Have you ever met a woman that really made you think?

Well, have you?
Have you ever in general learned something valuable from a woman?

I came to realize that I actually never met a girl who was somewhat unique or above average in case of intelligence and interests. I've met basic smart girls who just study a lot and have some reason, but none that really made me think about something or from whom I've learned something valuable. They all just tend to be so... Average. So limited.

ur mum

>kraut comedians

Smae here bro. I recently had a bad breakup with a cheating whore. She had sex with her ex while still with me in the relationship. She was stupid, didn't want to go to college even if her parent could pay for it easily. She was really spoiled. It sucked that she cheated. It bruised my ego, but I realized that she is not worth it. Women are lying, cheating whores who use sex to win the influence over a man. Every man should be really careful in this very important aspect of life. Do not become a cuck or on a leash of a woman. As soon as you notice that a female is manipulating you, dump that bitch.
I guess I learned a valuable lesson to never trust a woman.

>They all just tend to be so... Average

Look at IQ distribution graphs for males and females, you'll notice the vast majority of females tend to cluster around the same area while males have a much wider spread i.e. more dumbies but also more geniuses. Why is this? I don't know.

Met plenty of women who made me think.

>think they are stupid
>think they love attention
>think they are whores
>think they are lazy
>think they just want to leech off of me

They make me think all the time

>serbian intellectuals

Got a real smart Chinese girlfriend that teaches me a ton about Chinese/SE Asian culture and politics. It's nice.

hmm...I definitely learned a lot of kitchen stuff from different women. so yeah, my cooking game has improved significantly thanks to some of the gurls. apart from that, well..maybe literature. yeah..some really good recommendations there from unique and smart females. but those are rare cases

> tesla
burger ur a nigger


We've known this for all of history up until like 20 years ago.

Yea. Used to be NEET living like a pig.
Out of nowhere I got a gf who happened to be the exact opposite.
While I was feasting on the wealth of my family she had to move to another city with no money because her single mother got some piece of shit boyfriend that was beating up her kids.
She finished her apprenticeship while working in 2 jobs.
Kinda opened my eyes. We had a great time together. Still miss her sometimes.

>Have you ever in general learned something valuable from a woman?
I learned that they do not love. I learned that they are horrible people.They only use you for money and fuck your best friend.

tell us yer story bai

Your mother sounds like a horrible person.

speaking of mums- do any of your mothers know what you are on here typing about? please get off the computer now and go say these things to your mother

I'm rarely intellectually engaged by women in the same way as with men. With women the attraction is mostly to their physical beauty.


At first I was just thinking "Virgin" but now that you mention I'm struggling to think of anything

I've seen that graph and while it's noticable that there are more men with above average IQ, the difference isn't that big so that "women who make you think" are basically impossible to find.
Where are the female masters of literature, art, music, etc? Why is it whenever they do contribute to these fields they're once again, incredibly average regarding talent?

Man, where do you live?

You must spend time with shit women.

Right? I can't believe it only recently came to my mind, I was sitting for good 15 minutes at first trying to think of something - but nothing came to me.

I never said there aren't hardworking and kind women.
But did she make you think? Did she actually ever tell you something that got you like: "Woah, I never thought of that, that's revolutionary."?


I have never had a deep intelligent onversation with a woman.

Yes, just once, she was Peruvian. Unlike the stereotype, she was in fact a model, and she was well known on her local town, she showed the billboards in which she was. For obvious reasons I will not tell you her name.
Surprisingly she was able to engage in many topics, especially social matters, yet she always kept her values.

>mfw I found out she had a boyfriend which she truly loved and would never cheat on him.

Women like this are truly never met twice in you lifetime, just kill me phammm

>I've yet to meet an intelligent woman because I cannot reconcile their immature/stupid behavior with my definition of intelligence. I judge based on the whole package, for all time, not on someones ability to be "smart" for 20 minutes after being an idiot all day.
>Intelligence requires critical thinking, effort to eliminate ignorance, foresight, logic, deductive reasoning, spatial awareness, the ability to improve and more. All the women I've known invariably lack these traits.
>Teaching a woman anything is like playing whack-a-mole. You can illuminate ignorance with a lesson only to find another level of ignorance and stupidity behind it or be replaced by it.
>A woman could ask why an apple sits on a table. You could explain gravity to her and illuminate that ignorance and next she'd ask why the table sits on the ground.

