That feel when Ustase tortures,rapes and murders an entire Serbian family and chops them to pieces
That feel when Ustase tortures,rapes and murders an entire Serbian family and chops them to pieces
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck tito
so many serbs here in america cause they had to flee in 95
That's pretty edgy, sven
Oh noes
> you think OP is a swede
> OP is actually a muslim
It's a meme, dummy. Serbs were Ottoman rapebabies for centuries.
2nd that - killing "Muslim" Slavs and losing every battle to actual Turks isn't that astonishing of an accomplishment
that moment when you haven't prepped a bull in days and miss the taste of mudslime cum so much you go mental and start shitposting about serbian kebab removers. stay cuc.ked sweden
Croats on Sup Forums - the most butthurt people ever including balkan youtube comment sections
Killing muslim croatians is a accomplisment for the whole world to see. Not a meme.
Over what would I be butthurt? I'm just pointing out that basing your worldview on memes isn't the brightest idea.
it isn't a meme when serbia killed muslim croatians.
Checkmate u muslim.
>serbia killed muslim croatians.
Both Croats and Serbs killed muslims (who are also both Croats and Serbs) during the whole 90's clusterfuck.
pic related
This guy posted same thing yesterday about 3 or 4 times. No one replied to him.
Also, don't know if he is bosnian or croat.
thank you dumb muslim croat for proving it was not a meme.
Also this.
Kako mozete svaki thread o Srbiji da userete to meni nije jasno.
Imate cele foldere spremne samo da bi usrali threadove.
magla ce opet spustiti u europi
Za poglavnika i hrvatski domovina milo brate ustase!
you fucking cunt.. hope you'll get the same, whatever shit you are
Ima da svaka dva dana bude barem jedan hrvatsko srpski thread da razvedrimo ove jadne strance i njihove fetiše na sukobe balkanaca.
what feel you retard
nothing ever happened
>Imate cele foldere spremne samo da bi usrali threadove.
>On nema anti-hrvatski folder
pa kako uspijevaš vodit raspravu na Sup Forums opće?
Feels good OP. maybe we should cleans them again.
STFU fag croat it's not your business. Go fuck a catholic priest
Ne vodim sa Balkancima.
90% vremena na Sup Forums-u sad bejtujem Trump fanove.
Definitivno najgluplji ljudi na Sup Forums-u, pogotovo oni u /trumpgen/-u.
Pic related.
Mislim da su samo dva Hrvata u pitanju koji budno motre za bilo koji Srpski thread.
Opsesija je cudo.
>STFU fag croat it's not your business
what are you even?
i would slaughter you like a pig and beat the shit out of your family
>In Denmark
Lol, i thought that all of you went to Sweden during the 90's.
Imagine if Dyaspora fags also got their country of origin flag added.
Lik je muslimancima odvratna koja zivi na socijalnoj pomoci kao nesposobni nigger, eto sta je.
But figuring out who's from where is the most entertaining part of these shitty balkan threads
>not added but replaced
The leaf and Nordic flags will be rare then
>not supporting based Ustasa exterminating smelly hairy brown chetniks
>tfw you will witness Croats and Serbs cleansing the Balkans together in your lifetime
[...] muslimancima [...] nigger [...]
I agree
Serbian and Croatian diaspora don't even make 1% of the population in countries like USA, Sweden etc and they are still on Sup Forums in large numbers, shitposting.
Da li i ti zivis na socijalnoj pomoci Ante?
Ustase are slightly better than Serbs for being proper Christians but it is only right when they remove kebab together
jebemu bog majku chetnici
Serbia (also known as Sergaya or Gayistan) is a nation of people with small dicks, beautiful men and friendly people butthurt gay power nazis (because only in Jasenovac over 5000000000000000000000000 Serbs were killed by Nazis). It is also the only country to have an exclusively gay population. Serbs believe themselves to be a "celestial nation" or Jew. Their name is derived from "servus" which is Latin for slave or servant. Serbia also did the phenomenal achievement of starting 4 wars in 8 years and losing them all. Serbia went into the wars owning a lot of land, and came out owning nothing but dead Serbs. Serbia is the gay capital of Europe and enjoys gay visitors from all across the world. Serbia's main exports are dead Shqiptars(Albanians), pedophiles, and shit-eating champions.
fake and gay
starci me financiraju
tek sam student
>Serbian and Croatian diaspora don't even make 1% of the population in countries like USA, Sweden etc and they are still on Sup Forums in large numbers, shitposting.
Considering our population size compared to USA, there's a disproportionately large number of Serbs and Croats here in general.
