What purpose do you have to work hard and be productive when society can no longer promise you a happy life?
I can't see the point when the only one I'll ever support is my self
What purpose do you have to work hard and be productive when society can no longer promise you a happy life?
There really isn't user.
We are at a point in our development as a people that we have disenfranchised the very people who build, maintain, and improve society and the world around us. We are seeing the effects of this now in large enough quantity that people are taking notice. Economies are shrinking, people aren't fighting for their homelands or cultures, young men are putting fourth less effort and by extension achieving less, but aren't off put by the idea at all.
We have taken everything that made our world work and threw it on it's head because "We are more progressive and intelligent now. The old ways were barbaric and wrong. New is better no matter what the stats tell me." The only hope that we have is to survive and work towards swinging the pendulum back the other way. Being knowledgeable about the world around you is a good start. It might come up in your head that you have to be a high achiever and do some grand work of mankind to make a difference, but you really don't. Get involved with your community. Bring people together, educate them, or just work with them to bring our shattered communal structure back together.
Yeah it's hard, and a lot of us aren't equipped the best to deal with it, but oftentimes the heroes of the story aren't the smartest, strongest, wisest, or toughest, but the ones willing to do the work when everyone else wasn't. That's the biggest problem in this community. Everyone knows, and everyone talks about it, but no one does anything about it. If we all summoned up the will to start actively making a difference, we could make a difference.
We're all going to make it user. We just have to put the work in.
>I have no motivation to accomplish anything in life
Sounds like a personal problem. Society doesn't "promise" anyone anything. The closest you can come to being "promised" something is being born in a rich family. Other than that, either work hard or work smart to achieve what you want.
If you keep sitting around waiting for shit to fall into your lap, you got another thing coming buddy.
>I'm entitled to a happy life
>Society has to provide it to me
i work for money in which i buy alcohol with
The world doesn't owe you a happy life. Either figure out how to make a happy life possible or don't.
Personally, I think 'happiness' is overrated as a life-goal.
>Thinking a happy life is anything more than a meme
>Being this new
I'm considering confessing my problems to my GP. I've got all the basic symptoms of depression but i'm aware of it and know what i must do but i just lack the energy to do so.
I wonder if it has to do with me growing up on ritaline and concenrta depots from age 6-18 without any followups. I just cut it out once i was done with school and i function in workplaces just fine without it. But i have a lethargy problem. I can easily stay in bed and sleep over 20 hours if i'm not careful.
Or could it be that i never had a father/male role growing up and also i had no friends before i was 18 and done with school. Missing out on all parties and such because i was an akward beta pussy.
Or is it because i was at a family summer vacation abused by an older woman that has fucked me up somehow. I've never been able to relate to love songs as i don't know what love is and have never experienced it.
I work as a nurse and patients tell me i'd make a great husband and that the girl who gets me will be lucky because i'm a nice and warmhearted man.
I enjoy the rewards of helping people. But being a lonely virgin in female dominated workplaces ain't easy.
I have so many thoughts and i can easily have monolouges with myself in bed for whole nights.
I'm starting to realize that i need help. I really wanted to join the army because i love taking orders and being told what to do. But they didn't want be because norwegian army is laughable and they are cutting down both standing and garrison sizes down each year.
But as i am working in psychiatry now i'm affraid i'll end up where i work. Learning about various diagnoses and symptoms all i could think of how much i could relate to schizofrenia/depression/personality disorder.
I just have to man up and ask for help. I'm a failure who can't help myself. But i don't understand why i'm affraid of seeking help.
If i keep doing my sleep-work-sleep-work lifestlye i'll snap or be burned out very soon.
You're a faggot, i didn't even need to read your post to know it. The world is better than it's ever been and you're just a pathetic alarmist faggot
>doesn't know what the social contract is.
kys dumbass.
>Contribute to anything that doesn't have guaranteed returns
Because I've tried doing nothing for most part of my life and that's how I developed my depression. I need to work and be productive to not feel like a huge ostracised piece of shit.
Sexual abuse Thorsten or physical?
You might like the book, notes from the underground.
You seem like a good guy. Why not come here and join out military?
user if you have friends use those instead of professional therapy. I understand your concerns but I've had more than my fair share of headshrinkers and I can tell you they are often about as useful as an asshole on your elbow, but then cost you a hundred dollars an hour.
Secondly almost universally headshrinkers are so far bluepilled that you can't ever really talk to them about issues that are bothering you without getting some really crap spin on it that won't help you at all. It's a hard world, and most of our allies have fallen, and the usual venues are now trapped but we can find a way out.
