are mentally ill. get over it.

Alan Turing had a 150+ IQ and loved him some dick.

Surely you don't think there's only one example of gay brilliance, dear user.

>no old gay ppl
Plenty of them everywhere.
>no smart gay ppl
Fucking Kek.

Allow me to throw in some Shakespear.

What's wrong with the 'mentally ill'? A lot of them have helped progress the human race.

>loved him some dick
he also loved him some apples
and he also love him some playing with various chemicals

unfortunately he loved doing them all in his bedroom without washing his hands

nice suggestion, user. I recommend sonnet 20 especially: "the master-mistress of my passion."

You can call me by my nighest name any day you big Maltese falcon you

My dads friend Tom was a gay programming savant degenerate with buckets of money that played zelda and partied a lot. Seemed like an awesome guy. died last year. Great guy, not dumb in the least. Worked for Amazon.

nah, there are, mate.
who was Turing? Who was Wilde? Who was Shakespear?
What was Sacred Band Of Thebes?

On that matter, how is it possible that so many great personalities in history were homo in some way? It's only 2%, so by all means, we shouldn't see as many '''important''' people who liked dick.

average gay iq: 160
average straight iq: 100

typical gay: nikola tesla
typical straight: ke$ha

You write from the favela, right.

Peter thiel is pretty based

>leff falfe
>Mafter Miftris of my paffion

shit that nigga really was gay

It's because they ARE actually smart.

Straight men should love gays (no homo of course).

>Tend to be more intelligent
>don't take away any women
>incredibly good wingmen
>can be used as the first line of defense/can take riskier jobs because they don't have children who'd lose their fathers
>will defend western culture more fierce than most others simply because the alternative is 'you like dick? Go jump from a building while getting stoned, Allah sNACKBAR PBUH MUH HALLAL HARAM'

Gays should be dipped slowly into acid along with pitbulls (and of course their owners)

Jesus Christ, you two are dumb as fuck. And OP has the cheek to say that gays aren't smart. Well done, clowns.

Depends... Are they cute?

Homosexuals are just fetishists

Fags and fag lovera get the FUCK off my board and go back to redd it

What is fag lovera ? You are so intelligent, please define.

Post pic, you might be a qt :^)

>german men

Why would you flaunt your pedophilia? Almost all old homos are pedos so they need to hide their power level.

Well done, OP. Your thread proved the opposite. Straight people are straight up, uneducated retards.


>Laud Humphreys
>Robert Allen "Laud" Humphreys, (October 16, 1930 – August 23, 1988) was an American sociologist and author. He is noted for his research into sexual encounters between men in public toilets, published as Tearoom Trade (1970).