So /pol says Slavs aren't white huh? Look at this russian qt and tell me she isn't white. Go ahead /pol and make a fool of yourself
Slavs aren't white?
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Fuck off twitch meme faggot
white is an american meme to make racemixed europeans in america feel good about themselves.
slavs have a light complexion as well, but slavs aren't white
Slavs are objectively mixed because of Mongols raping them. Not white.
Looks asian
Complains about twitch streamer while knowing that she's a twitch streamer. You're a smart one. Let me guess Alabama?
cute enough for me
Saged and hidden.
Real pretty nigger you got there OP
I find it fascinating how the goalpost for "white" moves in /pol. Last time I checked, Irish were not white. So I assume Slavs aren't.
I don't know if anyone is white anymore.
niggers > slavs
Slavs are definitely white (except for Russians and ukrainians)
that's the biggest zipper i've ever seen. looks white to me.
>white physical traits make a person "white"
You can paint a nigger, give them plastic surgery, and laser eye color surgery, none of that makes them white.
What makes a person white is what's between their ears.
Slavs are not white.
what a cute asian
Only true whites are Nords.
Russians are literally white niggers. Just pick a random nigger picture, give him white skin with photoshop and you get a russian
No, I'm Italian and know ppl that know her from Italy you fucking cuck
Why are people saying asian lol
How much for her?
Slavs are not white. Do not be fooled.
That's why she always streams in russian huh? She's probably there for school or some shit
Slavs are white. I'd argue that slavs are more white than Mediterraneans, because they have blue eyes, pale skin and brown hair
>Giving a fuck what you Westeners think.
That's your first mistake there bratan.
Would betray the white race for/10
No you fucking idiot her entire family lives there
post moar, it's hard to tell from so few photos
Here is the official map of white people in europe. Please r8.
And? She's clearly a fucking slav. She's the biggest female streamer on twitch. Do you have any idea how much more money she could make if she was able to appeal to get western money instead of the fucking rubles she gets. Seriously how far can they possibly go on Italy. Girl is broke as fuck
>tfw white
Feels nice
>she is the biggest female streamer on twitch
Dat delusion
>know ppl that know her from Italy
Sorry mate but only Anglo saxons are white
Karina is a poor man's alina desu.
Slavs have a higher presence of mongoloid genes than europeans, but they are white.
>le is x white
Wonder (((who))) could possibly benefit from divided whites.
lol now I know you're trolling. You went to far bro. Should've stopped at the last message. She regularly get over 5k viewers. No other girl does that. Even that slut legendary lea can only pull 1k
Get lost, cracka. We're god tier hyperborean/asian breed. We wuz tzars and sheit. Have fun being cucked, white boy.
Stop listening to nazifags.
She isn't white tho. She is clearly part mong(re)ol. The only white slavs are northern Balkans, Poland, east and northern Ukraine, Eastern Belorussians, north west Russia and Kuban and Zaparohzni cossacks. There are more smaller white slavs but they're to irrelevent.
Italy is the best country in the world to live in idiot
>le white is a social construct meme
Mixed asian then
probably not white, what color are her nipples?
Literally who?
When a girls wear a choker does it mean she is a slut?
Why are Mongolian mixes so beautiful?
>Slavs have a higher presence of mongoloid genes than europeans
these threads get funnier each time I read them
yeah, a good 70-85% of the time
Thinking Italy is the most expensive country in the world lol. She's broke as fuck because she gets tipped in rubles. She could easily afford to live there if she was able to appeal to westerners
That's a normal zipper she's just really small from diet of lamprey, beets and vodka.
that zipper is bigger than her fucking nose
So close
Claims to know twitch doesn't know legendary lea. You really are hilarious bro. I mean its not like she's dating the 2nd biggest streamer on twitch and is a very controversial streamer for being able to flash her ass/pussy and get away with it. Its over bro, everyone knows you're lying
if slavs arent white whiteness kinda sucks
slavs arent even human
white is a luxury at this point
The saddest thing about Sup Forums is that people here are obsessed with figuring out who is whiter than who, while we all are drowning in shit. This slavs aren't white meme is also dumb thing, we obviously are and have a pretty fucking white history, moreover we are more relevant and contributed more to european culture than nordic 'master races' everyone is fappin' on. And when these retards see a slav they like, they'll just say 'this one just has alot of germanic in him'.
also karina is a whore
This is a slide thread.
