How do you deal with knowing the Jew is running this world. They are destroying our cultures, our way of life, slowly degrading our standards and morals until we become cucked into perpetual debt slavery.
Can we win. Is the blackpill the only pill. What will it take for the pure European to stand up and exalt the last Führers words on high as they deserve
Do you think Trump would fuck that hot anime babe, even though she's a Nazi?
Press 1 for yes 2 for no
Jackson Hill
How did they have a great day? I want to know.
Carson Robinson
Brody Lee
Look at that pic, Medpack. Imagine the fear. Imagine the terror our enemies feel. You teeter on the edge of despair when this is the most glorious time to be alive.
We are winning. God damn it Switzer we are winning and they are running scared, and you're talking about defeat? This internet trolling technique, this mass meme warfare, is the equivalent of the invention of the trench and the machinegun in modern war. We are looking at a paradigm shift and it is OUR side that has made the first change. The enemy is still marching in ranks being mowed down by the thousands.
We do not expose ourselves to enemy fire. They cannot name you, they cannot name me, they cannot ruin our careers or our lives. For the first time the Left is completely helpless, because there is nobody for them to ad-hominem to death except for Trump, who plays squeaky clean and "disavows" us with a smirk on his face.
We've found the way to win. Throw that blackpill away, and get to your guns. The enemy knows fear for the first time in a long, long time. The Right will rise. A mountain of human skills, streets slick and shining with human fat, the gutters frothing with blood and organ meat, THIS IS OUR TIME!
Elijah Gomez
all life is struggle friend, it never ends.
Once you achieve something, then you must defend it from outsiders.
Jordan Reyes
a few years ago i would have said no but everything seems to be changing. liberal ideology has run it's course and people want different answers. and even if we don't, you may as well fight, what have you go to lose?
Isaac Diaz
Made a new meme webm for other chan. Not a bad day so far.
Ryder Foster
No amount of memetic warfare will deal with the simple truth that the mudraces will outbreed us. Unless we do a full 180 now it will be too late.
They will outbreed us, in less than 15 years they will easily be able to out vote us.
Now. This moment, is the final stand. Yet, we die, with a whimper, our race, a meme. . .
Evan Russell
Anyone got the pic in OP? I need more Nazi anime girls.
Michael Wilson
Brody White
aight brother! We will win leftist skulls will be crushed
Jeremiah Lewis
Jacob Watson
Kek Vult!
Tyler Wilson
Cheers senpai
Caleb Morris
well, i had a shit day
Cameron White
Wow it's like the jews just can't stop writing about us
Caleb Scott
>In just one day, the so-called “alt right”—a political faction that spreads white supremacist ideology primarily online—has come to dominate the national news cycle. Today, they’ve had a hashtag, #AltRightMeans, trending on Twitter; they’ve gotten high praise from Donald Trump, who swore up and down this community isn’t racist; and then came the cherry on top: an impassioned speech by Hillary Clinton in which she called out their members, who have banded together behind Trump, by name.
>What more could a dark army of trolls want? It didn’t take long until they started celebrating on the same online portals they’ve used as recruiting tools since the term “alt right” first popped up around 2008
>This once-fringe movement is now standing center stage. In her speech today, Clinton called Trump’s decision to hire alt-right champion Steve Bannon, formerly of Breitbart News, a “landmark achievement for this group.”
>“There’s always been a paranoid fringe in our politics, a lot of it arising from racial resentment, but it’s never had the nomination of a major party stoking it, encouraging it and giving it a national megaphone until now,” Clinton said. She’s right about that, but she missed an important point. Trump isn’t the only one giving the alt-right a microphone. So is social media.
>To be clear, there is only one answer to the hashtag #AltRightMeans. It means white supremacy, researchers say, plain and simple
>“Race is at the foundation of everything to the alt-righters,” says Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks the alt-right movement as a hate group. “They have this idea that white people and white civilization is under assault by the forces of political correctness, by social justice and so on.”