Do it, but be careful. The (((mental health))) business is business after all.
And are you me norsebro? Shit you described is easily applicable to most of us on Sup Forums.
blackpill all day erry day
> hmmmm
The reason you're unhappy is because you're a hedonist. Hedonism is the root cause of all unhappiness.
When you realize that chasing pleasure doesn't bring you happiness you can turn that shit around.
Why are you asking permission from society to make something of your life?
Nothing is stopping you from spending 10,000 hours to get good at something, then applying those skills in a free market. If you work hard and get good at something, other men will respect you for it.(They really don't have a choice, it's the way our brains are wired)
Also, keep in mind that most people are in your situation, but most people don't talk about it.
So you are tellin' me brah that we should work our ass off for nothing and then be bored for the rest of the day?
Physical. I¨ve always been apathetic towards the encounter.
Short version: i was rushing for the waterland in a family camp and i noticed it was laid out like volcanic scene with a volcano in middle with a bubblebath on top. I jumped in and enjoyed the view of the hall and an older lady i don't remember how she looked got in. I was nervous and she eventually rubbed me with her feet. I was affraid to stand up because it would be embarrasing so i endured and when she was done she left. No words or anything. I felt bad about it. Haven't told anyone, not even family.
I've considered joining up the american military as you guys seems willing to take in anyone who wants in. But i don't know how i would get citizenship.
I only have 3 friends. I've stayed with them on a 3 year long lan party. But last year they started smoking weed daily. I've cut them out for 3 weeks as i want clean urine before going to the doctor. The last year we didn't do much together, barely played videogames together. It was mostly banter and weed+movies.
I feel slightly better being off the weed. But it hurts to leave out my friends. It's not fun being the only guy in a small room not smoking weed. But i never considered them best friends. Whenever i suggested things to do outdoors they would always reject and just blaze and chill and never achieve anything.
Healthcare is free. Having worked in psychiatry for bipolar/manics/depressed for 6 months i know how it works and how the doctors and psychologists work. If i were to seek help i'd probably be put into cognitive therapy. But i'm affraid i'll have to leave my redpilled views out of the meetings and just focus on my problems. I basically have no life. And if they want to keep a male healthworker they better damn help me out or i'll be burned out soon.
What I am saying is that you should stop being a retarded potato nigger.
I know that feel. pic related.
That's hard bud, and I know how hard that can be. I don't know what the social scene is like in Norway, but here in America it's pretty crap, and it takes a lot work to find people you actually like. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try, I'm just going to let you know, much like everything else I've said here, it's going to be work. Fuck man if you have to meet people on the INTERNET do it. We don't have the luxury of being picky.
However, as cliche as it sounds, you can look up groups of people who like doing the same things as you. Painting groups, hiking groups, whatever it doesn't matter, they're out there. Go out with them and get to know them. Obviously you're going to like everyone, but again if you aren't going to find anything if you're not looking for it.
Crawl before you walk, walk before you run. It's not going to be easy, and it's not going to be quick, however the burden of our generation is either fixing this mess or letting it all burn. Obviously one is preferable to the other, but if you're ever worried about the concept just know that I don't know who you are, but I want you to succeed user. I want you to be happy. And I also know this is within our power to do.
>latvia calling anyone potato nigger
>waaah bad things happen
>waah im sad look at me
you niggers need to stop whining and dig yourself out of that rut and move forward. only faggots let depression consume their lives. Fucking get a hobby, and move! Move, move move! The world doesn't wait for depressed faggots.
The point is that you're not entitled to anything and society doesn't have to give it to you
You have a life goal? You have to get a job and get money. Work is the only thing a society might need from you. It goes both ways.
No one is going to hBd you anything. You have to go out and earn it. Find your own happiness and it isn't through being. Degenerate sjw
You ARE a potato nigger.
Your response to legit useful advice is a snarky ''lol i am so funy'' nigger speak comment.
You're a fag.
be happy it isn't 1820. You'd be dead.
A happy life is not the goal. Pleasing God and going to Heaven is.
>society owes me happiness
today OP was truly a nigger
only person who acts like a nigger faggot here is you
stop being such a offended drama bitch, question still was valid and its not my fault you instantly got butthurt
Norwegians are hypcorites. We build walls around our gardens so passerbys can't see the house. But we are narcissist fools who share our happy lifes on facebook.
