I didn't get it.
What's the point of this film?
I didn't get it.
What's the point of this film?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cause DID is interesting
What's the matter pleb, was it too lovecraftian for you?
it was too kafkaesque
To kick off a Shamalamadingdong Cinematic Universe.
What's the point of any film? What's the point in this thread?
wut? did I miss something about the perversion of an actual disease made into a coming out drama flick with a juicy looking teenage girl?
No, you missed the other meme.
To entertain people with certain tastes. Maybe not you, but some people.
Leave him alone, his mind isn't Orwellian enough to understand our dank memes.
To make people think M. Night Shyamalan makes good movies again.
do you really have to try to force it this hard, just posting this dumb shit in every thread
it's not funny, you realise that right? or are you that autistic
let's pretend we're animals, user! :D
Retarded strength is a thing
>implying Sup Forums memes are supposed to be funny and not just made to piss off the normies to send them back to r/movies
Fuck off with this.
why would a psycho with multiple personalities who kidnapped people remind someone of a cripple who did terrorism?
Its not as interesting as most people think.
Because he had a cool sensationalist name, prostitutes being killed? It's like Jack the Ripper! Couples being bound and gagged and murdered? It's like the Zodiac Killer.
>i-i-it's not even m-meant to be funny!
fuck you faggot
to make money and try to give shyamalan respect even tho it's a shitty salvage job of shit rightfully cut from unbreakable
child molesters = bad
James McAvoy = actor who is acting
>child molesters = bad
hi Sup Forums is this movie worth watching?
It was pretty good, I didn't like the last part of it though. Worth a watch.
I enjoyed it, thought it's connection to Unbreakable could've been done better but otherwise not much to complain about.
>implying Sup Forums memes aren't turning it into r/movies
AKA the hypest universe.
Definitely in my top five of 2017.
>there have been countless Split threads ever since it's blu-ray was released
>haven't seen ONE
>webm of the impossibly hot black chick in her panties
This board is really dying
Make it yourself, parasite.
>being this mad
k e k