How can white people even compete?

How can white people even compete?

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Who do you think designed it?

Flushing toilets.

By using Amir's money to build it, then when the Sunni empire's petro-currency crashes, they'll repossess it for pennies on the dollar..

It's tall. But cant compete with this.

Seriously. Tall buildings are easy.

Infrastructure is hard.

Fly planes into it obviously

Designed by dutch
Built by indians

shitskins hired a white builders.

it was designed by dutch whites.

it's still white to us

Adrian Smith
>lead structural engineer
>bill baker


How can nonwhites even compete?

Who do you think built the tallest buildings in your city?
Pro tip, not whites.
That's an old video. Infrastructure in modern Dubai is WAY ahead of any american city.

>Architecture by whites.
>Construction management by Chinese.
>Labor by Indians.

All the Arabs did was write the check.

That building doesn't have a sewage system. When the oil money dries up, it's going to be the world's tallest slum.

inb4 it gets blown up for Allah


>designed by whites
>head of construction white
>poo in loos did some manual labour to help building it
>Arabs only wrote the check
>implying you would even want this abomination in any real city

Ahmed go back

>That building doesn't have a sewage system

>Tower isn't even complete before they ran out of funding
>have to be bailed out by the crown prince to finish the building
>he slaps his name on it as a reminder

Oh I'm avvin a giggle. It's a cool building but it is only the first of its kind in the super tall buildings pissing contest.

how many slaves (its okay that they have them but not evil whitey) died constructing this stupid fire hazard?

No reason for it.

I hear they have a hard time getting enough commerce flowing in their city to begin with.

By having the same building built, but having it connected to the sewers system this time.

By having more than just oil as a ressource



Yes, unfortunately. Slavery is banned in the west.

They start out by designing the thing. Then they build it with your granpappy's oil money.


Because you stole our fucking design and used our money to build it you bunch of sandniggers. That design is frank lloyd wright

how can everyone ever compete? i mean look how skilled i am, did this alone

No, that design is just a variant of Imhotep's design.

>Because you stole our fucking design

White people invented tall things


I prefer Mia Khalifa.

I do not understand what wants tell author the first lent

My whole problem with Dubai is that I imagine Taylor Swift and her entourage renting the 77th and the 78th floors, wow that's cool, but the other fucking 100 floors are full of Mohammed Atta and his smelly muslim pals.

Seriously. why does any fucking white person go there??

you can't polish a turd, and that's what dubai is.

like las vegas

I've never seen the Norwegian capitol before.

What is that building even good for?

crap in convoy

Isn't that one of the eight marvels of the modern world?

If you want us to see the shirt, move the bookcase dumb ass


How move at your county?

Why is Sweden so fucking pathetic?

>funded by white money
>built with white technology
Gee muhammad, how come your culture lets you have two wives?

Because you are stupid niger

>tall buildings are easy
Literally tard.
Manuel factors must be considered, for instance the Burj was designed so that wind could not move the building.

this is the only answer

Imhotep is invisible

you're black?

>Infrastructure in modern Dubai is WAY ahead of any american city.

>USA: Ranked 8th--above Canada and Japan
>UAE: Ranked 14th or some shit


Who do you think oversaw the construction, ensuring the builders didn't screw up?

This is true. I used to live in Dubai. They couldn't organize to put in the infrastructure for sewerage mains so they just truck out the poop every day with cheap south Asian labor. Also, the building across the fountains from the Burj Khalifa (the hotel called The Address) burned recently because of non-fire retardant exterior panels.

Agreed that the UAE will be a shithole in a couple of decades when people realize that the weather is intolerable, the culture hypocritical, and the place completely unsuited for tourism, culture, or leisure.

It was designed by a white guy

Well you are stupid, i do not understand what are you talking about...

Nice try OP
Now the rel question is, how can no-white even compete?

гeй-хyeй, ты бля aмepикoc тyпoй вooбщe нe вpyбaeшьcя ни вo чтo. oбaмa чмo нaхyй, a кpым нaш и дoллapoм cвoи жoпy пoдoтpи, understand

They go through all the fucking trouble of erecting the tallest building and don't fucking bother to think about the poo?

god damn it. It's such a good looking building too.

ты cyкa, фpaнцyз oхyeл чтoль coвceм? внaтype, дa я в apмии eщё в coвeтcкoй блять cлyжил, a ты ктo тaкoй лягyшaтник, ёбaный? пoшёл нaхyй oтcюдa, этo тeпepь мoй тpeд

Nice cuckshed.

