Moved to the UK a few days ago

>moved to the UK a few days ago
>getting everything in order
>go to the bank to open an account
>they have an option for an islamic bank account
>it complies with sharia law


Other urls found in this thread:

How do Islamic banks make their money then?


>No Credit interest

RIP England

>could very well be called the anti-jew account
>pol will still hate this because
>muh islam

No interest? Why wouldn't everyone just sign up for the Shariah account?

allah pls

Does the bank still give you interest on your money in savings?

So, england is an islamic country
How can this be disputed in this day and age?

That's not real lol

Anti-islam is being pushed by the JIDF. They tried this for a long time before the ISIS attacks and rapefugees of the past year gave it steam.

I don't want rapefugees in the US, and would prefer not to have muslims because I don't really like their culture, but if you think that the muslim world is what it is because of their own actions, and not the actions of Israel and the United States you're a moron.

There are people who genuinely and unironically believe that America is blameless and hasn't done anything to bring this terrorism upon themselves.

So if jews are the ones on control, and are the ones flooding lands with muslims, then would accepting this be anti kike, or pro kike?

Regardless, what you're saying is 'hey guys, jews are fucked as we all know, now lets stop their subversion of western culture and save western culture by replacing western culture. Makes total sense!

Kill yourself you inbred retard

Revisionist sand nigger bullshit

Pol hates islam AND kikes
They are not mutually exclusive.
They are both cancers on western society.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

Is this halal?

They play a kind of shell game with it. They don't charge you interests per se, but they will, for instance, buy the home and sell it to you at a higher price which corresponds to the interest payment.

It's bullshit and muslims need to be expelled from non muslim countries, of course.

We just hate Islam for what it is. Terrorism is a part of it but is by no mean the main one.

It's like you want to look retarded. I'll do what OP should have done and provide a source:

bluepilled AF
yes it is

Then there's this.

That's not what I said. It's possible to believe that the US overstepped its bounds in the middle east and to believe that muslims have no place in the western world. The correct thing to do would be to leave them alone. If we had left them alone, there would be no rapefugees, no 9/11, etc.

Israeli backed sentiments towards muslims has created an enemy where there need not be one.

And there would be no terrorism if we did not create and aid Israel constantly, as well as attack any administration in the middle east which was not a western puppet, and support the terror of regimes which brutalized their populations, simply because they obeyed the US where it mattered.

There is no arab-muslim destruction of Korea, or Japan, of China. And for very good reason.

America has brought this on ourselves, and is doing nothing to prevent it from spreading further. People pick up weapons for the taliban because they have nothing else. The only alternative is American and Israeli backed thuggery. Of course they go to the taliban, and leaders like Osama bin Laden.


Islam forbids the practice of jewsury. For that it's pretty based.

But other than that the religion promotes barbarism.

It's possible to acknowledge the positives of something and still want to address the negatives of it.

>And there would be no terrorism if we did not create and aid Israel constantly

Tell that to Thomas Jefferson retard

Muhammad's revolution in the seventh century was only possible because he was patronised by Jews who wanted to destroy the Roman and Persian societies they lived in. Sound familiar?

Yeah I reacted to your first line.
Middle east should be glassed, that includes Israel.

>March 22, 2005

Been under your noses for a while now.


Here's to hoping some bank robbers browser Sup Forums

How else do you think things got this bad?

>no credit interest
>no planned overdraft

so can someone who isnt retarded explain what this means in practice?

"Following the guidance of Islam is an important part of Everyday Life"
- Britbong

I'm gonna need a source for that, this interests me

So what is stopping regular people just choosing this?

>How else do you think things got this bad?
It's not bad - it's good.

British Bank sees and opening and jumps on it.

yes and no. I agree that liberal whites, jews etc are the number one problem, but still the islamic issue is a real one

Britain shooting of the cuckscale on this one.
Looks like Germany and Britain takes the #1 and #2 spot from now.

>There is no arab-muslim destruction of Korea, or Japan, of China. And for very good reason.

Islam is absolutely encroaching on the Far East. There are Islamic insurgencies in West China, West Burma, South Thailand and South Philippines, and Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore have already fallen. It's an inherently expansionist, supremacist ideology. We can never have peace with them.

I think our system is cheaper.
The Sharia banks only operate to circumvent Islamic shit.

>its good england is a defacto islamic state. The banks are making money!

Kill yourself

Hell, I'd put a towel on my noggin for 0% interest.

You wish, Captain Sweden

It's not bullshit, that's how it should be in the first place.

Interest rates and usury need to go

Kek wills it


>its good england is a defacto islamic state
Says who . . You have never been to England
>inb4 you lie and say you have

Banks jumped on an opportunity - That's why London is a leading Financial centre.



We are number 3 in EU but still too high imo.

basically its a anti kike card. expect to see alot of (((people))) complain and asked for it to be removed.

