Living in Israel

Ever wondered what our political system is like? Interested to know what it's like to live in a country full of Jews?

I will answer questions about living in Israel. I know a lot about our political system and I have a lot of experience living in this unique society that I am proud to call my home.

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opinion on the holocaust?

have you served in the military? if so, what kind of role did you serve as?

why is Obama a traitor to our country when it comes to Iran?

Are you redpilled? Is race mixing illegal?

This place is pretty nice except for the taxes. Half of your income goes to the state, and there are tariffs on things that aren't even produced locally. Owning a car is a privilege here. Thats the one thing I hate about this place.

>opinion on the Holocaust?
I understand why Hitler did it, and I am glad it pushed us to immigrate back home. I weep for my people who were killed, but I do believe Jews belong nowhere but Israel

>did you serve in the military?
Not yet, I opted to finish my degree first. I'll update you in a few years!

>why is Obama a traitor?
America is supposed to keep the region stable, not pay Iran lots of money and enable them to expand their nuclear program in the future.

Why are Jewish Christians not granted the right of return?

Do you understand the real origin and meaning behind the so called Star of David?

I am redpilled in all the ways most on this board would agree constitute redpilled beliefs. I am against race-mixing and am happy that my government has taken steps to make it more difficult (such as strict immigration policies and a ban on mixed-faith marriages performed within our boundaries).

Do you guys feel any guilt or shame for taking our tax dollars?

>why can't Jewish Christians immigrate to Israel as Israeli citizens?
We work hard to maintain our Jewish character and cut down on mission work. That being said, we welcome Christians who wish to live and work here legally.

>do you really understand the Star of David?
There are many theories regarding its true origin.


>do you feel guilt or shame for taking our tax dollars?
No. Your government offers them, so why should we refuse? If we ask for more, which I hope we do, we will take it because you are willing to give it. We would be stupid not to.

how dus a goy immagrate to israel?

How does the average yid feel about Trump? Hillary?

That's good, many Zionist Jews are. What I was referring to is illegal to question in Israel though. I'm no Jew hater but I know about your people and while I hate hitler for what he did to mine, he was a great man. I dislike globalist Jews tho bc I'm against white genocide.

How's the immigration procedure when it comes to non-Jews? I'm wondering because I'm Lebanese-Druze and I heard Israelis don't like anything to do with Lebanon but there are a ton of Druze in Israel.

Do you guys feel any guilt or shame for receiving free shit with our tax dollars then?

You can sincerely convert to Judaism or marry a Jew. You can also do it the long way, which is arriving on a work permit and becoming naturalized after many years.

thanks m8

Most Israelis prefer Trump, but it is pretty split down the middle. I have met more Trump supporters, personally, and there are polls to back up his higher support here.

You made us your fucking puppet, we can't do shit because Obama keeps sticking his face into our business. I'd say you are benefiting more from this then we are. Personally, I don't want your taxes. We'd be better off without the US.

Is it common to hear word "goyim" among your people? If so what do people talk about?

>We work hard to maintain our Jewish character
Please tell the international, globalist Jews to stop subverting other cultures of the West. Let Europe stay white and stop pushing shitskin immigration. If it's good enough a policy for Israel, it's good enough for America and Europe.
>There are many theories regarding its true origin.
It's the Babylonian symbol of Remphan/Chiun/Saturn. The emblem of Baal worshipers. Kabbalists, Wicca, and Freemasons all use the six sided star so it's not Jewish in the religious sense at all.

Hey, I'd be all for letting you guys do whatever the fuck you guys want to do if it meant we stopped giving you free shit.

We don't use the term "goyim" that often, and we also don't say "oy vey" anymore either. Rather, we say "Oy vavoy" instead.

I sometimes refer to non-Jews as goyim when I'm having fun or making a joke.

I figured as much. Trump is a nationalist like most Israeli Jews.

>oy vanoy
where the fuck do you live

Ur Druze? Clutch! I like Lebanese ppl too, hezzbollah knows how to deal with Jews.

