/who/ - Doctor Who General

Quick rundown edition.

Burning itself to death:

Other urls found in this thread:


Doctor Who is live.


How long were you a porter?

How long were you a dishwasher?

A month as a porter I believe.

I have never been a dishwasher.

Doctor Who was filmed in front of a live studio audience


Is that supposed to be a shop of Eccleston? Don't bully Eccles please!

Put down your month as a porter. It sounds like you had a bad boss, so don't mention why you got fired. Put down the experience.

Apply for as many jobs as you can. Keep searching.

Are you fucking serious?
I'm Captain Roberts from stream. Are you kidding me? Are you being serious? Could you get in stream and pm me?

user I'm sure he's not serious, it's just that he hasn't been in stream in ages so people joke and say he's dead. He's probably still posting without his trip.

Fuck you user, you're a fucking infant


Alright, I guess. Thanks for at least putting up with me for the last hour or two.

You're welcome. Thanks for being open to advice.

I don't think I was very open to any of your advice really, as I rejected nearly all of it. I'm sorry if I appeared as rude, I just get frustrated hearing things that seem ridiculous to me.

If I'm being honest the only advice I can really take is "Put down your experience as a porter" and "see someone about your depression" but I don't know how to go about that last one.

I'd better keep this Doctor Who related before that user jumps on me again.

Everyone list your very first Doctor Who episode and who/why you started watching it I guess.

The Empty Child because Alex from 9th grade English told me it was really cool and that I'd like it. Thanks Alex.

Who hyped for /floorregeneration/?

I think those state departments Cloister mentioned last thread can help you in how to find someone to check if you have depression.

Father's Day was my first. It happenned to be on Sci Fi, and I wouldn't know what it was till years later.

>not understanding a meme about not understanding a meme
Is this meta?

Also, follow advice

Smith and Jones was my first episode. I thought it was alright and watched the rest of series 3 as it came out.

I honestly forgot.

I think it was Time Crash?

The End of the World. I was just watching telly and felt in love instantly with pre-title scene.

Book club will be back on Wednesday. See you then!

No, I didn't know it was a meme, sorry. I thought he was serious and I didn't want him freaking out thinking his friend died.

I'll try but I honestly don't know if I'll be able to. I put in an application to work in an Amazon warehouse, hopefully that'll lead to something.

I hope I didn't sound rude in my last post in the previous thread either, certainly didn't intend to.

The first story I remember seeing in its entirety is City of Death. I watched at least one episode from my father's hospital bed, the one where they find the extra copies behind the wall. Other random episodes of stories I'd catch on PBS every once in awhile, usually as background noise The next story in it's entirety would have been 8's tv movie, only because it came on either before or after the Xfiles. Probably didn't see any of the revival until 2006 or so I think I saw parting of the ways at an old friend's house that he had downloaded. I had all but forgotten that DW was a thing until then only seeing a couple of full stories and not really reading a handful of books I bought when the bookstore was out of Star trek ones.
I'm more looking forward to more REEE I WILL NOT CHANGE moments.

>Everyone list your very first Doctor Who episode and who/why you started watching it

One week, I was channel surfing and came across the very end of Terror of the Zygons -- maybe the last 5 to 10 minutes -- on PBS. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, but it looked interesting (and the closing theme was cool), and I had heard that a friend of mine was into Doctor Who, so I figured I should keep my eye out for more. So the next Saturday night rolled around, and Planet of Evil came on, and I was fucking hooked.

Faceless Ones part 1 was my first.
In 2006 one of the newspapers here were giving individual episodes away on dvd and my da worked in a newagents and got them all for me.
That was the first dvd in the set so I watched it,
I was mind blown but liked it enough somehow. Later that day Rise of the Cybermen was on so I watched that.

I hope you work this situation out. Pleasure speaking with you.

Whom win?

>death battle

it's ironic so it's okay


Isn't TARDIS Data Core great?

Check out this epic page XD

*straightens bow tie*


>the Green woman
Does she mean Jill Stein?

what the fuck is going on here

I think I just had an aneurysm.


This is genuinely terrifying.

Who do you think the planets

I'm too tired for this shit.

Is she the James Joyce of Doctor Who?

It looks like she's using a voice dictation app to write these and then not bothering to check the spelling. It's exactly the same sort of nonsense that pops up when you activate automatic captions on You Tube.

