Fuck Drumpf. We are all human


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I see plenty of natural borders like coastlines.

we can draw borders wherever we want.

How can you form a goverment without forming a state?


We are human creatures. An adrican is the same as an Englishman.


actually the china wall can be seen for space.


I don't see any humans do you?
Guess we're not Earthlings after all.

A chinese person is the same as american.

100% agree that Israel should open its borders.


Yeah we're all animals too, doesn't mean we let chickens and pigs roam free and shit/piss wherever they want


No we are not.
There are us chosen people and you goyim.

just form a world goverment, go nwo

Well we let you piss and shit everywhere

I see lots of rivers, other bodies of water, mountain ranges, etc

>Spherical Earth

The earth is flat, the Jews just made people think the earth was spherical just so they could push this kind of 'no borders' bullshit.

Not borders. Thats just nature

all dogs are dogs
some breeds are better than others
this applies to humans aswell

and? what's your point? because we're humans, we have the free will to create borders.

We earned that right because no one could stop us.

Also we (India and WalMart excluded) have the foresight to shit/piss in designated receptacles.

Are you serious

>implying Niggers, Abos and Mudslimes are human

if you cant spell african right on the first try then youre pretty racist m8

>not understanding human biodiversity

You must not have taken any high school science courses right?

i agree

Do you smell of shit then?

I see borders all over the place there's oceans for fucks sake

Everybody is exactly the same because evolution is true and humans reproduce asexually like fungus.

Space is a border, you colossal faggot.

How come Africans by sickle cells and English men don't

Pigs dont hate pigs.
Birds dont hate birds.
We are the only species that bombs and kills.

I don't see any cops, do you?

Fuck da po-lice, we all dindu nuffin.

How are some breeds better than others?
Better for what?

Btw "breeds" we have now as pets were man made, selective breeding.

There is no "Earth central government", we are all earthlings like you said. As an Earthling, I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want. This includes make my own government, and my right to submit myself to another government. The majority of Sup Forums submits itself to a government in which we call "America". In this America, we choose what we want, who we want and pretty much fucking anything we want. It's our right as an earthling. So if Mr. Mohammad wants to cross into America to blow it up, even if America says no, he has the right to come. We just also have the right to put a bullet in between his eyes the second he steps foot into our land. Your argument is flawed.

>comparing animals without sentience to intelligent resource extraction behavior

We mostly kill for resources, we don't just randomly kill shit.

>Implying the world is round


U see iraq

Is there something wrong with creating communities that uphold a certain set of ideals, that other communities don't?

>/threading your own post

Very true, because most of England is overran with shitskins anyways so you're right in saying that Africans look the same as Englishmen

>Pigs dont hate pigs.
>Birds dont hate birds.

>birds don't hate birds

Birds eat other birds you dumb fuck

>We are the only species that bombs and kills.
call me an edgelord if you want, but i think that's kinda cool tb.h

Nation-state democracy is a system of order

>he we're all earthlings lets all go eat grass in a field and end this civilization madness

I don't see any door or windows, do you?
Fuck property, we're all earthlings.

Wtf is this shit



Still salty about those windfarms Scotland? Fuck off and die.


Not true. Ants also will go to war against other ants, even if they don't pose an immediate threat.

Chimpanzees will form raiding groups to find and murder outsider chimps.

The world is not as wonderful as you want it to be

So I can just crash at your place whenever I want to?

Ya, oil production.

Well to be fair, subhuman races like arabs and niggers kill each other for pleasure. Whites and east asians mostly do so for territory and resources. Whites are superior to east asians in that regard though, as we kill in defense or for resources, the japs killed indiscriminately and for pleasure during ww2 like savages.

Basically all non whites are pretty much subhuman.

They are the bad birds. Its not normal


>falling for the flat jew

>Daaaaaaaam stupa humies, alvays looki daun on us good boy xeno.

Fuck earthism, we are all universlings.

I don't see my house but I know it's there.

Nope, I want to kill one and don't want to kill the other, that's a difference.

>I dont see any germs, do you?
>Fuck microbiology its bad air thats making us sick#

Fuck Drumpf, we're all galactic citizens. You don't mind if we immigrate to earth do you?

You know what, Africans and Englishmen are actually pretty synonymous nowadays.

i guess you dont mind if i come live in your house then. Ill make sure to bring all my friends.

kek good one

>this is what hindus actually believe

Not even kidding.

Gas the xenos. Galactic war now.


If u can pay

This has to be bait


>let the third world dregs ravage your country side
>the post

Underrated post

fuck money and ownership of private property, we are all human.

Literally Chimpanzees abd just about every territorial animal there is. Have you seen shad European Starlings do to other birds? Have you seen how chimpanzees deal with rival groups?

I guess this means we need a border so huge you can see it from space.

Don't see your mother yet we spawned you.

OP why would you pretend to be retarded

You would make him pay!?! He is practically your brother.

I bet you would make your own family pay to stay with you.

by your "reasoning" every canadian citizen has the right to live in your house

I think open borders would be exciting. Vibrant cultures. Spanish italian americsn african. Wow

Drumpf is a dickhead


You're right. I can't see any borders. Nationalism is really flawed. After all, there's only one country, right?

truly causes a great deal of activity in my prefrontal cortex

Don't forget to sage this thread

alive isnt the definition of human

That's wrong. Chinese people shart outside not in the mart.

>your wife being gang raped by niggers is "exciting"

Kill yourself cuck.

What is a more dysgenic societal structure?

>society where all the different nations/peoples/groups staying in tenuous equilibrium, fighting amongst themselves occasionally, undermining one another, plotting, propagandizing, etc.

>society where one or two of the most capable groups wipeout all the competing groups and develop in relative peace with perhaps the occasional internal uprising.

What is sage. I am new to pol. I emigrated here xD

Is this really how you're going to spend your evening britbong? Shitposting for (You)'s?

God, you're pathetic

Pic is a dwarvish conspiracy BTW. Open your eyes man.

pretty much sums it up

Are you roleplaying as a CTR tard or what.
This just looks like you're phoning it in for shekels.

This so much. Sup Forums BTFO

sooooo the right to private property does exist. which is the creation of borders in its most basic form. which validates the nation-state and nationalism

I vote grren party uk. I dont shill. I like being adventurous. Fuck borders. Fuck nationalism

I will never let anyone from planet Adrica on Earth

Like Trump is the one that started the whole idea of a border lmfao tell that to the leaders in the Middle East and North Korea

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