Eat Box Get Pox: The Face-Eating Vaginas of the Fempire Edition

How widespread is the knowledge that women's vaginas have become biological weapons?

>HPV shot displaces strains that cause cervical cancer for a higher likelihood of contracting HPV types linked to oral cancer

>Dating apps have made roasties into cauldrons of a whole new generation of antibiotic-resistant STDs, where the protozoa from hundreds of Chads & Dwantaines intermingle and colonizing the abundant roastie territory

>There is a booming industry in vaginal repair and rejuvenation surgeries to mend roasties that have sprouted bologna from their Cock Carousel walkabout

>HPV linked oral cancers in men are increasing the fastest in the past decade or so, and oral sex is now empirically shown to be worse than smoking or any other risk factor in this regard

>Women have been shown to tolerate the incubation of HPV better than men, so women are often stealth carriers of several different types of HPV

Links incoming.

Tl;dr: Don't eat the roast. No beef curtains are worth your life, anons.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Increases in the population-level incidence and survival of oropharyngeal cancers in the United States since 1984 are caused by HPV infection."


>"The incidence of human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive oropharyngeal cancers is higher and increasing more rapidly among men"

>"HPV prevalence was higher among men than women (6.6% vs. 1.5%, P < 0.001), corresponding to 7.07 million men versus 1.54 million women with prevalent infection at any point in time during 2009-2012. Prevalence increased significantly with age, current smoking, and lifetime number of sexual partners for both genders (adjusted Ptrend < 0.02)."


>"While tobacco related head and neck cancers are decreasing, HPV-related ones are increasing.

>"HPV (+) cancer patients are typically younger (30 s-50 s), white, and have not used tobacco."


>"Prevalent oral HPV16 infections in men persisted longer than newly acquired infections, and persistence appeared to increase with age"

Roasties are genetic, not even a horse penis can make a human vagina that way you retarded fuck.


>"So-called "vaginal rejuvenation", "designer vaginoplasty", "revirgination", and "G-spot amplification" are vaginal surgical procedures being offered by some practitioners.'

>"$372 million dollars were spent on the vaginal cosmetic surgeries studied."

>"A higher correlation appeared between women with the highest reported sexual partner count (75+) and the number and variety of elective vaginal surgeries"

welp, time to turn my back to the filthy 3D world

Is there anything salvageable from women, anymore?

I'm not convinced pls post horse porn for confirmation

true. you might make the comparison to how loose a man's ballsack skin is. doesn't depend on how much sex you have

still though OP this is some fucked up shit you're telling me. fuckin jews ruining cunnilingus will they stop at nothing

I got ya covered.

Aesthetics are the least of your concerns, friend.

Did the parts about killer STDs and skyrocketing cancer rates that strike men far worse than women escape you?

Horses give blowjobs too amber.

Trust me, I'm an expert.

More normie friendly link:


>"Each year from 2008 through 2012, an average of 38,793 HPV-associated cancers were diagnosed, including 3,000 among females and 25,793 among males; 79% of these cases were attributable to HPV, the CDC wrote. That’s compared to the average annual 17,884 HPV-associated cancers diagnosed between 1984 and 1998, an increase of about 46%.

>The agency said that 30,800 of these new annual cases (including 1,200 women and 21,600 men) were directly attributable to HPV infection"

You ready to man up and show that roastie your dank oral skills, user?


>"Men are twice as likely as women to develop oropharyngeal cancers that are linked to HPV, according to new data presented at the recent annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

>"Men are not only more likely to become infected with oral HPV infection than women, but our research also showed that once you become infected, men are less likely to clear these infections than women, further contributing to their cancer risk,""

>"The statistics for males are particularly troubling since they can’t even get cervical cancer, meaning that other types of HPV-related cancers that form after contracting the virus (possibly through oral sex) are spiking."


>"This study included about 850 women, aged 35 to 60, who underwent routine cervical cancer screening from 2008 to 2011. HPV infection was more common among women who reported a new sexual partner every week six months prior to the study, but the authors pointed out that these women accounted for only 13 percent of the participants."


"The rate of new HPV infections was 12.9% per month; the highest rates were observed for HPV types 16, 39, 84, and 51. Among women who tested negative for HPV at baseline, the cumulative probability of acquiring an oncogenic HPV strain during a 12-month follow-up period was 0.32, compared with 0.18 for nononcogenic strains. Women who had had ⩾1 new male sex partner in the recent past were significantly more likely to acquire a new HPV infection (relative hazard, 2.39; 95% confidence interval, 1.20–4.76). "

quick post some giraffe hentai while my dicc is still hard

>antibiotic-resistant STDs
Based red-pilled bacteria. Who needs death squads - the degenerates will kill themselves.

Maybe if you are into latex body suits. Our environments are so toxic, including our culture, that heterosexuality itself is being made impossibly risky, both legally and medically, as well as absurdly expensive.

