Wait, is he right? is the new CNN poll showing Trump with a solid lead actually just bullshit?
Wait, is he right? is the new CNN poll showing Trump with a solid lead actually just bullshit?
All the polls are bullshit. Did you really think CNN would honestly report Trump as 2 points ahead without some sort of agenda?
Funny how they only care about representative samples when Hillary is losing, but yeah, those are accurate complaints. CNN sucks at polling. What ought to scare him is the 3.5 % error margin (not 8.5) and the oversampling of "post grad" responses. It is pretty well known that rural, "poorly educated" people don't answer polls, but busy-body opinionated grad students jump at the chance. Read Dillman's books on conducting phone and internet surveys.
Obviously, notice a trend here?
>dumb Trump supporters thinking polls are rigged lol
Now they are just rigging the polls the other way.
Never had a reason to doubt polls before. Why start now.
Independents are finally proportional to their true numbers.
Youth doesn't vote.
4D CHESS CONFIRMED. Now libertards will look at the sample size in every poll and realize that all of them have Dems oversampled. Dumbasses don't know about 45-D INTERGALACTING CUBIX
The whole system is rigged now, and when Sanders lost.
To be fair, your pic only has online polls. Sup Forums does spam them, even if it's just by a few hundred or thousand.
>Clinton was winning in August
>polls that show Clinton losing now must be rigged
Sanders lost because he could only get the white race traitor vote and they've become a minority in the Democratic party.
It's why Trump will lose in November. Whites are only 70% of the electorate. 40% vote Democrat. White conservatives = 42% of the electorate. You can't win with that.
Yeah and Reuters oversampled Dems by 10% and when you pointed that out you got called a le conspiracy theorist.
Remember about Hillary: no one is enthusiastic to vote for her at all. Either they're thinking "she's better than Trump" or "eh she's a woman its her turn". No one's actually hyped about her. That's why her rallies can't fill a high school gym. That's why she still has lower support with Latinos than Obama (55% latino voters support her, that's fucking horrendous) despite all Trump has said. That's why youth won't turn out and vote for her (they didn't even turn out for their golden boy Bernie).
cnn is trying to not get shut down by president trumpster
sorry rothschild
how come they didn't have a problem with this methodology until Trump was winning? why do they now agree with Trump supporters that they're shit?
That's if they all get out to vote. Trump voters are 53% enthusiastic while Clinton's are only 46%.
She also has the youth vote, which are unreliable who won't vote or vote for Johnson or Stein.
Any poll that shows Trump in the lead is obviously flawed since he's done nothing in the last week besides that botched trip to Mexico and that weak pandering at the black church.
Alternatively Hillary has begun speaking to the media openly and has had nothing but positive press with the help of both Biden and Sanders.
There's literally no reason for Trump to be ahead. Just wait until the next polls.
You forgot her e-mails.
>implying we do any different
I think what's happening is they're doing damage control for the inevitable.
Labor Day onward is when you get an actual indication of who will win. I'm sure their forecasters actually know that Trump has a bigger shot than they could have possibly known beforehand, and they need to knock off the bullshit lest their press access get revoked should he become president.
Hillary's "optics" have been god awful the past couple weeks while Trump's has been incredibly good relative to his other blunders before. The difference between Trump and Hillary is, nothing sticks to Trump, period, and he fluctuates. Anything bad or good is a temporary thing that is forgotten a week or so later. Recently, the Louisiana visit and the Mexico visit looked really good on him despite liberals whining on TV. Hillary on the other hand has an armor that is ungodly strong, but can be whittled away. The whittling has been slow, but it is now starting to fall. The thing about her health seems bullshit to a lot of people, because it was more subtle. Now that Trump is pushing her health, it not only sticks in people's minds, but Hillary's health is undoing itself VISIBLY for the first time in any significant fashion and is gaining traction. Let alone her continuing email scandal. The armor is finally crumbling.
is called Likely Voters.. Is an algorithm that Bias Clinton News Network came up with themselves...
Likely Voters is not Registered Voters. RV is what all other polls have been using. Which was the mistake of the primary.
This is a Change election. No excitement for HillDog = Low Turnout.
Simply common sense.
They have to pump up Trump's numbers a little bit so they can put Hillary at +30 after the debate
1. 3.5%, not 8.5. Outright lie.
2. They oversampled Republicans. But with the samples as-is, he'd have gained a *LOT* more than 2% over. So they re-weighted. He is winning Republicans (of course) AND he's winning Independents by 20%, which were the most sampled. And you think that with the numbers given, it came to 20%?
3. Not sure on this one, but they did it the last time too.
>He still thinks Hillary will agree to do a debate
The closer to today it is, the more Trump gains until he's ahead? I love how they spin Reuters to show him behind when he's ahead in that one too.
> He still thinks dodging the debates won't tank her.
18-34 dropped
Top fucking Kek. Is it any wonder that the numbers sky rocketed?
I don't think anyone has a clear idea about what voter turnout will be this election. Besides Trump.
But aren't all the polls complete shit if they barely poll independents who are now a majority? It seems they have no predictive power.
They're doing "forums" now where they field questions in different rooms broadcast into the arena.
It was 28% Democrat, 32% Republican, 40% Independent. There was a margin of error of +-3.5%. It's fairly accurate with everything it did, no real groups really stood out on individual statistics based on gender, race, age or income.
It's a fairly standard, unbiased poll, and it's far from being skewed in either candidates favor. Anyone bitching is doing purely out of hatred towards CNN.
It was re-weighted. WIth the numbers given, Trump would get a lot more than +2. Oversampled Republicans and Trump+20 on Independents.
Many of us just refuse to believe the polls at all, even if they're favorable to Trump. What really matters is getting out and VOTING.
Sorry leaf I couldn't make out anything you said through the coughing, can you repeat that?
Elections are a lot more complicated than hard numbers, otherwise the GOP would have lost all power a while ago
The margin of error was 3.5%
Okay so now the polls are rigged?