Will South Park Ever be Good Again
Will South Park Ever be Good Again
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Look at what one of the creators son looks like, now you tell me if it will ever be good again.
nah, they don't even write their own material anymore. look at the credits, it's the same people that write the 'jokes' from the daily show. literally phoning it in for easy millions.
honestly I gave up on it waay back when I saw "Lice Capades"
the show was never supposed to be like this
They spent too long in california and lost touch with the common man. They are a lost cause
>his wife's son
No, OP. Look back at the things that made it funny to begin with. Pushing boundaries, making fun of things without caring about the consequences, sharp quick humor.
They've moved on to safe targets and politically correct humor. Can't blame them, who would want to deal with twitter backlash every week and death threats from liberals?
I didn't even realize the new season had started. How was the first episode?
Protip: the common man aren't retards living in fly over states.
Yes, first episode was a dud but they finally scrapped the cartman/heidi storyline. I'm hopefully optimistic.
Nope. It was already running out of steam 6 years ago. They should have ended the series with You're Getting Old.
t. limp wristed metrosexual coastal faggot weakling
The common man are shitskins living in squalor.
Sup Trey! How's the wife's son?
I didn't even state an opinion. I asked a question.
Aren't they? That's about as "common" as you can get.
I see them having a solid 2 good episodes this season. I hope this is last one
The last episode was fine
But it's good? It's not great anymore, but it's still good.
it had like one good joke and the rest of it didn't even make an attempt to be funny
derailing here, but why does Sup Forums have a thing against step parents? I thought a husband-wife nuclear family was the ideal family unit for raising a child into a productive citizen. Is single-mother/father more ideal when one is a failed parent?
>I like when South Park makes fun of things that don't hit too close to home
this is the issac hayes syndrome all over again
Who are you even quoting?
Just a meme from Sup Forums.
No. It's now written by a literal cuck with a nigger wife's son
Has South Park ever had a worse season premiere? I can't think of one.
HAHAHA yeah that will stop me
t. cuck
south park should have just had hilary win and garrison come home, and then have garrison make some remark like "did anyone actually think someone like me could win? this is real life not a fucking cartoon world, there are real consequences here and I clearly can't be in control of the mos powerful country in the world" and then just continue the hilary narrative they had planned.
They've killed off sadam and osama before they actually died and since they already replaced trump the south park version of the election didn't have to go the same way as in real life. Basically I'm just confused why they felt beholden to following through with the way the real election came out, I wish someone had told them they didn't have to and honestly the best joke they could make out of the trump election is to say not even in south park is something that crazy going to happen.
>hilary win
No, sweetie.
South Park hasn't been god for a while now. Maybe because I'm an adult? I'm not sure, but this show just isn't amusing anymore.
Sup Forums btfo
This last episode used redneck characters that were introduced to the show in 2004.
The only people btfo are teenagers that are too young to have any context, and are triggered at everything like a lot of young millennials.
Stay mad Cletus.
What are the best or decent post-season 11 episodes (but not from the last two seasons)? I only ask because I've rewatched every other episode to exhaustion
I wasnt saying she was better than trump or anything remotely like that just from a writing perspective they should have just done what they wrote and tweaked why it was different than real life with a joke about real life being more absurd.
the bill clinton/bill cosby gentlemans club made no sense, there was no end game for the trolling thing cause the "moral" was suppose to be trolls dont win (trump loses), if member berries had some ending where everything goes back to how it was (clintons in the white house garrison back home) probably cartman losing the girlfriend over something about boys vs girls or memberin' how it used to be.
all of that fell through and they can say it was cause trump won but honestly it was cause they didn't see the bovious answer of having garrison lose and making south park a different world, legit after a quick "itd be to crazy for someone like me to actually become president" they could have fun with an alternate reality where Hillary won and shit on her or show how she'd handle an event happening and it would always be juxtaposed with our real world trump version. it was the better move narrative wise i wish they had seen it as a choice... feeling like they needed weird south park hippo god to tell them that was an option like when satan cant decide between sadam and chris but forgets he can just choose neither. matt and trey felt trapped with not having garrison come home or actually show trump forgetting they could just do what they planned and take the third option, hillary.
>memberberries are indestructible
>but you can eat them
>and memberberries can kill other memberberries
>and they can sing Africa by Toto
well what did you expect, the show was created by an atheist and a jew, of course they're gonna milk it for as long as they can on account of first few seasons that were actually funny
trey parker should've stopped at Orgazmo
Agreed, that would've been a great ending. Instead it gets a huge revival through making fun of pc culture, becomes fucking episodic and becomes more of a political cartoon than a comedic one. I know South Park had politics in earlier episodes as well but it wasn't the main focus, it always took a backseat to the humor. The only reason any person on Sup Forums liked last season is because it was mindless bashing of liberalism. Suddenly the winds change and South Park is unfunny to the denizens of Sup Forums-chan all because they're the ones being made fun of now. Fuck South Park, it should've ended after season 12 at the latest before it could devolve to this.
>What about the JEWS!
Did you know Israel is secretly controlled by jews?
Whoa... simply epic user. Really made me ponder. You've inspired me to change my ways. Simply simply epic.
I remember that Pewdiepie episode.