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Anyone who can actually respect anything that pig says is insane.
Your jokes are bad, and you should be a comedian, you're a disgrace bitch
Anybody who actually takes advice from """comedians""" is insane
I am insane, and I am a feminist.
Checkmate, Annie Shoomer
I don't need some fat bitch telling me what I already know.
Guaranteed 400 replies
Come on America, do the the right thing and vote for trump, yeah fuck you spain
my thread is doing better on Sup Forums i guess
Women can't survive without men.
Her borders just keep on expanding
Someone spam this bitch with miss piggy photorealism
Somebody tell Schumer to do a Champagne Socialist skit that rips the left wing a new asshole.
Stick a message on it that if she does not use the bit, it will be used in a free distribution format to show the world what real comedy looks like.
She (and her writers) should work with the ideas: "It's only wrong when the white man does it." "I'd support leftwing principles if they didn't cut my bank account down to size." "I care about social justice and I'm prepared to use all of you money to solve the inequality problem." etc.
Come on Amy, summon some courage and get your funny back!
Better idea, tell her the ideas will be pitched to Daniel Tosh and Anthony Jeselneck if she passes on them.
Hah, I really liked this thread over on Sup Forums with the exact same OP and picture. Really good stuff man. Haha.
Amy Schumer is a fat rapist
>Anyone who doesn't believe we should gas all kikes because they're the ones in charge is insane.
Also, better learn spanish, bitch - you just gave trump the minority mens vote too. Except the mexicans, who are now more worried about aggressive try-hard hamplanets invading their country, then they are about any wall.
Fast forward to Milo's point about Amy.
Kek I want a debate between it and Gavin right nao
>Ignore what we do just look at the dictionary!
>It's 2016! Check the dictionary!
Her argument is invalid because she's fat and unfunny
She just called all Muslims insane! wow such a bigot.
>I think anyone who is not a feminist is an insane person
>I think they don't know what feminism means
Make up your mind cunt, do you actually believe non feminists are insane or do you think they are ignorant? Those two things are not equivalent.
This. Someone rev up the twitters and spam her.
Alert the SPLC too, for good measure.
>get your funny back!
It was never there in the first place.
She's fat as fuck and has a disgusting personality, but I really want to eat her butt and cum in her hair.
I wish I hadn't realized this about myself desu.
This Jewish pig i cant stand.
>muh vagina
>Anyone who is not a feminist is insane :^)
>Amy Shumer also joked that she would learn Spanish and leave the country if Trump is elected
Is it bad that I'm voting for trump just to shut up these dumbass motherfuckers? Or, God willing, they actually do leave the country?
This kike gets fatter each time I see her
She is so ugly. She cried fake rape for attention and marketing. Not only that, as Steven Crowder pointed out, supposing she was telling the truth, she is a horrible example to women for not going to the police. What an ugly person, both inside and out. She isn't funny either.
How often does this fat cunt actually talk about real feminist issues, like FGM, access to equal education in the third World, forced marriages etc.? People don't call themselves feminists because they now think it's about bollocks like mansplaining/spreading, positive discrimination towards women, and against men, and stuff like that.
Feminism is now a substitute to being funny it seems.
She's also jewish.
Says the uneducated "comedian" that didn't even go to university. Did this piggy even finish high school?
I have no idea what feminism is.
>I would like to be called insane to my face by someone.
>so I can show em the crazy.
I'd like to see her in conversation with Ben Shapiro.
>Learn spanish
>Leave the country
No, please...
Literally who
>muh israel
>muh vagina
(((Amy Schumer)))
>changes insult
>hopes it will change outcome
>properly madness
Aren't all women insane to begin with?
So technically the statement is true
Don't worry I think she intends to flee to Mexico. And by Mexico I mean Cabo or Cancun on a resort.