I'm super excited to go see it and I am trying to convince my fiancé to go see it with me, but he doesn't handle horror movies well. Is it really scary? What kind of horror does it use?
I'm super excited to go see it and I am trying to convince my fiancé to go see it with me...
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Does this look scary to you?
It's not very scary at all unless she's one of those people who actually is afraid of clowns. The worst there is is child deaths, but it mostly is just building suspence and atmosphere
Many jumpscares?
the loud noises were more annoying than scary desu
you must be retarded
What a faggot of a fiancé.
I'd rather be retarded than have pleb taste.
is this real?
Well you know something is gonna happen.
Yes, 100%.
Why are women scared of movies?
Watch this scene before going to the movie, if you watch it for the first time there you might piss your panties, it's genuinely terrifying:
There's not many jump scares in the "completely out of nowhere" sense (think there might just be one and it works well), however there are a lot of jump scares within scary sequences. 99% of the middle 80% of the film is:
>normal scene with one of the kids
>everything is fine and usually has some relation to main plot
>after a minute or two the music gets darker, something spooky happens or spooky thing appears (but not a jump scare)
>spookiness/dread increases for 30 seconds or so
>spooky thing goes BOO
>BWAAAA sound effect
>music gets faster paced and discordant
>spooky thing (usually Pennywise) chases kid for 15 seconds
>kid gets away
>Pennywise looks at kid from distance
There's other background and atmospheric things but that's a description of most of the film. I still enjoyed it even if it sounds formulaic as fuck.
Penny confirmed straya-tier bantz.
the main thing that put my GF off was less the jump-scares and more the graphic/gross out stuff and the sight of kids hurt/afraid. it's fairly intense/dark at times - don't expect Stranger Things-tier
No, it wasn't too scary, but it was really good. Like an enjoyable version of The Goonies
>Is it really scary?
no but it is entertaining
>What kind of horror does it use?
choreographed jumpscares
the same reason you're afraid of women
>the sight of kids hurt/afraid
This. The worst part of the movie for me was the beginning with Georgie, especially since I have a younger brother
>choreographed jumpscares
I would call them telegraphed creep outs. They never just pull them out of nowhere on you.
The clown is decently unsettling, however its not really a good movie.
You will die alone
This. It's got a few jump scares, but it's more like dark fantasy than horror for the most part. She'll like the story.
Be prepared for the slideshow.
I hate jumpscares and loud noises and horror movies in general
should I not see this with my bf?
sure is toasty in here
Looks pretty creepy to me.