(Pt 1)
Henry Richardson
I find this nazi anime art cringey desu
Christopher Brown
>The term “alt-right” is merely a rebranding of an ideology with deep, dark historic roots, says Jessie Daniels, a professor of sociology at Hunter College and author of the book Cyber Racism. In fact, you could say it’s a “dog whistle” for white supremacy. “People who are in the United States, mostly white people, are uncomfortable saying white supremacy,” Daniels says. “They’re more comfortable saying alt-right”
>And social media has been an important vehicle for that rebranding, she says, because it’s a place where, for better or worse, all ideas can have equal weight, regardless of where they originate. “It creates an equivalence of ideas, the undermining of expertise,” Daniels says. “That’s part of what has given them more power. No one’s an expert or everyone’s an expert. White supremacists saw that and got that early on and use that to their advantage.”
>Where white supremacists once gathered around a burning cross, now they gather on Sup Forums, in white power Reddit forums, and hashtags like #WhiteGenocide, and in the comments section for media outlets like Breitbart. Where the Ku Klux Klan had its own nomenclature, alt-righters have developed their own social media slang and portmanteaus, like “cuckservative,” a combination of the words “cuckold” and “conservative.” It’s a racially tinged and sexually charged term, Potok says, that refers to white men allowing black men to have sex with their wives. They even have their own unifying symbols, like the “echo,” three enclosed parentheses used to single out Jewish names, and Pepe the Frog, a meme now commonly used by the alt-right (Pt 2)
Sebastian Williams
In less than 15 years war will engulf all of Europe. From the ashes, white race will rise again. This is my dream, this is the only thing I'll die for.
Alexander Green
>What’s more, Daniels says, the Internet lets white supremacists around the world unite, no matter where they live or what specific grievance is stoking their bigotry. “It makes an explicitly racist white identity possible across national boundaries,” she says. In that way, these white nationalists have created their own nation with its own rules of entry, its own values, and its own language. It’s just that this nation lives online.
>There’s little doubt that Trump is now its de facto leader, but this week, Trump has been trying his best to distance himself from this darkness. In a town hall with conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, he walked back his promise to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the US. And during his speech today, he cast Clinton’s efforts to exploit his support among known white supremacists as “tired.”
>“It’s the oldest play in the Democratic playbook,” Trump said. “It’s the last refuge of the discredited politician.”
>But Clinton didn’t appear tired in what was, perhaps, this election season’s most scathing rebuke of Trump’s candidacy. Clinton condemned Trump for “taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican party.” She reminded voters of Trump’s well-documented roots in the birther movement, which tried unsuccessfully to prove President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States. She mentioned the time Trump retweeted the Twitter account of a neo-Nazi.
>She highlighted Trump’s failure to disavow Klansman David Duke and compared Trump’s plans to institute an ideological test to the type of thing the Islamic State does to control its own population.
>“What a cruel irony that someone running for president would equate us with them,” she said.
(Pt 3)
Alexander Gomez
>She noted the Justice Department’s racial bias suit against Trump, which accused his real estate management firm of discriminating against black renters and marking their applications with a “C” for “colored.”
>But the impact Clinton’s speech has had—eliciting so many gleeful responses from the very people she was denouncing—also reflects just how difficult it is to stop the alt-right movement from metastasizing. Like the parent of an unruly child throwing a tantrum in the super market, she has a choice: to condemn that behavior loudly and publicly at the risk of escalating the drama or to ignore it altogether and risk being irresponsible for allowing it to continue ceaselessly
>And now that the trolls have come out from under the bridge, it’s a choice we all must face.
(Pt 4 fin)
Cooper Martin
Is this the first time they actually named us?
Angel Turner
Adrian Nguyen
>TFW we get more nazi anime waifus outta going mainstream.
If I can fuck at least one chick in an SS uniform before I die, I'll die happy.
Cameron Reyes
>anglo traitor
Robert Sanchez
Laugh what else can you do I fight when I can and try to sway public opinion all grassy rootsy but I'm only one guy. So laugh and carry on best I can, away from everyone else
Aaron Hughes
>southern poverty law center
They will brand any white person racist. Had a good chuckle at it though
Gavin Walker
Right wing death sqauds when?
Parker Taylor
Jonathan Jones
They named the 4chins. Is that not illegal for the news to do?
Oliver Morales
I suggest that we shall look back upon this little meme war one day, one distant day, grandchildren dandled upon our knee, and perhaps a tear will form and we shall say, "Well, with wit and grit and no small amount of courage, we accomplished something on that day, a feat of derring-do, an enterprise not ignoble." We merry band, unbound by the constraints of society and the prejudices of the common ruck memed DOnald J. Trump into the White House. We happy few. Gentlemen, to us!
