Where were you when my waifu told a Sup Forums story?
Lauren Southern is waifu material
>greentexting outside of 4chin
Had a giggle though
anti-white yid coalburner
I don't know who she is, but trying to greentext outside futaba-like imageboards is cancer.
>greentexting on Facebook
She is a Canadian libertarian activist and Alt Right advocate.
>liberal kike
>inb4 she's not liberal
she is, just not the modern liberal
keep in mind she works for jews so everything she said has to be taken with a cup of kosher salt
Fuck off nazi. This is alt right board.
Fuck off CNN, this is a board for everyone that can back up their ideals.
and lauren southern isn't alt-right remotely.
>muh greentext
It's called angle quotation marks, retard. I used them on e-mail way before 4chins.
She will never take you after the third world war on the corpses of your enemies
>greentexting in your email client
Oh shit, where did > come from?
Yes, we know, but here it's become known as greentexting. You don't see people calling that stupid frog "sadfrog" anymore do you?
>t.mexican intelectual
Lauren is pretty redpilled, she exposed the cucks in the Leaf's Libertarian party then became the queen of the Alt Right.
Shame her ego is too inflated and she probably won't be able to have kids.
>Greentexting in your emails
Hakase is cute!
wasn't green texting stolen from another chan?
the cutest
But she's not quoting anybody, it's a fucking green text story.
All Futaba clones have it.
they're comedy chevrons you fucking pleb
I fucked Lauren once. Shit was soo cash
All you faggots would fug her in a heartbeat. Don't lie
Actually meme arrows.
How big was her benis?
TFW you unwilling celibates fund some tart pretending to promote your values for a few shillings.
>Implying I don't have adblock on Youtube.
>Implying I would actually pay for a Rebel Media membership.
Your waifus a shit
Oh damn, she's not bad. She must have been a bit nerdy when she was younger.
Girthy, at one point she got one of her prickly rats to give me a tickle
>There is a cunt out there, shitposting at this very moment, who has rubbed his dick on Lauren Southern's hedgeheg.
What a world.
post qt lauren pics
I did too. Boring sex tho tbqh. She just laid there like a starfish expecting me to do all the work.
Was a libertarian, was
Bye then
is there a picture of her lying on her back? Doesn't even have to be lewd.
this. Kind of cringed but at least it was put to good use I suppose
BLASPHEMY! Repent for your sins NOW.
This, they're meme arrows you fucking ledditors.
you mean facebook frog? I've never known another name for him
Muh goddes sits on Sup Forums
She's a literal coalburning kike.
There's literally no evidence she's burned coal. Don't believe everything you see on Sup Forums.
Is this the same meme spouted about Kinsey? Literally every bitch that gets popular attention becomes a coalburner. It's like you niggers truly want every white bitch out there to fuck nogs.
Went to highschool with her. She's brainless and likes attention.
Prolly a generic modern whore
>Using comedy chevrons outside of autist approved shitposting zones
>having a waifu that isn't a little underage anime girl
Step it up desu senpai
>current year
>using meme arrows
I soggy doggy
To Minnesotans on here have a little spoiler alert, she'll be speaking here in less than a month.
You can have a 3D waifu, it's just kinda stupid.
Sup Forums version of sour grapes. Every attractive girl with a public profile is a filthy mudshark so I don't want her anyway, so there!
Posting her best video
>having a waifu that isn't another species
Someone also has to step up his waifu game.
She's just a run of the mill beta-Stacy who has infiltrated a male-dominated subculture in order to fill in a niche and garner massive amounts of attention. She's basically what "gamer girls" were 10 years ago.
Hakase a shit
>being a traitor to not just your race but your species
god dammit, I knew there were good looking women posting here
Ann Coulter is my political pundit waifu
>it's called angle quotation marks
>I used them in my email
Greentext, or meme arrows, are different from your email reply history, Paco.
>political pundit
She's a lawyer consultant and author. If she ever gets her own show, she would become a pundit then, but that's a rally weird way to describe what she does.
Does "has virus that gives her sperpowers" count as another species?
>there are newfags right now on pol who greentext outside of Sup Forums
>mfw people greentext on Slashdot.org
that's how I know its a Sup Forumstard or a Sup Forumstard there...
I like how you had to cherry pick a remotely flattering picture of "her"
>The jews.
What did he mean by this?
they shut it down!
>Gamergrill fad started 10 years ago
oh fuck me...
>Not Botan
what a shit taste, desu senpai
hahah yea dont people know this is our secret club?
>using greenieweenies outside of secret club
stupid normies hahahah reeee < < < >>> > > > make the triangle nigga bet u cant > >
Nice meme desu senpai
(((Cultural Libertarians)))
>he doesn't meme arrow to signal his fash to da goys
Too dark. She'd suit a light brunette.
He's right though. That used to be the way that quotes were marked when you replied to a post in old groups and forums too. Some of us old-timers remember.
"Her" cock is probably bigger than yours.
Autism 101 right here
I think that's pretty close to her natural hair color. She dyes it to look like a pure 100% aryan waifu for her fanboys. She, Milo, Sargon, and Molymeme are all jewish. Her grandparents were Danish jews.
Got a source for that?
Kill yourself shill.
>born 1995
Her voice is irritating
>Born same year as me
>Works nearby me
>Not a feminist
She's like a dream come true.
But I'll never have her...
I'm almost used to it at this point.
>tfw a person 4 years younger than you is a internationally known political figure.
>brb killing myself