Anyone else who feels no remorse for the swedecucks in here? Swedes are the rudest and the most arrogant shitposters here on Sup Forums. The fucking cucks deserve everything that's happening in their country right now and more. Fuck swedes.
Sweden hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Every single Scandinavian is cucked, stop deluding yourself
>my mere existence makes you mad
Suck my boyfriends big black cock stupid Finn
but I like you finland :(
Everyone likes Finland. That's not what the thread is about.
>dkn när norrbaggarna lider av enormt lillebrorskomplex och finnarna är monglider
>black president
>60% white
Burgers telling other whether they are cucked
>home of the EU
>Not a real country
My great-grandfather died defending Vyborg.
How does that relate in any way to the fact that Burgerland is
>60% white
>led by a black bull
Swedes destroyed our culture.
Even the Russians were better than you
t. Caj-Göran Cucksson.
i fucken love sweden
t. Sven Svensson
I'm pretty sure you misclicked my post.
You are a cuck. Simple as that.
If only you were a quarter the man he was
t. Pirka the drunk
This. Everytime i see new cuck news coming out of sweden like immigrants killing or raping swedes, sjws restricting swedes rights etc i chuckle a little and smile knowing that swedes deserve everything coming towards them. Swedes dying out is not a bad thing, in fact it should be encouraged. Sweden must perish.
Swedes aren't the problem. EU, the political elite in Sweden, and the immigrants themselves are. There's shitholes like Kista and Malmö, but it's a nice place otherwise.
Swedes ARE the problem you cuckold to swedes. Swedes hate finns and think we are inferior to them and you still want to be their friends. I have never met one friendly swede in my life. Swedes are cancer. I even prefer slavshits to swedes.
Hnng why she so qt
How does it feel to know you'll never be a true Finnic person? What are we even?
Swedes definitely deserve what they're getting
*psst you are supposed to hate on swedes here.*
t. Bengt-Björn Åkesson.
How about we help swedes, we don't bully them.
You must be quite young if you truly believe that. But hey that's just like your opinion man.
Hating on Sweden won't accomplish anything, not while even Finland is suffering because of cuck politicians and EU / bilderberg. I didn't see a single sandnigger before I was like 12-14 years old. Now I see 25-30% immigrants everytime I go outside.
The worst posters on Sup Forums are
1. Austrians
2. Leafs
3. Americans.
Norweebgians and Finnfaggots so mad.
We're as Finnic as it gets. We've just lost a part of our history and culture.
What are you doing?
You're starting to sound like a nigger.
>Ching Chong ding dong ping pong Hao Mei Lei Europing?
Nej Finland, you will never be Europing.
Actually the swedes here are less likely to be cucks.
Visit Malmö if you are so eager.
And you aren't any better than Russians. If anything, you seem to be proud of your crimes.
This is pitiful
Jews need death
once sweden perish. the jew will come for you mongol
>>>> This is Divide and Conquer Thread
Birger-Bo Blomfeldt
I don't understand how swedes live the way they do. If you visit places like 9gag (lot's of swede) There are meme posts about how the rest of the world should be like sweden with free school and refugee loving. I really feel sorry for swedish children being born to get cucked.
Here's the part I don't understand tho. How do the swedes that are getting fucked not fight back? I'm not even talking about protests and shit. How come I never here stories of a "deranged Swedish male chants islamphobic lines and murders a mosque?" I'm sure if what happens in Sweden happens in any other country mass riots would occur until a government was toppled. Swedes can go to hell. When did people forget how to go berserk (it's a fucking human instinct) How come shit like Breivik doesn't happen some more?
Why haven't you killed a shitskin yet?
Using anime in any post what so ever is the most disgusting thing you can do on Sup Forums
>Swedes hate finns
>Finnish poster, who hates Swedes
>Must be a Swede
Why is Päääckaaaaäää "Pecka" Lampinen so mad? Did someone shit in his mämmi or did they raise the price on the energydrink?
I'm amused we still have tourists coming here(Malmö). Town isn't lost enough.
t. Karl Johan Jåfs.
