What the absolute fuck?

What the absolute fuck?

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wait you can put youtube content on imdb?


How the hell does a movie reviewer have his own IMDB page and counts it as episodes?

>you can put youtube content on imdb?



I got a channel. its all audio but anything to increase my imdb

the dudes from redlettermedia have imdb pages with credits for their youtube stuff

>wait you can put youtube content on imdb?
The same way you can put Netflix and Amazon content on IMDB.

Post it so i can give you dislikes


well I guess I;ll have to see how to do it. might have to join imdb pro or some shit.

used to post it here but I haven't posted anything since the last transformers movie. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to making videos one day.

Every time I see this picture I giggle. I still can't believe that it exists, and Chris put it in a video himself to prove that he's not racist.

Is this a neo-noir Heart of Darkness or just pretentious hogwash?


>He put it in GET OUT
>I grew up with black people

Same way you do it for regular TV
you get an IMDB pro account and submit it to be reviewed.
If the rando IMDB employee thinks your shit is legit you'll get the credit. Otherwise it's denied

>white grows up around blacks
>yet speaks proper english
really makes you think

>Mfw the way he talks about his wife in her dress

>If the rando IMDB employee thinks
hmm, Then I wonder if my really low budget video game reviews are worth putting up on the site.

>grew up with a lot of black friends
>still calls them 'friends of color' instead of black
yeah sure

Movie: Chris Stuckmann
Creator: Chris Stuckmann
Director: Chris Stuckmann
Stars: Chris Stuckmann, Chris Stuckmann, Chris Stuckmann... See More>
Producers: Chris Stuckmann, Chris Stuckmann

HOLY SHIT is our world that insane now that whenever a white male has to mention blacks, he has to make reference to the fact that he has black friends in case people call him a racist?

>Lady in the Water

so comfy watching rise of power of this weirdo

Cant wait for Stuckmann TV

>The Dark Knight
>Mission Impossible
He has great taste


Can you read?
>"Film scores"

>entry level automobiles
the fuck does this mean

I hate his thumbnails. What is that face meant to convey? He always looks either confused, stoned, or retarded in all of his video thumbnails.

get cuckmannized

We are talking about a guy who cried when RLM made fun of him, not realizing that RLM were just being satire.




The dude has no taste nor does he have any knowledge of movies.

I'm willing to guess he hasn't seen a film later than 1974

Content cop is legit entertaining though.
Youtube drama is retarded, and idubbz is literally cancer, but theres something satisfying about watching popular people lose all their subs