The acting, the talent, the shots, the music.
Absolute Kino
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this scene alone, a part of the weakest of all 3 old school flicks, beats aboslutely everything and anything that one did.
Absolute trash. The only way to salvage this movie would have been to have it be about Jackie Chan finding a loophole where he is allowed to compete in a children's tournament and he beats up a bunch of kids.
I love the concept.
I liked it
I didn't know this garbage even existed.
poor Jackie Chan, thought he was making billions making chink kino
What's "kino" mean? Nigger in Chinese?
Wait- Jaden is a dude?
Stay mad whitey! Black Ninjas are superior in any way possible.
What a beautiful moment!
Also this one was unbelievable:
In the Chinese version of the film virtually all the scenes of the Chinese kid being a dick are edited out and the kiss between Jaden Smith and the little Chinese girl is cut as well because it triggered the chinks too badly
the only part I remember liking about this flick was Jaden Smith on the flight to China tries talking Chinese to some asian guy next to him and he replies 'dude, i'm from detroit'
something something real if our something aren't real
>the scene where jackie is wrecking his car and breaks down sobbing
I liked the original so I really wanted to hate the remake, but I ended up liking it too.
It's an original story, sort of, and everything about it is good and watchable.
This is my favorite scene where the nip keeps telling the negro "jack it off".
This scene illustrates the concept of wu-wei, a foundational tenet of Taoism, which means "action without action". Basically a mode of living spontaneously and in harmony with nature
Mr Han is likely a taoist and incorporates the philosophy into his kung fu training
I thoroughly enjoyed it as well
It was stupid to not keep the original title of Kung-Fu Kid. So stupid that the name was changed in every market outside of the English market