Nope, but I can say the same about 99% of men too.
But I found this awesome thing called the internets where I can read something that truly makes me think.
A "smart" girl thinks Stephen King and J.K. Rowling are great authors
i feel ya bro

I can honestly say no.

this post best post

>Don't let yourself slide into thinking you will find a woman of equal mindedness or even aiming for self-actualization. Such women simply do not exists. If you want to find an equal intellectual and mature person, seek out a male friend.

>Women are great at "mirroring" things that already exist. So if they study something they can usually spit it right back and get good grades.
>Men are the more expansive thinkers. We create ideas
>We invent and discover. We see the underlying patterns that women can't see with their own minds.
>Male intelligence emerges from a center and radiates outwards, but female intelligence tends to be receptive and adaptive as if viewing the world from the outside.

My wife taught me that getting my asshole licked is just the bees knees

Are they just incapable of concerning themselves with deep subjects? Are they incapable of having interest in something that doesn't directly affect them?
Because time and time again, whenever I do try to enagage in a conversation with a woman in case of modern day politics, economy etc their most often response is:"Why do you care though? It doesn't directly affect you, so why care?".
There isn't anything more dissapointing than that sentence. How someone can be so narrow minded is unbeliavble to me.

>If you peel back the layers of a modern woman, you’ll find that her life’s total education has little real-world application. It’s filled with liberal idealism and pop culture nonsense that has no positive bearing to you or any other man. Never ask a woman for advice on anything besides maybe fashion, and never let a woman influence you with her flawed and shockingly incomplete body of knowledge. Seek out a woman for her beauty, femininity, sexuality, and pleasing, low-maintenance personality, but not for her intelligence. The more of it she thinks she has, the more pompous bullshit you’ll have to put up with.

It's ok being a virgin, OP. It's not compulsory to pass down your genes.

>"We need to talk" is a comand/demand. It's on par with "You need to give me the milk". It is out of character for women to speak in such a direct fasion.
When a woman uses that phrase it is because she has imported it from feminist media. Any conversation that follows " We Need to Talk" will not be her own synthesis, but a reconstitution of what sucked up from the media without real introspection or analysis.

>Quite often, I've found that these confrontations are just her regurgitating all the nonsense her friends have put in her head. You can tell because she'll have uncharacteristic boldness and the delivery almost sounds like someone poorly acting out a script or reading a speech.

Yes, BUT did she make you think? Or were you just surprised that she had some knowledge on that subject at all since she's a woman and that's uncommon for them? Do you think she could compete with a man on that subject though?

no, not really. I've met women who are kinda funny and say legitimately funny things, but never anything profound or outside of the box. like...never. and I've met a lot of women in all kinds of environments.

Lad I never implied that I hate them for that reason. Men have for centuries upon centuries held as common knowledge that women are in general less intelligent than them yet they succeeded in passing on their genes.

All of my gf's.
1) taught me the importance of a good haircut, hygiene and how to pick good clothes. Taught me the importance of hard work, professional advancement and to always stay hungry. She is now the CEO of 3 companies

2) she was 17 years older than me. taught me the importance of a good education, showed me how to love again, showed me how talented some women can be (she played cello, violin, piano, painted oil and watercolor, studied philosophy in her own free time and had her apartment filled with books) and showed me how deeply a woman could actually care about me. It was great.

3) current: she's INTJ, super hard-working doctor, Stanford grad, the relationship is quite new but she will definitely help push me to be a better person. If things go well, I could definitely see myself "settling down" with her.

Women are just people. It's all about what we do with our limited time here on this planet.