Aiden Campbell
Why do people do not get that alt right is a buzzword used by the media? >Isolate everyone that opposes the left and its immigration policies most of all >call them alt right neo nazis >every normal right person stands with diversity and accepts millions of refugees coming over >come on guys, lel bash everyone who opposes our brainwashed suicidal lefty feels >because those are alt right people or so we are told
Kayden Richardson
>refusing to acknowledge that there is a marked difference between white supremacy and ethnic nationalism
Intellectual dishonesty. This is why they are losing.
Michael Cox
Typically, the more attention you give to a movement the more powerful it becomes, regardless of if you cover it in a positive or negative light
Samuel Taylor
I had a pretty nice day too. Work went smoothly, and the cunt who no one in office liked got shit canned. So
Lucas Myers
Thanks mate that was a good chuckle.
Evan Hernandez
Xavier Peterson
I would hope.
Matthew Ross
>fatties roleplaying as real soldiers You ancestors would be ashamed
Brody Smith
The left can't function with intellectual honesty. Disproving the left combined objectivism with opinions.
Noah Hall
They already outnumber us. We've always been the minority. As they say, it looks darkest before the dawn. The current situation looks bad but that is why people are waking up. We are seeing a right-wing resurgence of epic proportions.
The enemy believes that they are hammering the lid onto our coffin, but in fact they are reanimating the corpse of European Pride. We must do our part and not go silently. Cowardice is unacceptable. Be brave, little Switzer, and fight!
Josiah Martin
The Right is rising, and with it the collapse of globalism.
What a fucking time to be alive, gentlemen
Noah Diaz
I'd say my day was a 6.
How was your day
Eli Clark
funny thing considering iam going to the gym 4 times a week nigger i went to military for 2 years
Dylan Gray
Benjamin Cooper
Yet you still spend your item roleplaying as a better man on a hungarian knitting themed image board, that's sad huh?
Evan Clark
>hungarian knitting themed image board how far can these go.
Oliver Myers
I give it to you iam only an internet nazi
but if shit starts iam ready to do my part
Joseph Lee
>cyber racism
Hunter Nguyen
What happens when Obama sells the internet? Won't we just be silenced again?
Joshua Rivera
Caleb Wilson
Pretty much. Basically any country who doesnt like something can have the website shut down. Say goodbye to Sup Forums everybody.
Jonathan Thompson
How sad.
Parker Collins
That's a horrible idea, our addiction to this site is the only thing keeping (((them))) in power. We're a containment board for the rest of the internet. >A group of anime masturbators prove to be a significant threat to the elite. >The one tether keeping them is check is cut. >Within hours, men in frogsuits are throwing molotovs at mosques, a group of guerrilla fighters wearing anime patches surround the White House, and thousands of betas that have lost their home flip the fuck out and put Dylan Roof to shame.
Jaxon Sullivan
This is the best election I could have ever asked for
We will never have such a memetic year ever again
Christopher Anderson
>Within hours, men in frogsuits are throwing molotovs at mosques
Aaron Long
I am just trying to live out the rest of my days the way I want as much as possible until I can laugh from the heavens at those who are still pitifully alive.
Jaxson Hernandez
>"we are al-right"
Nathan Sanchez
>guerilla fighters >not gorilla fighters >men
Wyatt Cox
1. Find something worth fighting for. 2. Fight for it.
Brayden Moore
>hetza art
We will do just fine
Eli Ross
I'm only bummed that it looks like we may see the internet censored soon. They know they're losing the Meme War.
Jacob Hall
>How do you deal with knowing the Jew is running this world. They are destroying our cultures, our way of life, slowly degrading our standards and morals until we become cucked into perpetual debt slavery.
I ignore it and try to move on with my day. The problem is its getting harder to ignore. Every commercial and every tv show is full of jewish influence. I had to stop watching tv because it pissed me off so bad. Now I listen to my local farm station and I even find it on there. The station does a fine job of reporting the news and weather to me but once the music and the commercials start playing its the same as tv.
I shit you not, in less than 40 years we have gone from this