The Great Debate
9/10 v 4.5/10
Not even close
2017 no question.
Same goes for literally every other kid in the movie.
left is a boy and right is a cute girl
2017 looks like a creepy white boy from old timey ads
>MTF tranny vs actual girl
>the great debate
other way around brodum
The one on the right is Ed O Neil right?
If the girl on the left had braided pigtails, we'd be in business.
What did she mean by this?
I can't unsee Vin Diesel on the right.
She means she's a nervous, pubescent teenage girl talking to an older man who she's a little bit attracted to.
You just know.
a little bit? she's going to be schlicking to his visage for the next decade
There is no debate
I didn't realize they made Stan a girl in the Currywise version.
>the true meaning of the blood sink scene
David Duke
Wow, I kinda want to fuck Vin Diesel now.
The one on the right looks right looks dopey as fuck while my waifu sophia is angelically lovecraftian.
>modern Crest packaging
Thats the point of the scene dumbass
If she were Lovecraftian, she wouldn't exist because HPL hated women and romance.
Left looks like a cute girl while right looks like Vin Diesel
2017 if you're straight and the TV version of you're gay.
rat-a-tat-tat brim brim bram
Sophia duh, don't get me wrong I a fan of fast and the furious.
Right, because she's younger, cuter and actually looks like a girl.
Emily didn't look good until later. Sophia will end up more mannish than Bella Thorne.
Left is cute as fuck. Easily one of the cutest girls I've seen in my life. Although she's only like 15 years old.
miniseries Bev wasn't hoish enough
Left is a jewish tranny who can't act, right is a cute girl
Huh? Right looks far more jewish. Have you ever seen a jew? I have
The new Bev almost ruined the movie with her shitty line delivery. They should have found a better actor
I'll take the skin cancer over the jew.
They didn't even have the scene where all the boys run train on Bev.
out dat ass
I don't fucking get why does Sup Forums pretend average looking child actresses are hot.
Are you guys trying to be funny and weird? Fuck off. Go watch some PTHC then we'll talk.
No debate needed