Soon even Chads and Trashones will have to give an EBT/SNAP dowry just to sign a drone-administered sexual consent document

im a virg and STDs scare the shit out of me.

I only eat out preteen girl pussy so I'm good.

Do you think all the facefulls of roastie bologna was worth it?

Somehow, I doubt it.

Betas Beware!

They want to make it mandatory that girls get the hpv shot here. Several of the girls who got it here have developed severe health complications.

I feel sorry for the upcoming generation they will be walking biohazzards.


>Roasties are literally becoming walking biohazards
>Their adamantly narcissistic roastie instincts prevent them from self-correction
>There are already "real beauty" and downplaying campaigns about genital herpes and other STDs
>Drastically more harm done to roastie munching betas than to the roasties themselves

Where were you when our toxic culture made women's vaginas into a Warhammer 40K capital punishment?

jokes on roasties because eating my 2d waifu out wont give me diseases

>who reported a new sexual partner every week
>only 13 percent

what the fuck, that's 200 different partners during college.

Jesus wept.

>English and Irish people saying "H"

this is sad as fuck though

Lip plates are genetic, not even a whale penis can make a human lip that way you retarded fuck.

>not omegas
Let's make something clear, a beta is still number 2 - someone who doesn't strive for the top, but does not allow himself to be pushed around.

Soon it will be considered "sexist" to not eat women out

No catering to women's every whim is already sexist. Including being gay.

Leafy, what strain did weedman give you? You're talking nonsense.

This is pretty damning:

>"Oral sex is the main risk factor for oral HPV infection, and previous research has found that performing oral sex is more common in younger generations than in older age groups. Among the younger generation, there is also a tendency to have more partners and to engage in sexual behaviors at a younger age.

>"These differences in sexual behavior across age cohorts explain the differences that we see in oral HPV prevalence and in HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer across the generations and why the rate of this cancer is increasing," Dr D'Souza said."

>"Men were more likely to report >10 lifetime vaginal sexual partners (51% vs 32%), >1 recent vaginal sexual partners (50% vs 36%), and >1 recent oral sexual partners (28% vs. 22%) (P < .05 for all).

>"Oral HPV prevalence and incidence were higher in the male participants than in the women. At baseline, 68 prevalent, type-specific oral HPV infections were detected among 44 (11%) participants (15.4% in men vs 5.6% in women; P = .001).

>"The incidence of HPV16 infection was higher among men than women (2.5 vs 0.7 per 1000 person-months; P = .08), as was the incidence of any oncogenic HPV infections (15.5 vs 8.9 per 1000 person-months; P = .04) Most notable were the interactions between sexes, oral sexual behavior, and risk for incident oral HPV infection, the authors note. The recent performance of oral sex significantly increased risk for oral HPV infection in men but not women (HR, 3.15 vs 0.66; P-interaction, [PI] = 0.01).

>"The risk for infection increased significantly with the number of recent oral sexual partners among men but not women (PI = .052)."

This is pretty damning:

>"Oral sex is the main risk factor for oral HPV infection, and previous research has found that performing oral sex is more common in younger generations than in older age groups. Among the younger generation, there is also a tendency to have more partners and to engage in sexual behaviors at a younger age.

>"These differences in sexual behavior across age cohorts explain the differences that we see in oral HPV prevalence and in HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer across the generations and why the rate of this cancer is increasing," Dr D'Souza said."

>"Women were more likely to report >10 recent vaginal sexual partners (51% vs 32%), >1 recent vaginal sexual partners (50% vs 36%), and >1 recent oral sexual partners (28% vs. 22%) (P < .05 for all).

>"Oral HPV prevalence and incidence were higher in the male participants than in the women. At baseline, 68 prevalent, type-specific oral HPV infections were detected among 44 (11%) participants (15.4% in men vs 5.6% in women; P = .001).

>"The incidence of HPV16 infection was higher among men than women (2.5 vs 0.7 per 1000 person-months; P = .08), as was the incidence of any oncogenic HPV infections (15.5 vs 8.9 per 1000 person-months; P = .04) Most notable were the interactions between sexes, oral sexual behavior, and risk for incident oral HPV infection, the authors note. The recent performance of oral sex significantly increased risk for oral HPV infection in men but not women (HR, 3.15 vs 0.66; P-interaction, [PI] = 0.01).

>"The risk for infection increased significantly with the number of recent oral sexual partners among men but not women (PI = .052)."

Found the roastie slut

ITT Virginial scaremongerers

How are you planning to ride out the Era of Vaginal Pollution?

Are Western Women a joke being played on us by Kek? (Praise Him!)

Found the overweight roastie. It's not scaremongering when the prevalence of having at least one hpv strain is nearly 90% for women. God help us if the sexes involved were reversed

Can we even push back these trends? This seems like the new normal. Are we increasing cancer rates to hasten the per capita obsolescence of each male?

What's the best way to test yourself for HPV levels?

>tfw I have a fetish for licking vaginas and assholes
Life is suffering, I never asked for this shit tier fetish.

>That tongue