Other urls found in this thread:

there's a thread about this already dude please use that one


Find me the website of an indian or chinese restraunt near him and I'll do it.

nvm archived

No there's not

And this one has 88


Why are you guys picking on an obviously mentally ill man?

Bunch of little faggots

Put his postcode into that.

He calls us arseholes all the time when we're nice to him, he's picking on us

are we going to throw a party once he hits 2k subscribers?

They probably said Jesus was mentally ill too.

Fuck off CIS male.

the pope looks wrong here... like he's secretly Episcopalian or something



render unto jahans

He isn't mentally ill. He's just a liberal.


Anyone else seeing this

Start permabanning this fucking garbage.


>"I am a big guy!"
What did he mean by this?

Have relentlessly been jerking off hamsters all day.

Soon I will ascend and join J-H-NS in godhood.

Can someone gibs link for the mashup video someone made of Alex. The one where he comes off as a white nationalist

Just Jahanic!

Just got presented with this captcha.

I refused to recognise that flag...

You carrying dead mice in your pocket?

fucking hell

someone print out the pics and send them to his house

Done, friendo.

Shut it down!

They are Waching!


I'm going to show it to people and introduce Alex as a racist member of the alt-right that pretends to be a leftists

Jahans confirmed Zionist.


I see a Hitler mustache on Alex in this image.

I hope he likes multicultural food.

nice touch addressing it to Keith. good work. :)


can someone explain this one to me


Could someone get me up to speed on this guy?

We've stopped the pizza. We've moved on to Indian cuisine now.

You could at least pay for it, no need to fuck the takeaway over

Pensioners spend more time up than Virgin.

Do you pay for the pizza with your card? If so why is Jahans rejecting free food?

Virgin Media is an interwebs provider, part of Branson's Virgin brand

I guess he's saying the have shitty internet service

My virgin internet spanks desu, only plebs have BT Internet/TalkTalk/Plusnet etc.

I'm just wondering how this will all end. Will he an hero himself, will he delete all his accounts and go dark, will he become redpilled and be the new face of the alt-right?

Hopefully he'll get over himself, leave the internet and get a job.

I'm disappointed that we haven't had any videos specifically addressing the food deliveries.

After 3 consecutive nights of pizza you'd expect at least one video.

He did mention it, I forget the title of the video though. If anyone knows, please link it.

>3 consecutive nights of pizza
we will break him

Also lads

The hamster business is seriously disgusting, perhaps irredeemably so. Is this guy really destined to lead the alt-right?

Also can somebody please do a quick shoop of Jahans as Robocop? I would do it but I don't have the skills.

He mentioned it in this one. He was very angry about it.

If he kills himself I will feel pretty bad.

He's just so curiously watchable.

I also donated £1.50 to his paypal to exonerate myself for feeding into the meme.

Don't let this slide, the kikes are doing there master plan.


The kikes are responsible for the rise of Jahanism?

>I just donated £1.50 to his paypal

Nice of you, but I have a better idea. We all donate 1p to his paypal. Just a single penny. Paypal sends you like two emails, so not only will his phone be buzzing non-stop with annoying push notifications, but eventually he'll end up getting properly paranoid that hundreds of strangers keep sending him pennies for no reason. It'd start off as a joke, and he'd probably just find it mildly amusing, like the website. Eventually though, after it's happened a couple of hundred times, it'll break him.

Epic, thanks man.

>because look, it's glorious.

>Fucking over a bunch of illegal pajeets

Problem being?

I love whoever did this

An American just removed the cost of the wasted food from our economy

top kek

I'm always proud on how you guys can turn something Good in something evil.

My sides are in orbit


What is the intro music?

I just got to about 12 minutes and he's really going off on the commie anti-gunners who think they're going to "seize the means of production" without firepower.


Erika Waffen SS

Can someone tell me his address?
His exact address, not just a link to his CV.

I want to mail him my used underwear.

I'm still pissed that he never put it on jewtube

but why


>He also has a qt sister who is proper wife material.

Any pics?

>only 5 mins away.

He's into some weird shit, he might like that.

Christ, his Dad's fucking website is hilarious.

I'm seriously considering buying one of his books for a kek or two. Would share with Sup Forums ofc.

>His Dad's gay little publishing website

>The video trailer for his magnum opus, Bike Travelling Man

Truly, the peak of Esoteric Jahanism is to be found in the teachings of Keith.


I don't remember tweeting to him.

Just rewatched this and......RARE KEITH!!!!!

just a word of advice, you shouldnt use that chillis place anymore, this is the one which was used when they called the police

>he starts talking about universal basic income
>talks how other lefties get angry at the idea that rich people get the same universal income as a poor person
>his example of what they say is "they've contributed nothing"
God damn lefties are delusional.

Would it be too extreme to send in job applications to companies using his CV? And maybe tweaking it a bit, spice it up?


Was about to make the same point
>they've contributed nothing
>except for all the money we're using to fund UBI

I just sent him a dollar via Paypal.

Newfound respect for Sweden.

Troll him by getting him a job.

Tell him to get a Boob job on the NHS.

>Troll him by getting him a job.
I was gonna suggest we get him an escort.


Not exactly an original idea

Does he think he is a bond villain?

Fucking dying

I don't want him to be bored, as far as I'd heard we have sent him bibles, korans and a lot of pizza.

Now we need to get more creative things like those websites that send poop and glitter. If your in the UK mail envelopes of icing sugar or money

Top fucking Kek

What about talmuds?

Oh and don't forget boxes, lots of cardboard boxes. Our leader will need the building materials for when he gets kicked out.

It would make for great videos.