Post movies that are shit but people pretend to like to look clever
La La Land
10 Cloverfield Lane
Anything by PTA
No Country For Old Men
good movie for good people
do shows count? If so: memepranos
>missing the point entirely and accidentally exposing shit taste
t. Brainlet extraordinaire
>No Country For Old Men
This. I don't believe anyone actually likes these films - they just like the opportunity it gives them to pretentious.
no need to lash out at people who merely calls you out on your shit taste
Maybe try to improve your own taste so you prevent looking like a retard in the first place, hehe :)
Sounds like you're the one with actual reddit taste friendo maybe you should lurk more. You like any of those you're as pleb as possible.
I... I actually agree with many of these. They seem so lifeless, including OP. I get what they are trying to do, but it just doesn't work for me.
>10 Cloverfield Lane
It was a great thriller until she gets out in my opinion.
Pulp Fiction
Shawsank Redemption
Citizen Kane
Forrest Gump
2001 A Space Odyssey
The Shining
I don't see why you have to be so outwardly insecure about your shit taste.
Just gotta work on it, user..Don't be mad at the person who opens your eyes to your shortcomings :)
Fuck you half of those are classics
Mew is shit and so is goodman but you can go back to r/movies if you want a pat on the back
>No Country For Old Men
there's no way anybody is retarded enough to think this film is preten-
ok nevermind
how can anyone use this to look clever when it's glorified D&D?
it's better than most shit nowadays. i'd choose sopranos over westworld or game of thrones.
PTA babby detected. Try not sounding like turbopleb and maybe someone will take you seriously someday.
>Citizen Kane
>Forrest Gump
>The Shining
fuck you nigger. Casablanca made me genuinely cry when I saw it at 22 years old. 2001 blew my fucking mind with it's visual scope and story structure. Psycho scared the shit out of me. Citizen Kane deeply moved me and impressed me with the knowledge that Orson Welles was as young as he was when he made it
you simply hate movies
>this triggers the pseudo
They sprinkle in some middle earth knowledge and trivia they acquired on youtube and pretend to be Tolkien experts.
You're adorable
>OP is so stupid he didn't get Arrival and thinks the only reason people enjoyed a well made movie is to look clever
>big lebowski
i enjoyed it, but it's not as great as the people who caw over it make it out to be.
it legitimately is though. it has the best dialogue in any film ever made.
PTA is gradeschool kid, he's the professor at pseduo school.
>it has the best dialogue ever
Imagine thinking this
every single line is a comedic masterpiece. find me a single instance of dialogue in the film that isn't genius
>it has the best dialogue in any film ever made.
i wouldn't say the best dialogue. the coen's know how to write a script. all of their movies have great dialog.
Looks like the movie went over your head, little guy. Don't worry, in time, you'll come to realize the greatness of this movie.
The grand Budapest hotel
The Matrix
>he thinks DUDE CIRCLES LMAO is intelligent and groundbreaking
Your favorite movies
I swear anyone who likes Arrival and gives it five stars on rediboxd I would love to beat to death. Extend that to anyone who thinks Adams isnt a shit actress too.
>I really hate things
you have to go back
holy shit you must be miserable irl
>Comedic masterpiece
Is this what burgers call comedy?
It wasn't even funny can't name a single thing that happened in it which was funny it was just kinda weird, about as comedic as pineapple express
>Anything by PTA
Too accurate.
>The grand Budapest hotel
It's a fucking sweet movie, I watched it with 2 different girls and got laid afterwards both times.
Not even pseuds liked it, what are you talking about?
>this is your brain on Yuropoorism
>Where's the money lebowski
>It's Shabbos goy
>Peed on rug hehe
>Shares name
>I'm the reddit dude xD
Show me the best bit of comedy in the movie, it was fucking shit and you know it.
>Every single line is reddit
Call me.....wait for it......DUDE! funny amirite haha give me an upboat my good gentlesire
Perfect example. Boring trite movie that could've been interesting turned into woo-woo garbage. Also, le based China sees the light and S A V E S us like in Martian.
>>Where's the money lebowski
this was fucking hilarious. the way he repeats it in the most deadbeat, brainless fashion. the way he and his partner pretend to be hardcore yet are thrown for a loop when they realize they have the wrong guy
>thanks for nothing, asshole
I'm laughing right now remembering this scene
>I don't roll on Shabbos
easily the best running gag in the movie
>Shares name
when was this a joke? It was just the plot. the only joke part is
>does this place look like I'm fucking married?
which is the first comedic moment in that scene which at first takes you by surprise
>being so dumb that you're dumber than reddit
>Also, le based China sees the light and S A V E S us like in Martian.
uh, what?
Just exposed what shit taste you have none of that was funny for anybody who isnt a dumb american
China is funnelling money into Hollywood and it's starting to show in movies
not that dude, but the corvette scene is hilarious imho.
The Revenant is boring as all goddamn fuck. It's pointless and the lighting sucks.
But China is literally shown as a ruthless bastard in Arrival that almost caused an intergalactic space war with the aliens?
"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever
>the lighting sucks
Please exaplain how it sucks.
Arrival is pretty fucking simple and straightforward, do you think a film has to be "le deep" to be good?
It's only you complete braindead autist who think that someone would actually "look clever" if he likes Arrival.
Almost perfect. LotR is good though.
Mad Max :Fury Road
Get Out!
Wonder Woman
Are the most overrated movies in recent years imo
I know this is a meme post but why the fuck would anyone seem clever by liking Forrest Gump?