Most norwegians have enough with themselves. If i were to walk up to a random norwegian i'd be seen as weird. You don't talk to random people in Norway unless it's at a bar or nightclub or work.
As i am currently. I don't feel like i fit in the modern social society and i'd be better off going into the army. I've even considered the FFL at one point.
I've saved up quite a nice sum of money. But that's thanks to a lifestyle of just working and sleeping. I'm not good at treating myself. I can push myself 200% when i know someone depends on me. But i have nowhere the same energy to put into helping myself.
Example: my little sister asked if i wanted to join her for a week in Boston, MA. I happily joined and then i realized i haven't had a proper vacation in over 10 years. She's a history buff like me and we only had a week so she had a long list of things she wanted to see and do. I had no wishes off my own on the trip. I was more than happy enough to follow her around.
At the 4th day she asked if there was anything i wanted to do or see. And i couldn't think of anything. My sister had full control and i happily walked on asphalt from 07:00 to 02:00 every day that whole week. My shoulders were stiff as steel and my feet hurt like hell. But i managed to push myself because i knew if i were to stop i would slow her down. My focus on that trip was to not let my sister down.
I have this habit of striving to help others. But i neglect myself. I give and give but i never take and i never expect compliments or anything from others.
I'm a tool. Bosses love me because i never complain. I just do what i have to do and get my job over with. I'm every employers favorite.
I don't know why i don't care more for myself. I vision about improving myself but in the end i don't do anything on my days off work.
I'm grateful for that. I help other people and that is what gives me happiness. I don't give two craps about myself. But i have this other half of me telling me to take care of myself and work hard to "fit in" in society.
I've worked full time in various jobs since i was 17. I'm now 24. At least i'm doing my part of society and are not a leech.
Suffering comes from desire.
Read "No More Mr Nice Guy", its a quick read and can be done in couple of hours.
You sound like a typical nice guy, shitting on himself but pathologically trying to help others.
I don't really believe that you 'never expect compliments or anything from others' but i might be wroong and that's just my opinion.
Try it. Maybe it helps.
That was going to be my next question: how old are you, but you answered already so neat.
Yeah man that shit gets harder the older you get, I'm not going to lie to you, and I'm older than you too (the horror). However the thing about it is you really can't grow when not outside your comfort zone. I know at this point I'm starting to throw cliches at you, but some of them are really true, and that can be painful to admit to, but it doesn't make them any less true.
I don't have a magic bullet for you, I wish I did, but I don't. Maybe travel is your solution. Go to places where people are more sociable than in Norway, or maybe just suffer through Norwegians until you find people you like. If it was easy we would all be happy, well adjusted individuals and Sup Forums wouldn't exist. However I cannot stress this enough: you're going to have to start putting yourself first and putting yourself out there if you want things to happen. You're a guy, no one is going to help you up, you have to do it, and the society around you wants you to fail, but we're better than that. Maybe not all of us, but knowing that you're here, and knowing that you are actually asking for help I know that you're on the right track and you need to just keep following it. A lot of us are on the same track, bud. Maybe we'll see each other at the end.
You are a cuck.
It's not a fake hapiness when i recieve a genuine "thank you" from patients i've helped. There's no greater feeling for me. Yes, i am a nice guy and i'm awfully aware that it will get me nowhere. Just talking to random anons online makes me better. I really should just lay my life on the line in the hands of my GP. At this point i either risk losing my mind or i end up being labled a "crazy". At least if i can get diagnosed i have rights to help.
Norway is a welfare state like no other. I'll stress it really hard that i don't want to resolve my issues with pills. I know what hell they are and i believe i can solve my problems naturally.
I'll check out the book. Thanks for the suggestions.
After the trip to USA with my sister i really felt something special. I wanted to travel more. But it's been months now and i'm already back to the "i don't care, but i do care" phase again. I'm a loser for not being able to do things without the help of others.
I want out of my comfort zone. I want to take risks and live life. It's like two conflicting sides inside of me.
If i can be diagnosed and end up on welfare then i'd be content with that. But i have to really stress myself to act "normal" whenever i'm out. The only place i can relax and be myself is at home alone. Whenever i'm out i have to make sure i keep a straight back and head up, make sure i don't talk to myself, be mindful of talking loud enough when i speak to others as i often get "huh?" and people say i have to speak up.
I've been bullied physically and mentally through 7-13th grade in school. I'm still in defensive mode. I try to talk to others and butt in on conversations but i find myself often at lunchbreaks at work that i end up watching and listenng to others and never speaking up even when i want to.