Don't you even dare joke about ES price rising..
You really don't anything about finland do you
We don't hate finns, we just dont take you seriously.
Even the US have existed longer than Finland.
Lativa is more of a real country.
Being insulted by a fin is like being lectured on eating healthy by an American, it's just funny and a bit wierd.
You really don't know anything about finland do you
>Anyone else who feels no remorse for the swedecucks in here?
Yes, I fucking hate Swedes, dirty fucking subhuman parasites.
Sweden DIE
> i was twice ripped off by their multiculturalism, I was not aware of it, I always thought of Sweden as the stereotypical football image, I guess Henrik Larson was a warning I should have looked into.
The enemy is not the bullets, its the bastards the run the economy of importing refugees to further their careers.
whodat doe
That's a good thing and only caused by swedish hatred of finns. I hope every swede gets raped by sandniggers.
>svenska talande battre folk
>get bullied for not speaking finnish
aland nuked when?
This. It's good to know people are getting redpilled about the true nature of the eternal swede.
ITT: butthurt böndes
T. Björn Brorson
Is this serious? I honestly wish Swedes were discriminated against, but they simply aren't. These are leftist women making up bullshit like they do all over the western world.
>insult swede
I swear they aren't sentient most of the time anymore
No. I hat hate d&c threads. Fuck off.
you forgot the niggers on the left side
Why can't we all be friends.
I absolutely hate Sweden. I remember reading or watching a documentary about Scandinavian black metal and there was a part in their where one of the artists was talking about how speaking Swedish in Norway will get the shit beaten out of you. When I saw that I didn't understand why Norwegians hated their neighbors so much but after I have seen how they govern themselves I hate them too. Sweden and Germany are so hell-bent on their own destruction that it's one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Let those cucked nations fall and be and example to all of Europe as to why leftism and multiculturalism don't work. Fuck Sweden, the only thing that will change my opinion of that country and those people is if they finally grow their balls back and take their country back from the sandnigger invaders.
Because Swedes are everything Sup Forums says Jews are and more.
Haha, you aren't even white.
Remember communism? They helped you getting rid of that!
my dad has worked in SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) for over 30 years, so he has worked a lot with swedes and danes. he says swedes are without a doubt the most useless
and stupid persons he has ever worked with,
Your dad is a wise man.
Norway has no industries, no scientific achievements, no renowned universities, being conquered by both Danmark and Sweden for 100 years.
Your dad is even a bitch at a Swedish company, hahaha!
this image excites me
the swedish bay
You're Finnish brothers will always be better than you're suicidal Nordic genes. Maybe they arent as cucked as you because Genghis Khan's steong warrior bloodline still lives in some of them.
>using pro-censorship, far-leftist imgur like a good little cuck
>not using superior
look at him and laugh
Jag klarar inte mera svergievänner. Alla runt mig är hjärndöda Islam älskande nu-males och feminister. Varför tar det här landet långsamt självmord
ITT: People cry about not being Swedish.
We have Jotun
What's that nigger? That's right, your country is gang bang of niggers and half niggers. Finland was conquered for hundreds of years by us, hahaha! Can't deny history, they are inferior to us!
You were conquered by us for a hundred years too my little Sven, we have held 100% of Sweden for a long time but you've never had all of us.
Fuck all the niggers, fuck all the jews, fuck all the cucks, fuck all transgenders, fuck all homosexuals, fuck all faggots and fuck everything outside of the norm.
>Wake up
>Realize i'm not Swedish
>Realize i was born Danish instead
Phew, that was a close one, almost fucked it up.
No, you held a shitty river in Skåne xD
Then we conquered your shitty army, and you pussy king pled for his life.
Shut the fuck up you reindeer-fucking wannabe slav fuck. Before we come enslave your piece of shit, stale, grey, shit country again. Fucking voi vittu.
Look at this, Jew-loving Bernie fan.
Fuck me daddy
Would you like to try again?
>England leaves EU
>Denmark leaves EU
>Norway, Denmark, and the UK restore the North Sea Empire by forming the North Sea Union
A man can only dream.