
Why is English so complicated?
Even basic communication is difficult in different English speaking countries.
Like, if people light up a fag in Britain, they are going to smoke a cigarette,
if people light up a fag in the USA, it means the local Klu-Klux-Klan is having a party.

Verb second grammar structure can kiss my pubes.

svo master race reporting in.

English is the easiest language in the world, I don't know what you're talking about.


Pick one, Ahmed.

so easy children can learn it in a public school.

England exported her dominance all over the globe before mass communication (thanks, Dad). There are lots of idiomatic differences.

It's just how it is. I don't know what to tell you.

>The guy whose language has over 20 ways to say a/an/the and 3 noun genders complaining about English

Well maybe the Germanosphere was more than just Germany and a few non-countries that border Germany you'd be able to experience the joy of crossing the oceans and finding someone who speaks almost but not quite like you.
As it is the internet will probably kill a lot of the diversity in the English language. British English will be Americanized, American English will be Britishised. And everyone will keep laughing at the Indians.

Is this supposed to be b8 thread?
The differences are minimal you cuck.

>be """"""""german"""""""
>thinks that english is a hard language
you must be a second or third gen turk that only speaks turkish because you never leave your little safe space

english is incredibly simple. the hard part is the extensive vocabulary with no consistent patterns of pronunciation or spelling

Aside from le funny joke that you made, people from every different anglo country on here will have made full comprehension of what you just wrote.

And because context is a thing and not everyone is autistic, we're all able to get past the fag thing too.

Ha! I learned English when I was a baby. A BABY!

>German education

personally when I went over to america I couldnt understand what the hell was going on. a man calling himself a 'cop' (but dressed like a policeman) told me to not toss my 'garbage' (?) on the 'sidewalk' and I didnt know what to do. I couldnt work out what he was asking me to do so I just stammed 'y-you too' and carried on

I wish everyone spoke exactly the same form of english so we could understand each other.

I had to learn Russian back in the DDR.

German is a very logical & structured language.

English is objectively one of the easiest languages out there for two simple reasons
A) sentence syntax is dead simple; inversion of subject and predicator happens only in questions and emphatic formations
B) conversion between different parts of speech is virtually unlimited

I feel your lostness in the jungle of alien English dialects, just as your urge for order.

No native German should find English, with its numerous similarities to German hard. Trust me, I've got a certificate in both languages.

Try learning Hungarian. THAT is complicated.

Square cookies. You guys are obsessed with right angles. Those are brutalist cookies.

Hexagonal pizzas. You sicken me.

>I had to learn Russian back in the DDR.
>German is a very logical & structured language.
>Why is English so complicated?

something tells me that you are full of bullshit
go back to turkey shithead

Wut? Is sidewalk american?

This. Plus there's so much English language media it's impossiblw not to pick it up.

hmmm lecker Mett

I'm glad I speak american.

Yes its called a footpath in UK. Roads are Carways and Highways are Motorways.

>German is a very logical & structured language.

Umm no it really isn't. The use of gender in nouns, for example, is completely pulled out of a hat. Also dem word orders in sentences wtf.

That's not a pizza.

Uralic languages are crazy.

>Be in Budapest
>The next stop was Bratislava
>Go to train station for buying the tickets
>Look for "Bratislava"
>mfw "Pozsony"
Hungary, why?

I was born in Cottbus, 1974.

Then what the heck is a carriageway?

and why do you act like a baiting turk nigger on the internet?
i don't believe anything you say.
get some bananas and be happy that you get some nowdays or be happy that it was your ancestors favorite dish.

Carway? What the hell is a carway? I call them "roads". Big roads are dual carriageways. Big fuck off roads are motorways. Am I wronging?

Retards, all of you.

Is this good? What's it taste like?

Every language has different dialects that can be nearly unintelligible to each other. Spanish, German, English, Chinese. Probably Russian and shit too.

fuck off yankee doodle dandy

"The city received its contemporary name in 1919. Beforehand it was mostly known in English by its German name, Pressburg, as it was long dominated by Austrians and other German-speakers. This is the term which the German, the pre-1919 Slovak (Prešporok) and Czech (Prešpurk) names are derived from.[11] The city's Hungarian name, Pozsony, was given after the castle's first castellan, "Poson". The origin of the name is unclear: it might come from the Czech Pos or the German Poscho, which are personal names. Hungarian speakers still use the Hungarian name, Pozsony."

Could you please take off your skirt and stop bitching?

It's great, raw grounded pork on rolls.

fuck that is coming from pop tart nation


Also, in Hungarian, the words are pronounced exactly as they are written (hence our 44 letters long alphabet), yet I don't think there is a sane person in this world who would say it's an easy language.

>if people light up a fag in the USA, it means the local Klu-Klux-Klan is having a party.

Nobody in the USA would ever come to this conclusion. The KKK is so irrelevant, people would think your shooting gays or sucking their dicks.

Well, you guys heavily immigrated to the US, so a little bit of you guys have rubbed off onto us



>what is a dialect

Austrian German is different from German German

American English is different from English English


Are you mentally challenged, seriously? English not having cases and having extra mega super duper easy declination makes it EXTREMELY easy for basic communication (if you are thirsty you say "i want water", not "ich wuncshe? wunscht? wunschen? das? des? dem? den? Wasser" ). English only gets complicated at academic level because of over 9000 idioms and colloquialisms

And those idiomatic differences (fag vs, cigarette) are exactly the same like ones between austrian and german Deutsch, so i really dont know what are you talking about