>western cucks yet again inciting hatred between us
piss off, serbs are bros.
>Serb diaspora
>Croatian diaspora
>Bosnian diaspora
Hmmm you guys really make me think...
>based white croat
>not actually a tiny manlet 5'2 mongol
You know who (((they))) are.
>white aryan ustasa
calm down, son, i know me and mommy just got divorced but you don't need to get so angry and hide in your room listening to that linkin park band all night long
Aren't you the same guy who earlier said we're the butthurt ones?
No, you're not. You made a decision to no longer be a part of Serbian people.
You diaspora fags are the worst. Never come back.
Oy vey, remember the 700,000,000,000 Serbs who had their throat cut and thrown in the Neretva
>Tfw Croats still didn't paid the reparations...
Come on Croatbros, you haven't forgot 600.000.000 people that you killed during WW2?
>He dont have a meme shitpost folder for every Sup Forums thread
baiting is better with memes
i dont know why the serbian government doesnt apply for reparations at the un, serbia woudve get mad money germany/croatia like Israel
>600.000.000 people that you killed during WW2?
What 60,000,000 people?
I don't remember killing 6,000,000 people.
Can you give us any source to confirm we've killed 600,000 people?
It sounds pretty shocking that anyone would kill 60,000 people...
>serbia woudve get mad money germany/croatia like Israel
They wouldn't get a penny from us because we couldn't fucking afford to pay it even if we wanted to.
He looks like Leon Degrelle
losing side doesn't get reparations silly
>what is debt
>implying we'll ever be able to pay it off
>implying this country will even exist in 50 years
hahah pickice mala mora da si velik momak kad tako pricas na internetu :) pickice :)
what is gonna happen in 50 years?
It says right above it: VASSAL. Your "memes" need some work.
Why do you mudslimes hate serbs so much?
The conclusion of what's been happening for the past 25 - the country will keep rot from the inside out.
Unsustainable demographics, mass emigration of educated youth, non-existent private sector due to a bureaucratic nightmare imposed by incompetent commie government. What little exists gets sold to foreigners etc.
Very soon we'll have no other choice but to start importing workforce, at which point we'll turn into a 3rd world multi-cult shithole, and the only thing we currently have left - the cultural identity of our people - will be lost.
vassal = slave. That's precisely the point of my post.
Well then you're no different from Serbia, considering that you were a vassal, and eventually an administrative division of the Austrians. Hell, you even gave your kingdom away!
Except Croatia had it's own kingdom and parliament within the Habsburg empire, and people were free to travel about and live their lives as they see fit.
Comparing that to being an actual slave to turks, and killing fellow christians to please your turkish masters is beyond delusional.
That was a choice between a magyar and a austrian king.
The croatian kingdom wasnt given away.
A magyar dynasty was installed after the last croatian king was killed in combat against the victorious invading magyars.
And with transferring their kingdom to a king of the Habsburg dynasty instead of a magyar dynasty croatia got highly increased autonomy, so it wasnt a bad choice at all. Especially since the alternative to autonomy in the Habsburg empire was either being part of hungary or getting invaded and raped by ottomans.
And like I said croatia enjoyed high autonomy with their own kingdom, their own Parliament, no persecution etc.
Cause killing fellow Christians during the The Thirty Years' War to please your Hapsburg masters is so much better.
Heck Croats were such monsters during the war they were compered to the plague.
>Cause killing fellow Christians
You chose your side, traitors. See >Heck Croats were such monsters during the war they were compered to the plague.
The comparison was made due to the death toll famalam :^)
The comparison was made because you were really strong against women and children.
But you guys also fought in the 30 years war under the Ottoman empire and killed fellow Christians.
Not to mention all the prior stuff like fighting for the ottomans at the siege of constantinople etc.
Also nice quads
What can I say - ethnocentrism prevails.
By then there was no more a vassal Serbia.
Also most of Serbia's contribution to Ottoman wars consisted of 800 heavy cav.
>Also most of Serbia's contribution to Ottoman wars consisted of 800 heavy cav.
Oh, you've contributed more. Pic related.
Meh, most Muslim landlords were locals who converted.
True turkrape babies were often thrown into the river.
If anything most Anatolian Turks were cucked by Balkan Janissary's.
This Swede spams whole day with this shit.
Dude, just fuck off. What caused that trauma to you?
Also you fucktards replying go back to Sup Forums
Not enough Varta flags in this thread.
>literally appointed by Italians so they could hand them over Dalmatia
Don't you have to get raped by bbc?
>fuck tito
implying it was his fault serbs fled to america at >95
A prime example of USA education