He's lying. The Jews and Christians lived in peace with Muslims until they wouldn't concert. Mohhamed tried for 15 years and they wouldn't. So he abrogated his non violent verse of the hadith and quran and essentially went to war the next 500 years after his death spreading islam through violence and murder. Mohhamed beheaded 1,000 people in one day. In a single fucking day. Then again he was a skilled military commander before becoming a "prophet" so it's not surprising he was itching to murder half the Christians and Jews in the world at that time


Christianity used to do the same, that's why they had the jews as moneylenders.

As to why Christians eventually allowed usury I don't know?

Why is this a problem? A company is offering a service that appeals to a specific clientele. That's how they make their money; by branching out. You can accept it or reject it, but don't get all smug about it. Also, if you're a yank there' plenty of islamic american banks

Checking divine quints.

>tfw no usury free bank account

gas the kikes already Mohammad, clearly these cucked white bitches aint gonna ever do it

>says the guy living in the country that is FORCING immigration quotas on other countries


that makes YOU the double cuck actually kek

We cucked you with our cuckomachism

>I deserve free money

Fuck off


Oh I havent have I? Glad you know everything about me. I bet you think I'm actually nip too.

You're a faggot and the reason your country is lost - a sissy that has his head up his ass, more concerned with money than the culture his ancestors fostered and sustained

Kill yourself cunt



Jewish citizens in the Roman Empire were literally collaborating with Muslim invaders and informing them of weaknesses in their cities' defences and in some cases even opening the gates for them, because they felt they were being persecuted by the Romans who rightly viewed them as a fifth column

Money is a man made social construct- any value tied to it is subjective.

0/10 for damage control.

>implying this is something to be proud of

Maybe hating krauts is the right thing to do

>lending = free

You pay it back kike.

i said someone who isnt retarded

This is actually pretty interesting

>Sharia Law forbids interest
>Jewish Banking only works with interest

are we breaking the conditioning on this motherfucker or what !?

usury and interest rates are literally free money you fucking kike

So is this why the kikes have been maneuvering western nations into destroying Islamic nations for decades? Because their way of banking offers no opportunity for shenanigans and profit?

How is offering a service to muslim patrons destroying all notions of what our "ancestors fostered and sustained". We've always been interacting with other cultures.

free market
what are you some kind of commie?

Kek, I am not proud of it, but why not have some fun in this cuck race towards extinction.

If you dont have a sense for irony and cynicism you cant survive

Shoo shoo kike

because it's not fucking funny anymore

there is no humour left in the bottom of the barrel that is this catastrophe

The bottom of the barrel IS humour.

If I couldnt laugh at it I would probably do very bad things

humour is a coping mechanism, at this point bad things need to be done

What's that, Mohammed - you've always been an islamic nation?

Kill yourself sissies

Shut up, sushi dick.
Go rub wasabi on your balls

From good goys of course

Caliphates are looking better and better everyday. Praise kek.

praise kek, he demands action

Aus on holiday here
You're pathetic and should have been beheaded like the cuck sissy you are instead of rigby
Kill yourself now

>Things has to be done



who browses Sup Forums when they're on holiday holy fuck

Roman empire fell at around 530 AD, Islam started around 600 AD.
Are you sure you're not thinking about the Christians?

>How do (((Islamic))) banks make their money then?
How I wonder...

>Moved to UK
>Laughing at UK
You're stuck here now retard.

Pay and you will not be beheaded.
What else?

Because, retard, why the fuck do they not have to pay interest on credit?
Go into a bank if you're white and ask if they'll let you open up a bank account where you pay them no interest for using credit.



I may as well just get a dark fucking tan and start wearing a turban and then I can get free handouts from people. I wouldn't have to pay interest, I could openly be against feminism, I could be racist towards everyone, I could force my local government to change laws specifically for me, I could force my job to comply with my outrageous demands like longer lunches to pray, not working near women, not talking to customers because they aren't muslim.

Seriously, why the fuck wouldn't I be a muslim now, i'll just blame everything on my shit tier outdated religion, i'll go get a bunch of wives and treat them like shit and then i'll completely ignore the fact my ancestors were the ones who started the modern slave trade and have been trading black people for centuries.

I don't pay interest on credit.

You really are a stupid fuck.

Read the thread or at least have some idea what you are talking about first.


>people arguing interest rates
>nobody talking about how britanistan is taking a turn for the mudslime dick after brexit

>Non interest bank
I guess they were not interested.

>Not paying up credit card in full every month.
Good goy

Someone in bed at like 4am coming down off 5 beers I downed after blowing a load in my gfs cunt

Dont get out much hmm?

Kill yourself faggot

fuck I hate the British

wish the Germans ethnically cleansed each and every last one of you toxic Rothschild-cock-sucking fucks