Wow is this the best he can do? Don't vote for my opponent shes not healthy?
Yeah it's pretty stupid. Personally I think whoever has the most debilitating mental conditions should be leader of the free world. Fuck these ableist Nazis. Health has nothing to do with capacity to make important decisions.
You want a president that sleeps 18 hours a day and can't talk for ten minutes without nearly dying?
It's the same guy posting this thread over and over. Sage and hide.
It worked in 2008 when the Democrats said it about John Mccain.
Also it's true, she is literally unfit, based on numerous actions of bad judgement do to bad health and brain damage - her own admission.
WTF is wrong with that witch?
>Trump doesn't have the temperament to be president!!
>Hillarys health shouldn't be an issue!
A shekel was just deposited to your account OP, keep up the good work!
>Hillary elected president
>spends entire time in bed
>hopped up on painkillers and meds to try and squeeze the last few weeks out of life as the philosophers stone that she had runs out of Iraqi souls to keep her alive
Madame President, the Russians, Chinese, Nazis, Norks, Canadians, Mexicans, and the Macedonians are invading. We need you to command the military to defend America
*hack* *hack* I can only concentrate for 10 minutes before I need a nap(18 hours long)
Okay well just sign this emergency bill to give all your powers to VP while you rest, but you need to at least rally the American people
>gets dolled up in 5 pounds of makeup
>drolling like a baby, as her hospital room is green screened into the oval office
>opens her crusty wheezing mouth
>between minute long fits of coughing manages to utter one sentence
Donald Trump is a racist
>Canadian cock mercenaries burst into room
>proceed to rape Hilldawg on camera
>America capitulates the next day
>Reconquista complete
>Alaska returned to Russia
>Hawaii annexed by China
>TMITHC splitting up of America commences
>Hilldawgs lifeless corpse stuffed and preserved as a Canadian fucktoy war trophy given to the Maple leafs as they win their first Stanley Cup in decades
Yeah what could possibly go wrong.
Thank you for Correcting the Record. I'm with her now, my dude.
I'd still rather have an ill but morally righteous woman over a racist like Drumpf.
it's ogre she's all done, just a matter of time before people start handing her parachutes before they jump
>Health has nothing to do with capacity to make important decisions.
that said FDR was pretty shit
>Wow is this the best he can do? Don't vote for my opponent shes not healthy?
So you guys are finally admitting it's true.
Good to know.
Wow. So canadians really are into bestiality.
>Hillary Clinton
I don't think imps and trolls count as animals per se but it's a strange idea that ANYONE would ever fuck Hillary Clinton, so I'll let that slide
i'm ashamed to say that i had a dream where i fucked hilldawg in a pool's bathroom.
Just the fact that it is grinding your gears this much OP is why she is falling in polls
That's better than he usually is
shhh. they are getting US$ 0.03 every time the shitpost something... let them dream.
But it works. In 2016, to have a relatively successful campaign in US all you have to do is throw shit at your opponent without even bothering to talk about your actual political "program", because people are just fed up with entire system.