>Mad Max :Fury Road
some of the best action editing of all time. nothing overrated or pretentious about it, it's a technical marvel of a film.
The revenant has a script that can be completely understood by an 8 year old if read cover to cover. They took a real life movie and dumbed it down to marvel tier characters and understanding of America's cultural history. They even added in ebin waterfall survival and raw meat eating to pretend that the story was more hardcore that it really was. not to mention that ending
>epic, over the top bloody fight
Revenant is one of the few films that is genuinely pretentious. There is more depth in reading the wikipedia summary of the true events than there is in watching the film.
This except la la land is genuinely good.
Never seen no country for old men
Citizen kane is the only one you are right about
I wonder how Leo feels about getting an Oscar for that movie. It wasn't anywhere near his best but it got him an Oscar because the jury felt he had been waiting long enough.
>Never seen no country for old men
Why are you on this board even?
This movie was shit
why the fuck should he care? the fucker is rich as hell after the holocaust.
Who do you think deserved the Oscar that year more?
Because the rest of the actor nominations were pretty poor also, I mean Matt Damon in The Martian? Bryan Cranston in the most forgettable Trumbo? Fassbender as Steve Jobs? Transgender Redmayne?
People often make the mistake of thinking that actors get an Oscar for their best role in their life, but they get an Oscar for the best performance of that year, there is no comparison with the rest of his career in the evaluation. It was just a shit year for male leads.
Birdman is interessing in the first watch.
The second and the third time, the last 30minutes are painful
>Fassbender as Steve Jobs
yes, easily. Why did you say that as if he didn't do a fucking phenomenal job?
He's a very good actor, obviously he cares about his job. I don't know how he feels about awards in general and Oscars in particular, but if I were him I think I would feel annoyed that my previous performances were ignored and that a not particularly noteworthy one would get me the award.
Fuck I thought this was going to be a good thread
>musicial where the leads can't sing dance or act
>genuinely good
this a good movie doe
Maybe. Most people like it just because its funny and violent though.
Objectively well made, and accessible as a crime movie. Not intellectual.
People like it because its a great story. Idk anyone who thinks it is high art or smart.
Everyone i know enjoys the action and the ideas but thinks its kind of stupid and incomprehebsible.
People enjoy fantasy action go figure. No one thinks they are art, its like enjoying die hard or predator.
Its a cutsie movie. I didnt even like it much but i think others like believing a retard can be successful.
Guess you had to have the movie explained to you.
>the shining
For fags who believe the insane conspiracy theories yes. But i think .most just like it as a well made psychological horror with a GOAT performance from Nicky.
In summary: you are a pleb faggot that cant even point towards truly pretentious movies because you have seen so few.
He did a great job at representing the actual Steve Jobs yes, but being truthful to the real thing doesn't automatically equate as "best performance", Steve Jobs was a pretty one dimensional person.
i think he's happy just knowing that he has an oscar. the departed is probably his best role and he didn't get a nod that year for it in the oscars. though he did get a nod that same year for blood diamond. i'd imagine he's upset about not getting an oscar for aviator, but whitaker probably deserved it that year for last king. but like i said, the dude is worth tens of millions. i doubt he really cares too much about accolades.
>No one thinks they are art
you must not know a whole lot of normies.
For me Arrival is the litmus test to differentiate between a well educated, intelligent science-fiction enthusiast and a simple minded, new age 'geek'.
I would understand that people having hard time to grasp the concept of a deterministic universe. And the level of mental gymnastics required to fully understand the movie might be too much for some. But all these reasons shows that either you're new to the genre or really lack the mental capacity to process what the movie tells you in 2 hours time. None of these are the problems with the movie though.
It baffles me people drooling over new age sci-fi movies and TV shows that take on the subjects which have been told before hundreds of times across several mediums while adding nothing of importance to the genre and on the side bashing movies like Arrival.
Hope I was offensive and pretentious enough for anyone that hated this movie so they'll stay ignorant.
>better than most shit
it's better than all shit that was produced before it, during it and after it. it is the perfect show and has defined tv for decades to come.
>reddit spacing
t. Brainlet
It's the Arrival fans who think they're clever not me
Wow, great acting there mate. Hardy was the only one in that movie who was any good, rolling around groaning for 2 hours isn't acting
>10 Cloverfield Lane
>No Country
Fuck you
Nah I'm just a lurker and I don't care about site-specific formatting at all. Reddit is objectively worse in most cases. Actually every website that you have an username to collect karma, likes or whatever to look and masturbate later is worse than cancer for everyone.
>the lighting sucks
>it's better than all shit that was produced before it
i'd take 90's early 00's ER and twilight zone over the sopranos. breaking bad is the only show i'd compare it to after it. when it was on, it really was the best show on television.
I fucking hated arrival, it was cliche as fuck and full of horseshit.
I'm studying Japanese but I didn't wake up one day knowing the secret to the language and also with slant eyes and yellow skin with a deep desire to deny war crimes because that's not how language fucking works.
You also can't dream in a written language, as the lady claims to do.
Not to mention how anyone with any brain power could easily predict what was going to happen.
Not even joking, I would rather listen to her lecture about Portuguese linguistics than watch this stupid fucking movie again.
Superior entry coming through
get out weebo, you obviously missed the point of the movie.
>I'm studying Japanese
stopped reading
You don't have to take it personally. They took a more fictionate part of Linguistic Relativity and expanded on that.
If I can accept the deterministic universe they presented in the movie as a physicist you should be able to accept the character experiencing time differently because of learning an alien language. If we can't look past over some parts of fiction -as long as they're consistent throughout the story-
there would be no science-fiction.