I agree. Marlon should have hit him

I was making a joke I was making a joke get dark water muddy waters mother Waters was a musician dark Waters is what happened and this particular episode yeah I think he guys were dead on something I thought you guys were picking on Clare just because you like to pick on her but after reviewing a few Doctor Who episodes I will admit that I was wrong Claire was blind and she couldn't see the doctor right in front of her especially when she went right into the timestream and she's saved his life she couldn't figure out it was him either that means she is stupid dumb or completely out of touch with what's been going on no I don't know what to think on this one why do it the younger doctor calling her to let her know that it's the same one that makes no sense either she's stupid dumb or just plain Clueless really he had to phone her on the phone I don't know either she's completely clueless or she might have been surprised that that doesn't make any sense either considering the fact that he told her her being Clara and him Matt Smith who played the eleventh doctor then he was coming and all throughout our lives we change it just so long as we don't forget who we were so Claire really has no excuse not to see the doctor that's right by played by so that's what surprises me is it it's going to be a girl in my comfortable with that and all honesty no and why is because I'm so used to Peter playing the doctor that I just don't want to see anyone else play that role is that selfish yes do I care no do want her to have a job yes just keep her on Broadchurch

Yes, ironic.

Notice how all the words are spelled correctly despite the syntax making no sense and how the app has trouble with proper nouns ("John hurts") and original expressions like "timey-wimey" ("timely mhy me").

What did Tennant mean by this?

Edge is gonna freak out when he sees pic related

Not enough farts

I've been away for a while. Have I missed any news? Episode titles, writers, casting, rumours etc? Have they even started filming yet?

And is it true that Jodie's companion will be a middle-aged man?

Doctor Who is dead.

Who is better, Watersports Clara or Piss Heather?

Apparently RTD was on set today filming a minisode with Eccleston, more info supposed to come out in about 3 hours GMT


I wish I didn't know this was a real thing

Ah, nothing then. Guess I'll pop back around Christmas.

It's true.

My local TV channel would constantly replay every episode of Doctor Who in late 1980s. Though I have vague memories of some of early 1960s black and white episodes starting William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton and how certain episodes of Jon Pertwee 1970s era would switch from colour to black and white and then back to colour, my first real memory of Dr Who was final episode of Logopolis and being visibly terrified of The Watcher, this white creature thing that would follow him around alot for sport. When it caused Tom Baker to regenerate I honestly thought that it had killed him and was wearing his skin as trophy ... :-s

The first stories I can recall seeing were Enlightenment, The Awakening and Revelation but I was very young and just watching whatever my parents put on. I started choosing to watch during McCoy's first season but it was Remembrance that cemented me as a fan.

Do you think RTD could be an older Adam Orford?

epic meme, tardisposting XD

This is going to be broken up into several comments, sorry. I also typed it out fast and messily so there will be a lot of spelling errors. I will reply to my own comments so it's a chain.
That sounds very stressful user, I really feel for you. I know this probably sounds like an empty platitude and maybe there's nothing I can say that will convince you that I really do feel for you here, but I do.
Working (unpaid) to find work isn't ideal, but it's an actual step and positive move forward instead of just stalling or stagnating around. Jobsearching can deal very shitty hands, and it's one way to try and make a better go of it. Like you see in applications, experience is what employers are after, and the whole paradox of needing experience to get a job sucks definitely, but unpaid work is a readymade solution to it. Some unpaid positions can actually be very enjoyable, many are perfectly bearable, and some are bad, sure.
Did any type of positions I listed here interest you? It's by no means comprehensive, but covers a lot more than just things like soup kitchens.
Being fired as a porter is by no means a reflection of your self worth. Your employers sound pretty bad with barely giving you any weeks to properly train, so you were already at a disadvantage. Sometimes that's the way it goes. It sucks but there are other opportunities. Just think what it'd be like to feel the opposite of the way you do now. You can get there, it takes taking steps to get to that point instead of just (very rightfully) being frustrated by it though. I know how demotivating jobsearching is but you've got to crest it.