Speak english little russian faggot

UAE is more like a collection of city-states more than anything. I wouldn't consider them to be a real country.

We designed it and financed it with oil purchases.

Not the best course of action if you ask me, but still, the Burj Khalifa wouldn't exist without white people.

The poo situation with that building is an emblem of the UAE in general. Everything is for show and often stuff doesn't work as you'd want it too.

The building is tall (obviously) but it's not particularly inspiring. You enter (as a tourist) through a crappy shopping mall that could be in any city in the world. The whole precinct is very artificial and overpriced. It sucks to go around there on foot (I've tried around the Burj Khalifa a few times) and it sucks even more to try getting a park at busy times (to see a film in the cinemas in the mall, though the films themselves are censored, which means you miss key parts of the plot and characters). The area just feels very fake. I much prefer Bur Dubai, which at least has a little organic character and can be enjoyable to walk around.

no i don't little. i was born in 1966 year. i very bad speak english. french fuck arabs?


then gtfo if you can't speak english, no one understand your garbage here
arabs need to die

The French most definitely fuck Arabs.


>keq m8

nice one burger

Ours have working fucking toilets that don't just dump shit into trucks that then sit on the roads for days

>this is now my thread

Holy shit thats hilarious

>You enter through a crappy shopping mall

We'll that, along with everything else you talked about really killed the building for me.

It's like when I learned that castles weren't all they were cracked up to be when I was a kid.

Have they invested any money in asteroid mining and future shit like that? Maybe they are not allowed by daddy USA.

you're fuckind american. at what state you live?

The answer is right in front of you...

Well, white people designed it. And designed anything that led up to this kind of buildings. We just don't feel the need to waste a shitload of money on a km high building in the middle of the desert.

Impossible for whitey to compete


>The French most definitely fuck Arabs.
you do not understand my question. I meant the other way around

Just lay down pipes!

Surface to surface missiles should do just fine.

Inferring that India has relevance outside of being an artificially created nuclear power - because Canada's CANDU reactors.

A shame that India could never expect to get embargoed, unless it really, really flips off Trump.
>India doesn't sewage?
Yeah. Really.

Because the unofficial continued usage of the Caste System is the only thing India has going for it.


The Arabs most certainly fuck the French.

Explain ever belonging to the EU, then.

This is the entrance. It's underground and just looks like a bland hotel lobby. There's also not much point being so high up in Dubai because there's nothing around you. It's all totally flat and sandy. You get a better view coming in to the airport, though it's not like a view you get flying in to Hong Kong or Manhattan or somewhere really dramatic from the sky.

Dubai is totally oversold and is a bullshit place. You'll also see that few posters here are from the UAE because the main ISPs there censor traffic heavily, which means no Sup Forums. It's a shitty totalitarian environment where the locals try to buy up Western prestige but end up producing a poor imitation of good Western cities. I'm glad I'm out and have no plan to return.


>Just lay down pipes!
Buildings are already in place, you can't just tunnel under the foundation like it was nothing.

Actually they have sewage connections the issue was that they finished the buildings before they finished their new treatment plant. Today they don't truck out poor anymore. But it's a good example of the poor planing of the UAE.

>they just truck out the poop every day with cheap south Asian labor

JFC are brown people ever NOT being brown people?

нy и cлoжный вaш aнглийcкий, нe знaю чтo вы тyт oбcyждaeтe. вы кoнчeныe, aнглocaкcoнcкaя цивилизaция изжилa ceбя, вы cлишкoм тoлepaнтный.

travelling to dubai soon to watch formulas etc, should i be scared?

пoчeмy вaши тypиcты ccyт нa нaших yлицaх?

>Achmeds in charge of plumbing

Are you telling me there are people who travel to UAE thinking it's somehow glamorous and don't realize it's just a typical arab shithole in the desert with some skyscrapers?

Funded by Arabs, Designed by whites, build by Pajeet. Been inside and took the luxury tour, you get access to a special floor where LBGs wait on you hand a foot, lots of free dates.

э ты, cлышь, пeндoc бля. тaких блядeй кaк ты знaeшь cкoлькo здecь пoбывaлo? тeпepь этo мoй тpeд, я eгo хoзяин. пoшли вce нaхyй oтcюдa

Do they use that stuff to grow food? Or do they just throw it away?

дa хyли эти нeбocкpёбы, пpиeзжaй в poccию и пocмoтpи кaк y нac кpacивo. oхyeeшь. и дa дoллapы пpивeзи нaм в cтpaнy, пиздeц их нe хвaтaeт


>All the Arabs did was write the check.

And imported sand from the US for the concrete.

This guy