I can't take money for doing nothing, I hate it. I want to achieve something, anything, before I take in money from the gobmint. That's why I work, I hate the feeling that I depend on the state.
As for unhappiness, most people here have a sense of what you describe. If you aren't forced to do it, you won't do it. Life is bleak and meaningless. You know that chasing the next high (another purchase, a gf, a house, a child) will give you a short buzz and then you will find another need to chase, so you can be busy. Nothing really matters, everything declines.
Truth is, we only have a very short amount of time on this earth and we all know that we are finite, but try our best not to acknowledge it. Jobs and series and friends distract you from your paralyzingly fear of death.
Happiness is a mindstate experienceable in the present moment, you have to work over yourself to reach it. It's very subjective and personal, it has very little to do with society's contribution.
I don't deny it. But i've never been in a relationship and i know people use me. I'm a tool. And i want out.
If i have to be labled a "crazy" to fix it then so be it. I'm reaching a point of no return and i don't like it.
Either the state will help me recover. Or they will get me on neetbux and i become a leech and a shutin which i've been all my life. It's working and socializing that stresses me out i think.
There was never any real reason, unless you had family that you needed to help.
What do you do for a living?
Society never promised you a happy life. Society is just a setting you find yourself in. You make your own success.
Anyway, you sound like a pathetic, whiny left-wing fuck or a nigger. If you're willing to work and make your choices intelligently, rather than based on chasing some faggy dream, it's almost impossible not to succeed. Worst case scenario is that you struggle for a few years because of a temporary recession or high unemployment in your field, but in the end it all evens out if you're moderately intelligent and willing to put in the work.
The only real problems we face that can be blamed on society are minorities and SJWs, but it's still nowhere near the point where it's impossible to live a productive, happy life.
Fuck normal.
Be you.
The people who don't want to be around you for being you aren't people you want to be around. Yeah that's going to drum out a lot of people, but you know what that's good. 100, hell 1,000,00 people who have your back loudly when everything is fake is literally nothing compared to 1 person who likes you for YOU.
It's a process, man, and you're going to hurt some people's feelings in doing so, but you need to be able to look at yourself and think "it's their loss if they don't want to know me" and believe it. You're not going to have the most friends in the world, and you shouldn't. However if you sit around and think about all the reasons why you can't, you are going to convince yourself really quick that you can't.
Look bud I have to go do real life stuff so I'm going to leave you with the best bit of advice I can think of for your situation. Once a week do some big outing that you wouldn't otherwise do, for at least, AT LEAST, an hour or two. Doesn't matter what it is. Go book shopping and maybe try to strike up a conversation with someone in the same section as you, go to a group event where you can interact with people (as I mentioned before you can look online for groups and activities), go to a sports bar or something when a game is on and sit at the bar and see if you click with someone there. It really doesn't matter, but you have to try, try, try. I won't lie to you either, you might not succeed at anything for some time. So don't try to do everything right away. Build on small successes and work your way from there. If you go out and you don't even talk to anyone, that's fine too. Build up, work on it, get more comfortable with these things that make you uncomfortable. You're going to make it bud.
Nvm read your first post.
I suggest you think hard about it.
I got diagnosed with depression following a very severe episode and I'm still not sure if I should have.
I have quite a similar situation my parents both have a history of working in mental health, and I learned my father's lineage has a history of depression.
Cheers for everything. Yeah. I do try and tell myself "It's their loss for not wanting to know me". I should start small like you say. Force myself outdoors for a few hours a day doing various things. Maybe try to keep the attitude of not expecting anything.
Really, thanks so much anons and everyone else i didn't quote.
eg hette ikkje mats desverre
Sounds like you have a B-12 deficiency
this is basically just a schizoid racist board
Actually a few months ago i had a bloodtest for mineral/vitamins value and my doc told me i was heavily deficent of vitam D. I've been on vitamin D supplements for a long time. But because of weed i'm waiting a few more weeks before i go do a checkup.
Sad to hear about your struggles, fellow Nordbro. I think depression and loneliness is quite common in this harsh country of ours.
I myself suffer from depression and anxiety, and there have been periods of my life where I've felt very lonely and isolated.
Like you say, Norway is a really shitty place if you want get to know people. You'll be seen as a werido if you try to strike up a conversation with strangers.
All my friends I've met through school and uni, shared acquaintances, and a few at concerts. I even have a few friends whom I consider semi red-pilled. If you have any special interests or hobbies, try and join a group or something like that.