What the fuck is wrong with Sweden?

What the fuck is wrong with Sweden?

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What the fuck.



oy vey


>File Name

Why is he mad?

racist scum

The hell. This is forever burned into my retina...

Wow, so realistic, reminds me of my favorite hentai!

This must be fake

nothing, they're doing their job as white men, serving their brown superiors on their knees and with their pockets

Open it and click on that picture

>that flag
>those words

lewd, i like it!

>that giant dick

That guy really cant hide his hunger for big willies

Would probably sell well over on Sup Forums

sweden pls

pls stop

put the banter aside, we love you guys, please come back

>giving trannies unrealistic body expectations
Fucking shitlord

>Sweden being just like Sweden has always been

News at eleven!

All tranny genitals are fake, user.

Why does this barbie have three legs?

most white boys here want to suck that dick

just saying

your entire race is feminized, you might as well just please men instead of women from this point on you vestigial """"men""""

just seems like a futa to me, I thought you liked that sort of thing Japan

Heh, never heard that one before.

> turkey
> white boys

This, fuck whitbois

this tbqh, just accept your purpose as brown cock servants

Pretty hot tbqh

>implying otaku aren't shunned

That's no feminine penis.

Japan has the monopoly on weird and kink.

I don't know what's funnier, that this sort of shit occurs in the first place or the 'enlightened' nu-males that smugly act like there is nothing at all weird/funny about it.

Is that a used panty machine???

i agree with Sweden
they also need to make dolls that teach girls they can have the dominate role in the bedroom too
it'll also teach boys that doing butt stuff isn't gay

Wow, now that's progressive! Some people are narrow minded and dumb, not like me! (I must make it seem easy!)


What kind of troll account is that? Is it an account to mock the Swedes or what?

Holy fuckin dog shit I really hate Sweden lol. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to crush that nation of subhuman vermin with an army godly men top kek.

It's actually Sweden's Twitter. What they do is have a different Swede curate the account every week.

Can time flow backwards?

It's the country's official Twitter account???

Why are liberals so obsessed with penises?

Jemiscor save us from this evil

Ego and insecurity.

whats the problem jaromir, are you bigoted perhaps?

So progressive, so tolerant

Because of pepe's usual outfit (blue shirt) and brown lips (original comic is in black and white) and the fact it's associated with wojak, which is an unrelated character for him.



They are now selling these.
I bought 2 already.

emasculation is bread and butter femhole technique

This to be completely honest
also allahu ackbar

>that tiny :hap: in the background


But Turkey....you are the white bois

Real men of Sweden. Rise up and purge your nation of the degenerate filth. You can be conquerors once again.

iä! iä! shub-niggurath!

hot desu

good god I need to move

Where can I buy one of this?

Yeah right? The fucking thing isn't even circumcised..

When has Trump ever been so fat? This offends me more than the small dick.


we must consult with the wizard about this relic.

>t. Schlomo Goldberg from Jew York

why are parasites still allowed to post here?

Sweden is gonna be gone soon.

guy who made this is talking about doing hillary one...

Are these wrapped boiled eggs on the right?

jack off toy

>Only 1000 yen for some panties and a tenga
Shit lads thats pretty cheap!

Hello, first diplomatic friend of these United States.

>We want to fight the culture of body shaming, so let's create figures of trump that depict him as fat and disgusting

really stimulates my grey matter

I would use it

Person who made it isn't really a liberal from what i've seen

Sadly it isn't even, for some retarded reason they give the @sweden facebook account to a random trans/sjw person to tweet from each week, I swear to god this is some sort of double cross to make Swedes angry.

