There are only 3 good stephen king adaptation, and only 1 of them is a horror

there are only 3 good stephen king adaptation, and only 1 of them is a horror

>The Shining
>Stand By Me
>The Shawshank Redemption
>The Green Mile
>The Mist

C'mon, there's more than three.

The Shinning
The Green Mile
did I get them right?

Maximum Overdrive is the closest thing we've gotten to a pure, prime Stephen King cinematic experience.

Probably why he's disowned it.

Are you including The Running Man?

>running man
>shawshank redemption
>the green mile
>the shining

how does this make you feel, Sup Forums

Considering her supposed big screen franchise got dumped onto television, there's probably a little bitterness there.

What are his must read books?

God tier
>The Shining
Good tier
>The Mist
>IT (1990)
>Stand By Me
>Sleep Walkers
>Pet Semetary
>Secret Window
>The Green Mile

No one ever shuts up about the Dark Tower series but all his books are flawed desu. The movies tend to be better.

"Skeleton Crew," "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" and "Night Shift."

King's short stories are where he really shines - his novels almost always end up shitting the bed.

No the langoliers love?
It had Ziggy from quantum leap in it.

>Stand by Me
>The Shining
>IT 2017
>The Mist
>Shawshank Redemption
>The Green Mile

jealous. I used to read alot when i was younger, but the last 18 years of tv and pc time have shattered my attention span and i get bored so fast with any book.

You must be mistaken, because both The Mist and The Shining are horrors.

Apt Pupil was surprisingly decent, although it's weird seeing Ian McKellen cosplaying as a Gestapo officer.

>The Green Mile

Why are his eyes so small

Misery is horror though

I only listen to audio books while out walking the dog these days. Haven't opened a book in probably 5 years.

Salem's Lot, any of his short stories or novellas, desperation are my favourites

Revival is a recent one and a favourite of mine, it's his tribute to lovecraft

His eyes aren't small, his face is just big.

He put his glasses on backwards

>It (1990)

>Green Mile and Shawshank

I quite like Stand by Me

This is the closest King came to Junji Ito territory and not in the flattering way

Eh, not really. More of a thriller.

Why lie

Would have been great if the interviewer called her on

>Oh really? What are some books you enjoyed from this year?
>Oh well uh there's so many great books to choose from I think we're living in a great time as a book enthusiast
>Yeah but name 3

Anything with Kathy Bates is horror.

Pick a short story compilation. He's famous for shitting the bed with longer prose


>only 1 of them is a horror
the one with drew barrymore, right?

I had no idea The Green Mile and Shawshank were Stephen King stories. How am I so uninformed.

>stephen king
>must read

Name one besides dark tower and the stand

What? Short story collections? Four Past Midnight and Six Stories are both pretty good reads.

I meant long books where the endings suck

Why would I name that? Where did I claim his endings suck?

>in the movie she freaks out with pigs blood and kills everyone without really thinking
>in the book she runs away from the prom embarrassed and falls down in the mud where she decides that she's tired of everyone's shit and goes back to the school to kill them all.

If I write a bunch of random horseshit stories nonstop for 20 years will I reach the same success as King? If I spent half the time writing as I spend here I would be filthy rich. Is it a numbers game?

The ONLY good Stephen King adaptation is "Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace"

I dunno, probably? In terms of success, he's actually got a lot in common with his latest obsession - Trump. One success for every ten rampant failures, then drawing success off the back of others. I mean, who really knows King for his books? We know him for the adaptations that the directors took their inspiration from and created amazing visions. The Shining, for example. Kubrick turned a good not great story with over long prose and turned it in to a great film. King is definitely a quantity over quality guy, he'd probably admit that himself.

So I guess the question you should be asking yourself is "are you good enough to write 1 good book for 10 shit books" and not get discouraged?

This is actually one I could get behind as a remake. We have the effects now.

Well I've got nothing better to do

Join us in /lit/ and let us know how it's going lad

i love that movie. i think he's too hard on himself. great soundtrack and fun concept

Wait, how can King not like Maximum Overdrive? That is pure fucking Kino

Possibly. King is fucking insane and literally writes 6-8k words per day (or was it 10k?)

For relation most 'advice' suggestes you write 2-4k a day as mental exercise.

lots of authors are like this. questionable writers but their stuff makes good movies. tom clancy, cormac mcarthy, alan moore come to mind

this guy must be a billionaire at this point right?

pick one

It's ok, you are a monkey.

Well they don't feature the supernatural (at least Shawshank doesn't) or child sex so

400 mil, probably the second richest writer (I mean writes as a living, not worth one biography)
after JK rowling

>King hates a movie he himself directed
>also hates adaptations he didn't direct
Fucking hell, Stephen, pick one!

If he says he likes one it would set a precedent and other adaptations would be forced to conform.

Jesus christ this image is terrifying.

You haven't seen nothing yet lad

Cocaine is one hell of a drug

Doesn't Green Mile have one convict that is in jail for raping a little girl?

Salems Lot

Christine too. Anyone who disagrees is a shitter.

king in a lot of respects is an impostor, his horror books are lovecraft rip offs that just dont land that well sometimes.

The Dead Zone is solid AF.

Most of the really shitty adaptations are by Mick Garris.

She's in two. Firestarter and the Troll episode of Cat's Eye.