I know it can sound empty and repetitive to say things like "move forward" and "keep taking steps"/looking into things/applying but that's because it works. Persistence will get you there. Think how great it would feel to be getting paid (getting paid well even), because you absolutely can get there, it's just going to take some more time and steps. But it absolutely is there in your future if you keep moving toward it. It takes bucking up, dealing with your frustration and taking positive steps - not easy, but you can do it.
>If I didn't have to worry about money I'd sit on my ass all day, working through the books I want to read and the shows I want to watch. I'd swim in lakes and go on hikes and conventions and I'd have fun.
Most normal want in the world, and sounds like a great time. One day you could get there, but for now you've got to work towards getting work. You can still have plenty of time off to do those things you love, but getting the security of a paying job will make you a lot less frustrated and comfortable, especially as you move on and on.
I don't think you're unintelligent, judging purely off how you articulate yourself, and not knowing/memorising facts like you list doesn't inherently have anything to do with intelligence either. I am fucking abysmal at math, I can barely comprehend some basic math let alone geometry and things like that. Those programming articles you got linked, I can't understand fucking any of it. But there are other things I'm good at. You're the same, perhaps you haven't found the things you excel at, or perhaps you have and just don't think they're important enough, but the point is being deficient in some areas doesn't make you a worse person or anything. It's natural for most people.

And trust me, taking care of personal hygiene is more advanced than you think...there are a lot of types out there that struggle with even that. And reading too, I don't think you realise how relatively well-spoken you are and these conversations are compared to so much of the world.
I don't think you're unintelligent, judging purely off how you articulate yourself, and not knowing/memorising facts like you list doesn't inherently have anything to do with intelligence either. I am fucking abysmal at math, I can barely comprehend some basic math let alone geometry and things like that. Those programming articles you got linked, I can't understand fucking any of it. But there are other things I'm good at. You're the same, perhaps you haven't found the things you excel at, or perhaps you have and just don't think they're important enough, but the point is being deficient in some areas doesn't make you a worse person or anything. It's natural for most people. And trust me, taking care of personal hygiene is more advanced than you think...there are a lot of types out there that struggle with even that. And reading too, I don't think you realise how relatively well-spoken you are and these conversations are compared to so much of the world.
Even if we take the hypothetical that you aren't intelligent...so what? So what!? Who cares? You're still a PERSON. You have self worth and you deserve to be happy.
I really do recommend therapy, to give yourself a chance to be happy, and let a professional (it will be a totally safe environment, your problems are things they deal with all the time) help you sort through a lot of these issues.

Wouldn't it be nice to feel happier, more confident in yourself, more at peace with life? You can get there. You can't get there by just being frsutrated and wallowing, although I know how hard it is to take the brave steps out of there and get help. But you're already taking steps, just by expressing yourself to us here. That shows emotional intelligence. It's only another step in that road to get proper professional help that will help you SO MUCH MORE than we can here.
Even if we take the hypothetical that you aren't intelligent...so what? So what!? Who cares? You're still a PERSON. You have self worth and you deserve to be happy.
I really do recommend therapy, to give yourself a chance to be happy, and let a professional (it will be a totally safe environment, your problems are things they deal with all the time) help you sort through a lot of these issues. Wouldn't it be nice to feel happier, more confident in yourself, more at peace with life? You can get there. You can't get there by just being frsutrated and wallowing, although I know how hard it is to take the brave steps out of there and get help. But you're already taking steps, just by expressing yourself to us here. That shows emotional intelligence. It's only another step in that road to get proper professional help that will help you SO MUCH MORE than we can here.
>I can type properly, but I don't think that's a skill
It 100% is a skill. I made a few comments about data entry and you didn't reply to them - those chiefly are typing jobs. There's also transcription, you mentioned not having great hearing but there are still ocassionally positions for things like transcribing written documents to digitised text (a lot of laywers sometimes need this, some libraries need it for their history archives and things, etc.). You don't have to be some super speedy typer, just persistent, and the fact you've written all these posts show you definitely have those skills.

>The ability to write well does not make me intelligent.
One way or the other, it's a skill which you clearly have. It's not silly to take pride in it. It's a legitimaet skill, and something huge amounts of the world's population don't have.
Cloister is also right in saying " For most employers I'd say an enthusiastic person who's willing to learn would beat any candidate with experience without that enthusiasm and expect to coast in on their previous achievements", for plenty of jobs that's exactly the case. Dishwashers in particular. Yeah employers often say "oh we need X experience and Y this and that" but it's worth applying because often they're just shooting that far or their higher-ups tell them to put it in. It's always worth a try. You can't get success unless you try for it. It's always better to DO, to try. Persistence is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN intelligence, experience, anything else.
>I can't apply for jobs that say experience is required
Yes absolutely you can. A lot of them expect plenty of people to do just that.
> I don't even have a resume I can upload because I have no experience I can put on paper.
There are tonnes of guides online for how to write up resumes even when you have 0 experience, not even voulenteering experience. Writing a clear objective statement, and writing skills based off what the application is asking for are super helpful and will get you at least halfway there.
>They'll take one look at my "application" and click next to move on to the next one.
I can absolutely assure you that won't happen for all of them.