Slavs are clearly white and in general whites are very diverse in terms of how they look. Contrary to the blonde blue eye meme.
>Amurican poster
>white is an american meme
This is true.
The term was coined as an opposite to black. There literally is no definition of white race other then not black.
Only legit retards and Stormfaggots believe slavs and Irish aren't white
When did I say Italy is the most expensive country in the world? Also did I gave you the impression I give a fuck about whatever sob fucking story of some fucking gypsy?
Oh cry me a fucking river subhumans. Even Italians have more achievements then all of you combined
Mehh most people saying that slavs aren't white are Americunts, who are a bunch of mixed breeds so there is no point talking to them.
Squating slavs in track suits
If Irish and Russians are not white, what is even the point of being white if you exclude two of the coolest nationalities.
Show them what the real red army looked like by 1945 LOL fucking Mongol scum
okay mario
Just some presumed culturally Slavic nations are not White:
Bulgarians(Turked and Bulgar tribe was Turkic. Not White in the first place)
Macedonians, Montenegroes, Serbs(Turked)
Ukrainians(30% of ethnic Ukranian population is tatared and ottomaned
Jesus is there a more pathetic post in this universe ever?
wtf do you know about white, mixed race murifat that you are.
>inb4 im 1/20th irish, 1/15th Finnish, 1/100th native american and nigger all the rest.
Yeah, nice people you have there hans :^)
See this Syrian girl in my picture? She has light - skin and blue eyes. If that's your criteria for white people, there are Arabs and Turks that would qualify as being white.
I don't even consider Italians, Spaniards and the Portuguese white, let alone Slavs.
it means she'll take it up the butt
if i'll imply your logic to usa then it would mean that you are all niggers since there is niggers in your army
it's actually has a bit of truth in it anyway
How's that astounding wealth treating you?
In reality it mostly the British.
America has fully assimilated eastern European communities all over the place. Most people here don't even use the word Slav.
Portuguese, Sicilians and half of Spain are not white you got it right.
chang pls
Slavs are a mixture of different ethnicities. Some slavs are white, others not so much.
Okay ummm.....Ivan..? Maybe Kinski? Sorry there are no Slavic names that have ever even been as close to importance like the word "Mario" lmao
Pathetic because I btfo? Don't you have a continent to destroy?
That's hot
if italians are white why do you all have poo skin?
doesnt add up
Don't use the word "bro", that's fucking disgusting
she's cute but you'd be surprised how savage and rudimentary East Euros to Russians can be. I'm talking squat down to take a piss in front of her friends because too lazy to find a restroom as they're hanging out
Typical German culture
of course Slavs are white, it's simply not up for debate.
you're retarded because western europe has more west-asian admixture while eastern europe has more east-asian, but it's a negligible amount.
my skin is actually whiter than my ikea table
Karina treda
PS she's mentally insane
U madski, slavski? :,)
This. I like it when modern germans still think they're 100% germanic when they have mixed with every european race
Slavs are white you fucking idiots. They are eastern/southeastern european, all europeans are white.
>Ukrainians not white
>"presumed" culturally Slavic
>tatared and ottomaned
says the 50% kazakhed and georgianed ethnic Russian, whose slavic people's original capital was Kiev for hundreds of years before Moscow was even an idea
I know you guys are like supposed to hate each other right now, but c'mon Ivan
here is a pic of my sis Sasha, not even american can seriously look at her and say that she is not white
Show me her teeth, i'll tell you if she's really white.
even if they were not, nationalism isn't just for white people.
but you gotta (((divide))) am i right?
last century was pretty based desu senpai kohai
With the migrants flooding those countries we'll see who are the whites in 20 years