>I feel like my girlfriend is not on my level intellectually. I enjoy spending my free time doing research about things that pique my interest or have sat on my mind for a while, while she would rather talk about how rude her co workers are or how shes afraid that certain people don't like her. I constantly find myself using longer sentences full of filler words in place of the ones I'd like to use, simply to avoid her not understanding and then getting upset at what she thinks I've said. In almost all cases she can't see what's just or socially correct. because she's more concerned about getting what she wants

>Great minds talk about ideas. Mediocre minds talk about events. Small minds talk about people. In the case of women, their consensus nature forces them to talk about people as that is how the group mind sorts out who has status and who does not.

Sry I was referring to this part

>Have you ever in general learned something valuable from a woman?

I know it sounds weak but this was "revolutionary" for me. Seeing somebody climbing out of the shithole they were born into with my own eyes.

But besides that no. I`ve never met a woman that made me think. I`d go so far and say I`ve never met an intelligent woman. A reason for this could be that I only know women through my university. They aren`t the brightest lights.
They basically do what they got told to do. Or what society tells them to.

As mentioned above she was different and thats why she was the one big exception

be careful what you wish for. independent womyn tend to cheat on you and break your fucking heart.

a woman should be smart, but if she knows too much shes almost like a man, keeping her in your own little bubble will be hard.

it's best to get yourself a smart girl with less knowledge about things, so you can teach her stuff and bond over it.

>Women geniuses - have there been any new ones discovered in the past fifty years?
>It is a tenet of feminist 'scholarship' that there were women geniuses who were neglected; and a large part of feminist scholarship has been dedicated to raising awareness of women geniuses.
>That there are women geniuses is clear - examples abound especially in literature; but I do not think feminist scholarship of the past fifty years has come up with a single 'neglected' example of a woman genius.
>Instead there has been a combination of the pretence that real women geniuses were 'previously neglected' until feminism came along; plus the hyping of women non-geniuses (such as Hildegard of Bingen as a composer and spiritual writer, the DNA scientist Rosalind Franklin, and playwright Aphra Benn).
>But I ask - are there any examples of
>1. real women geniuses, who were
>2. indeed neglected or unknown, and were
>3. re-discovered by feminist scholarship of he past half century?

I was surprised she knew about these subjects, especially once I found out she was a model, since they tend to focus on their beauty.
But responding to your question. No, she was able to engage in a given discussion, but she never really brought something new.

Nonetheless it's more than any other woman has ever done.

I acknowledge that these are valuable things to know, but they don't really come into the spectrum of "really made you think". Why did you break up with her though?
Wew lad, 17 years older than you, how old was she then? Why hasn't she settled down yet at such age, that's a bit concerning.

So she's generaly intelligent and capable, got it. I already acknowledged that I've met plenty of such girls too. But the question I posed again was: "Has she ever made you think? Do you find yourself struck back in discussions with her (relating politics, philosophy, etc) by the profound conclusion she came to? Does she ever bring somethinf new to the table?", if you get what I'm trying to get at.

>There's a reason why there are no women philosophers. That level of thinking is lost to them.

>women are inferior. Whether it is the sciences, althetics, the arts, politics, entrepreneurship, defense, or spirituality - it is always men that excel. In all these areas it is men that continue to raise the bar for the good of all of humanity.
>As far as women, come on how much talent does keep a house clean, cooking a meal, and looking after the kids require? And yet the average girl these days can't even do that. God clearly created women to serve men.
>As men, we are under seize these days by the feminazis.
>I'm sorry if you are offended. The feminazis have all but made this kind of frank and honest talk very politically incorrect. They have made men feel guilty about their superiority.
>I am merely pointing out the obvious phenomenon of the superiority of the male psychology over the female psychology. It is clear until the recent rise of the feminazis, that women all over the world have lived happy lives in subservience to men in all cultures all over the world for eons.
>I am not disrespecting women at all - I am simply pointing out that God/Nature/whatever created them to be subservient to men.

i can vouch for this opinion. so i fid, and it seems to be working out rather well after 2years of relationship.

My first gf made me feel confident in myself
She really helped me out
We only broke up cuz she moved away for too long
Girl gave head like a champ, too
Pic semi related, looks a lot like my ex