6/6 (last one)
Cloister saying "I'm not saying you should lie, but you might want to get creative with your resume" is also dead on the money. Seriously, a lot of employers expect that anyway.
If you like animals I seriously recommend voulenteering at animal shelters and things, it gives you tonnes of stuff you can write on a resume and is actually fun and enjoyable if you like animals! Plus you can get references from it, which look great on a resume.
I really recommend you take another look at Cloister's post here and my post here . Actionable steps, that's what you've got to take.
Immigrant is also correct in saying putting dowd your month as a porter is fine, and you can get pretty creative with how those skills can apply to whatever position you're applying for. Resumes are not the time to be 100% literally, seriously, brutally depressingly realistic. They're the time to sell yourself positively and...creatively. This is the norm.
So again, I recommend taking a look at and again (other anons have given you great advice, like Immigrant, I'm just pointing to these two because you didn't really respond to them) You can get in a much happier place in life, but it means taking actionable steps that might feel frustrating, invalid, or pointless to you. That's how it goes. You deserve to be happy, and you've got to do some frustrating stuff to get there, but you absolutely can get there. Also again, I really recommend therapy because they seriously can give you much better advice than what me and the other anons and trips here are giving you. If you need help working out how to get a therapist and all that we can help with that too though, I'm sure.

Is Jason Levy around?

Scaroth reporting in.


is Shit Trips 2 out?

Me! I'm also hype for retconning Hartnell's regeneration as having glowy golden light ;)

Oh, almost forgot to answer your Doctor Who question! My first episode was part 4 of The Greatest Show of the Galaxy, which I saw when I was...4 or so I believe. I loved it! I just saw it on the telly, then asked my mother about it and turns out she was a big fan...from there I watched more classic who reruns on the TV, borrowed the VHS tape of the TV movie from the library (i loooooooved it and watched it a lot) and a couple of years later Doctor Who actually CAME BACK ON TV!!! New Doctor! New episodes! So exciting!

Can't wait! Really enjoyed the ones coming up Wednesday. And a big gulp for when it's just my stuff getting covered next Sunday :S

Sounds like Americans and Australians had a similar situations with public channels broadcasting Classic Who serials. Quite comfy indeed.

So incomprehensible, hard to appreciate even as meme

I even have one (vocaroo/audio file) of my reading out one of my shit trips if my voice will suffice your curiosity!

*It's frustrating to get to a better place in life, but people absolutely can get to that better place
*Persistence is much more important than experience / intelligence / etc, especially in jobsearching
*Actual therapy is well worth it
*A lot of that user's issues are things loads/most people suffer; plenty can empathise and offer help
*There's plenty of places (some even, gasp, enjoyable!) to volunteer at which improves a resume IMMENSELY, helping you get a right paying job (and along the way volunteering is conductive to making friends, which is nice too)
*That user has a lot of things to be proud of, contrary to how they might feel
*They are a person and deserve to be happy
*Probably more I'm forgetting - I wrote a lot!

doctorwhogeneral.wikia.com/wiki/Shit_Trips:_Vol._2 Enjoy!
nice pic-one of my fav films!


What's /who/ with you?

>doctorwhogeneral.wikia.com/wiki/Shit_Trips:_Vol._2 Enjoy!
500 pages
now I have to postopone reading war and peace

Well it's very episodic since it's just lots of short stories. Could always just skip around to titles that interest you too. It's not going anywhere!

Counteroffer - what's /who/ with youuu?

Bernice Summerfield books from Big Finish arrived. One of them claiming to be 7 in the series whilst the other is VII. I'll get around to reading them later.


What I did, I did for the crisps

got BF's Time in office
will listen tonight

for you, neo. for the effort you put in the threads

who's this
did they merge Ashildr and Clara?

Well... I appreciate the sentiment user, thank you

have anyone got Terrahawks 3?

Why do Facebook groups desperately want to believe that it's going to be Bradley-to-Whittaker instead of Capaldi-to-Whittaker?

So they can feel outraged.

Why did the press in 2008 desperately want to believe that it was going to be Tennant-to-Nesbitt instead of Tennant-to-, uh, Tennant?

They got to make three of those?

But not in the name of the fish


Dalek because a friend was watching it the night it aired.

Styre really hated the Silurian Candidate.

not trad enough

do we have a MEGA for audios


any chance of sharing the link or should i just dive into the archive?

Then where is it?

support BF

Fucking Ricks.