>theater laughs
is there a joke im missing here?
Theater laughs
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wat film?
They're laughing at you for not admiring that ass
IT (2017)
Isn't this girl only 15?
If it bleeds it breeds ;)
15 year olds have been bleeding from their vaginas for years
She'd still flow like her long red hair.
I'm assuming it's because all she wants to do is stop her cunt from bleeding, one of the most basic and human biological actions, but is then faced with a literal wall of choices as to what to choose.
One of the few times choice paralysis humour is funny.
Jesus Christ
>american education
>my friend laughed when Eddie breathed into his asthma
... ?
The illusion of choice under capitalism is indeed quite funny
>15 year old girls don't have periods
are you literally retarded?
That's the joke. She's way too young for tampons.
How did he get away with this shot? Not only that but how did he actually storyboard this scene and then tell the cameraman "please make sure that her ass is in frame".
Uhh...the average person starts puberty at 13 user. Some girls start bleeding as young as 10 (know this because a friend told me that's when she started and that it was a really awkward experience)
Yeah, at least under socialism that illusion is crushed when everyone is standing in a breadline.
Reminded me of this
Would eat her asshole desu
stop trying to cash in on the (you)s fag
here have this one kid
Anyone have webm when she bumps into the boys in the store and has an awkward stare while holding the tampons? That was funny.
god damn that's satisfying to look at
lmao you dumbass
depends. do girls bleed out of their assholes?
being this uneducated
>buys tampons
>goes swimming with the boys
Isn't that how women get cramps?
It was a nervous laugh to conceal arousal.
One can only hope
What the fuck is that
Oh look another bev pedo samefagging thread
>there is only one alternative to our current economic system
>it's shit so there really is no alternative
Go to bed Maggie.
dat ass doe
>on MY 4chans?!?
>this is what Americans are taught about their body
muh man!
haha what
>Shes 15
>Clearly shows shes hit puberty
Americans are really uneducated
Why are you keep spamming this disgusting rat looking kike?
I never understood why my neighbored liked lazy town so much, now I understand
stop being stupid
what does her used tampon smell like, bros?
no they just arent taught at all
the human anatomy is way too sexual for them. bobs are rude!
what does being a pedo have to do with if she's hit puberty or not? as long as she's under 18 you're a pedo
What the hell do they teach in health class these days? In the 90s, the class was collectively forced to learn about the anatomy and bodily functions of both sexes.
probably blood
its an idiot with a bloody nose jammed the tampons up too far and they fully expanded
i didnt even have to click it to know nonfist fighting faggots
then you remember the legal age is 16 in many countries
i cant deal with americans sometimes. how are they so braindead? absolutely stupid as fuck
t. high milage unwanted roastie
t. non-white
She's such a street smart spunky cutie pie
>health class
lol what?
It's even more mind bottling when you remember that 16 is the age of consent in most of the US
but what about the cocktail of vaginal secretions and arousal discharge mixed with HER blood
the scent, my good man...
>Can create life at 16
>Can't taste alcohol till 21
Land of the free everybody
>skin color really matters w/ roasties
whether, white, brown, yellow or nog
roasties literally are all nigger colored from being horribly used and abused fucken kek
reminder that it is perfectly legal and encouraged by the government for Americans to join the military when they are 17, but they can't purchase alcohol until 21
Many such cases. SAD!
What about the pieces of uterus skin that stuck to the cotton thing. what about the little eggs? I bet they taste like caviar
sliced fresh from the belly of a sturgeon pulled minutes out of the caspian on a beautiful september clear sky morning
>american (((education)))
Pedo is attraction to children...if she's already pubescent then anyone attracted to her is either a Hebephile or Ephebophile, which is a lot less vile. In fact most men are probably ephebophiles to some degree (if you find prime 18-19 pusy attractive, you're an ephebe)
>american movie
>18 year old is caught drinking a beer
>grounded and has a sit down chat with her father
>american """""""""education"""""""""
Ahhhhh a fine cup of Earl Rose
The gentleman's morning breakfast
Only in shitholes like Europe. In the US the age of consent is 18.
>Amerifat tips his father after the chat
>father tips after being served every beer by said daughter
Only as much as we do, mostly after laying a massive, wider-than-usual loaf.
I really really like this post.
goddamnit i would drink that, wring out the tampon over my mouth, and beg for seconds, thirds... anything
what if the loaf is my dik
>Daughter gets BLACKED
>Father has to raise daughter her son
>No retirement
Land of the free everybody
save it
its all yours friend
thanks for coming out tonight
Capitalism: many choices all catering to what customers want that best suites their tastes
Communism: minimal quality product that barely fulfills purpose and is produced by central organization and if any private competition is treasonous
communism is not the only alternative to capitalism
They had Colgate Total in the 80s with the same packaging and everything?
It's not shit though it's pretty great, it's amazing how well capitalism scales. Hundreds of thousands are lifted out of poverty each day, fortunes are made and lost, and most normal people keep trucking along decently satisfied with their lives, contributing to society in some manner. Capitalism's incentives (work hard and develop your talents and there's a good chance you'll be rewarded) mesh well with human psychology (at least for the male half of humanity) and its founding principle is individualism which as far as I can tell is the only realistic value to base a sustainable economic system on. The only people I've ever seen decry the evils of capitalism are subscribers to some utopian fantasy (socialism, anarchism) or losers who failed to develop their talents (if they had any) and can't admit it to themselves. And hating the West as a whole often goes along with that. So I can see why the other guy assumed you were a commie, safe bet, they're everywhere.
Still, I'm open to alternatives if you know a good one. I definitely see AI and automation stirring things up considerably over the next century or two.
more like 13-16, pushing 17 if you're really dry
They do when I am finished with them.
>minimal quality product
We're eventually going to hit a point in human advancement where we can live in total comfort without energy or labor cost then will it be completely if we are being jewed into still paying for it or if everyone should have access
Nice scifi fantasy. Dumbass commie faggot
yeah humans will go insane without something to do. seriously
it's as american as it gets
ahh yess good goy, keep telling your common gentiles that capitalism is the only way