Refer to the other Israeli user's above post. We spend all the money you give us on American-made weapons. The money ultimately comes back to your country, and we have the best weapons.

All that money goes back to the US arms industry you ignorant burger. US aid to israel was began by neocons republicans, who by the way stand behind your "anti establishment" presidential candidate, in their dual objective of starting as much wars as possible and enrich their friends and thenselves in the arms industry. US aid to israel is 100% revolving door policy.


I live in Herzliya.

Oy vey that is not progressive.

Israel cannot be the monolithic ethnic homogenous society it once was. You need diversity or else you won't survive and we the goyim will be playing a decisive role in that.

Thanks, I really want to go back to Lebanon though Canada is so fucking boring and the Druze people here are all liberal shills.


This is what Jews tell us, Jewman. Please put them to halt.

How well do strangers get along with each other in Israel? Are public places very chatty, or do people keep to themselves?

Also, how do people view the government? Are civil servants respected, or seen as incompetent and overpaid?

Only ashkenazi's use those words, they're of yiddish origin.
I live in a white community in Beersheba, never heard oy vavoy though.

do you have your leaders shilling this open borders shit?

Not all Jews are bad. I like Israel. This is coming from someone who doesn't believe in gas chambers or six million Jews but wishes it happened, Jews have been kicked out of every country they've ever been in for a Good reason!. Most diaspora Jews are traitors but Israels are cool.

If it's so fucking awful why do you guys keep taking it.

It's still free shit that you guys get that we pay for.

I've never met any jewesses myself but I've heard that its easy for an attractive white guy to sleep with jewesses as in a one night stand or friends with benefits but anything more ltr is strictly out of the question and your post seems to confirm these rumors.

In Israel, public places are very chatty. We see ourselves as one big family, and our cultural cohesiveness is one of the things I love most about my country.

In regard to our politicians, most people see them as incompetent and overpaid. That being said, most Israelis are right-wing nationalists, and we have been quite successful in electing a government that reflects that.

I'm visiting family in Omer, brother! I'm right down the street from you.

I wish these "right wing nationalists" would embrace capitalism more. Taxes here are total bullshit in my opinion.

No. Some left-wing crazies bring it up from time to time, but no one takes them seriously.

Visiting family... Why are you people always visiting family...
Diaspora Jews are out lying, scheming,
misconstruing, betraying their host nations and causing mischief while you're visiting family! I love you guys:)

>white community
Do jews really consider thenselves white? Not even in brownzil jews are considered white.

Is it true that Netanyahu might lose this next election to that Zionist Union? I remember when he went on the news encouraging people to vote because of the Arab voters trying to vote him out last election.

I bet I'm whiter than you, LaPedro.

It's very unlikely that the left will take power next election. Zionist Union and Meretz are polling very poorly right now, while The Jewish Home and HaLikud are polling high.

have you ever seen an Ashkenazi, goy?

He can't run in the next election, this is his second term. I'm predicting another war will start before that time, (one usually does) and nationalist candidates get support during that time.

ofc you are, kike

pic related, you

Do you think there will be another candidate like Netanyahu? He was very charismatic but he got bad rep in Canada because of muh Palestine.

yes, semites that race mixed with northern/central europeans, still doesnt make them white.
do you at least know the origin of your people?

>"I love you guys:)"
>falling for the stockholm syndrome jew


Are you the guy from ujpest?

>oy vey, it was real in my mind, goyim


i've beat the shit out of a jewish guy when I was young, i just wish that every jew on Brazil would move to Israel, such parasite people

You are such a fucking retard its unbelievable you can even post on Sup Forums without a social worker helping you click your mouse and keyboard. Its US arms interests, who has nothing in common with jews or israel (since they can basically do this revolving door payment with other countries so long as they brainwash the americans enough to legitamize that countrys causes), who are responsible for what you are they describing. Not only they are responsible they get filthy fucking rich over it and since you support the same political party who enable this procedure you are probably against any oversight on that payment procedure because you are some sort of austrian economist mastermind. Wake the fuck up you are being fucked by americans who uses tax payers as well as israelies. If someone can do anything about this its americans themselves.

believe it or not, we don't want those fuckers either. so either choke on them or kill them all.

is it true jewish women have big titties?


