>Be me
>Be Janitor at High-School
>Yesterday I put a bunch of Swastikas, Pepe Memes, and Trump pictures up on the wall in the highschool
>Today the first day of school had a major reaction to it, some kids were offended and were calling their parents, others were laughing their asses off that someone did this
>They call me to the office since I'm the only one who could have possibly done it
>Buckle under stress and confess everything
>Now im fired, being fined by the school, and possibly facing minor charges for "spreading hate"
>My parents who have about a million net worth are mad as hell they are having to pay my rent and buy my food now even though they have more than enough money for me
>MFW this country sucks
Free Speech Doesn't Exist in Canada
Other urls found in this thread:
you literally have down syndrome.
I have a 130IQ, please tell me you have cancer.
why trump pictures, it's canada we don't vote for trump or hillary
>Have an IQ of 130
>Work as a Janitor
Wew lad.
Germans didn't get to vote for Hitler after 1933 yet they still had pictures of him everywhere. Same with Russia, they didn't vote for Stalin yet there was pics of him everywhere.
130 IQ and you put a bunch of swastikas all over a canadian school
> puts up purposely inflammatory content on a public government building
> 130 IQ and a janitor
Good Faggot Hunting
>Implying Canada is a meritocracy based on Merit and not a classocracy where the rich get all the high positions
It sucks because of lack of freedom of speech.
Nice bait. If real your completely retarded.
Pretty dumb of you to do that desu
Your country is a 1984 shithole. An leftist extremist disgusting piece of hell. And I am saying this based on events such as the Best Gore fiasco. Glad he got out of there. Shame on your government and elites.
I'm very glad that you were able to express yourself freely. I'm also glad that the school used to work at freely expressed how much they fucking hate you and how you're a massive idiot.
I have a high IQ because I can see through all the globalist propaganda and realize WW2 was a giant law
I'm smart enough to know Nazis were the good guys and im not a pussy so yeah.
>not sticking to the lie
Never confess. If you hadn't have confessed, they would have had nothing. They would have whined and bitched and you would have kept your job.
>frogposting on both the internet and irl
Normies OUT
>Falling for the bait
Actually you are either retarded or a pussy
>Someone actually not a pussy and fights for their cause
>Your Parents have a net worth of 1 million.
>You have an IQ of 130
>You're still a giant fuck up
>at the school used to work at freely expressed how much they fucking hate you and how you're a massive idiot.
It's a government building tho it's not up for them to decide, it's like if the cops "chose" not to arrest someone because they beat up a white supremacist. They can't choose not to give service to certain people
I'm a bad liar I always blink and stutter when i lie
I'm not a normie I'm as alt-rightest as it gets
Well IDK about my IQ I've never gotten tested I just know it's smart since I see through the Globalist anti-Nazi propaganda and my parents are really fiscally conservative and won't really spend much money on me. I'm not rich at all my parents won't give me jack shit.
If you actually did this it would be all over your local news. Post a source on this if you're not being fake and gay.
You probably are, but I'll give you a shot.
It just happened today, no time for papers.
Christ, you're a massive fucking idiot.
And you're a cuck
What province? What region? Southern Ontario? Northern B.C? I'll check the news tomorrow.
Burlington Ontario
>Telling lies to strangers on the internet
Its only a lie in your cucked mind because you can't imagine someone not being a pussy about their beliefs.
>Be retard
>Do something retarded
>Get punished for doing retarded thing
You sound like a faggot SJW m8
>free speech is retarded
>not being a cuck is retarded
include me in autism screencap
How is this autistic?
>Job prohibits certain actions
>Do them anyway
>Get fired for it
I see why you're a janitor now
But it's a government building constitution says I have freedom of speech unless on private property and even then the most they can do is kick me off or fire me not fucking sue me.
First amendment bitch.
Swastikas, Pepe Memes, and Trump pictures count as a belief? How did you explain that to them?
Freedom of speech is not absolute in Canada, it's always been that way. Especially when it comes to things that could be taken as "hateful" such as a Swastika.
Did you put these on a bulletin board or just stick them on a wall? As then the school could consider that vandalism hence the fine.
>Cites American Constitution
Your people can shitpost better than this
Autism - the post
We don't have a first amendment dingus. We have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The very first section outlines
the limitation clause, on what you can and cannot do.
See what we have to deal with up here? This is why there's so much Canadian shitposting on this board.
It doesn't matter if you blink and stutter. We've already established that you lack commen sense. They already know it's you because your probably the autistic superman of the staff but until they can prove its you they cant do shit. In the future just stonewall them and give no incriminating information. Dealing with bosses when you have a government job is like dealing with the police.
I'm a National Socialist
>Pepe memes
I thought kek was an actual religion? Doesn't that count
My political views support Trump, it's my belief
>Freedom of speech is not absolute in Canada, it's always been that way. Especially when it comes to things that could be taken as "hateful" such as a Swastika.
I can just imagine that
"so Washington, should we make it clear we mean freedom of speech for all or should we clarify people can also say hateful things"
Canada basically is America tho.
So should I sue for discrimination?
>sperg out
>blame your cucked country
wew lad
It's freedom of speech.