>israeli jews are the most redpilled people on Sup Forums
>non-israeli jews are forcing the bluepill on goys everywhere else

Maybe segregation wasn't such a bad idea.

thought that you guys were like brothers, isnt it easy to jews to get israel visa?

Is this a Palifag posting?

So who's the president of Brazil now? What's it like now that there was that impeachment?

Why do you not want them? Personally, I want as many Jews as possible to make Aliyah. We need to fill up Yehuda v'Shomron and undermine the Arab birth rates there.

This, desu. I've known a lot of Isrealis. All they needed was their own country to stop spreading poison into everyone else's

I dont want to derail the thread. its Michael Temer, thats the best thing that happened to Brazil in this century, thats the only thing i will answer.

He's a palestinian, don't be fooled by the flag.

I gained hate for the globalists, because they are the one promoting the "free Palestine" bullshit. nevertheless, they also push white genocide, that is then blamed at Israel

take this cancerous attention whoring AMA shit to reddit faggot

no Im not. i just dislike them for their doings.
sandniggers are still worse in my book.

we are, and yes

Not all Arabs are Muslim my friend, Druze Arabs in Syria and Lebanon support Israel the most in the middle east.

And yet you're the guys who end up with the free stuff.

I'm perfectly aware that the arms industries benefit from these transactions. There are many guilty parties here. This thread is just about Israel's part in it.

Also not all of the funding your country receives in aid is required to be spent on US products. Last I checked it was around 75% or so, so you guys are in fact receiving money straight up.

reformed jew living in NYC. I'm planning on doing birthright this winter, any tips?

another jew here
ask me the questions op has refused so far.
or link em to me

Are there any actual Israelis on this board. I've yet to meet one. You are all fresh immigrants from America it seems.

bring some condoms if you are a girl
or lubricant if you are a guy (masturbation nothing gay)

Just enjoy it and have fun! It's a great program, I grew up in America and I did it. They do an amazing job and the only advice I have for you is to have fun and enjoy our beautiful home.

Also, check out Nefesh B'Nefesh's website, both before and after the trip.

druzes are kinda bro-tier, however Islam is still a cancer

me, born and raised in here

actual israeli here
ask me anything

do the palestinians bomb you often?

Fuck off with the reform shit. Do you want to be in Tel Aviv with the lgbt parades?

Tell me about the Palestinians. Why do they feel entitled to your land? What exactly is/was Palestine?

Also, does Israel have hate speech laws? Could you get arrested for denying the holocaust?

I totally agree but honestly we always separate ourselves with Islam and especially Muslims.

Then why do you sound like an obnoxious New York Jew. All I see is complaints and stabbing your own in the back on here. Makes me think...

I think that the middle east would be way more peaceful if Israel was made in Madagascar, putting a jewish country in the middle of muslim countries was a mistake.

>but muuh it was our land
I dont take this argument seriously by any way.

also desu Israel would be invanding all africa if this happened

kinda yea. if they are not bombing, the stab us in the streets.

yea but I am gay so...

yes and no.
anti racism and anti incitment to violence

you people will always have a place of honor in here for serving in our military and being great allies in the hours of need.

then bring condoms.
the point was you ain't banging local girls

A Palestinians feeling of entitlement is actually very reasonable, just we won't have it. My favorite anecdote for it is as follows: There is a war, and a landowner is kicked off his property. He goes into hiding. During that time, somebody moved into his house, and has been there for a long time. Suddenly the original owner returns, and finds someone in his house. Then the tension start. This is why they feel entitled pretty much.

well im a fag but I hate faggots so no. That's what we call ourselves in america dude. I don't practice. My dad is actually orthodox but I don't participate. Doesn't make me a cuck

No way, The middle east will never have peace as long as Muslims are there.