Deus Vult
Deus Vult
I recently converted to christianity, not entirely sure i believe all of it but it was what made western SOCIETY and civilisation great.
It's also necessary for preserving traditional morality.
(This recent pagan surge is ridiculous)
I've come round to the way of thinking that you don't have to take it all literally, you just have to understand its power in building and maintaining culture and civilization.
For all the flack it gets, there isn't another institution in the world quite like the Catholic Church, with the sheer amount of resources, influence and institutions.
Maybe by the end, people will realize this. But then you never really know what you had until its gone.
I regularly think about becoming a Catholic. But I'm too much of a cynic and a non believer, I'm not sure if I could do it.
I knew this day would come.
Come on, Stefan. One little step more. From Jew to Fuhrer.
christianity is the ultimate red pill
i recently read Hitchens' Rage Against God, he says he believes it all but only reallly gives moral and societal arguments, this is the position ive ended up at too.
Anglicansim is perfectly tuned to British society but it is completely cucked these days...
>Anglicansim is perfectly tuned to British society but it is completely cucked these days...
Which is why it's perfectly tuned to British society.
>he says he believes it
Does he? He's an atheist. THE atheist.
I know he argued that religion does more harm than good, which seems silly because the vast majority of charities are Christian in origin, and the Catholic Church has loads of them.
There simply isn't enough secular people filling the gaps charity wise. For all his argument, it seems he was just a contrarian. People care more when they seem to have a unified belief. No amount of raw logic and rationality is going to change that. It's just human, we've always needed myths.
Yes, worshiping an ancient Jew is the ultimate red pill..Good Goy.
This. It's hilarious how Christians can't see their hypocracy in supporting a Jewish religion.
Just go Lutheran senpai, it's the superior Protestant faith.
What are you then? Neo Pagan?
>What are you then? Neo Pagan?
I skip the middle man and worship Saturn like a good goy.
I will check it out but I would like most of all an uncucked anglicanism
As ex-episcopalian/anglican, it's a hard reality to see the state of anglo-christianity.
>da jooz!
That's objectively false though
I guess Catholics created the Roman Empire
The Vikings and the ancient Greeks were also catholics I hear
No, Christianity is the ultimate blue pill.
What is the alternative without religion though? I mean all I see is rampant nihilism.
Keep thinking Jews are the chosen people like good goys. You don't want to go to hell, DO YOU?
So was I. As things have gotten darker, I read into the rich history of the Catholic Church. I read into especially St. Thomas Aquinas. He cleared up almost all my qualms on Christianity. The church is a lot more different than the shallow strawman we build up as atheists.
I'd suggest going to YouTube and listening to some of Bishop Barron's commentaries. He covers a lot of subjects eloquently like the existence of evil, the meaning of a lot of stuff, arguments against God and so on really well.
I've been an atheist for a long time but recently have been making the move to be Catholic. Go To Latin Mass now, pray, and read Catholic literature. I never expected I would ever do any of this. But here I am.
>What did St. Paul say
>What does revelations say
Used to respect this guy for his logical consistency if nothing else, is he seriously sucking off the fucking church now? You've got to be kidding.
He has been flip-flopping for ten years. Just sort his videos from oldest to newest.
>I never expected I would ever do any of this. But here I am.
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm 26 and already feel like I'm having some kind of midlife crisis. But I know if I'm having these thoughts about the Church, then there are others out there too.
Perhaps the Church can be a rallying point for social conservatives who don't wish to see the west torn asunder by rampant nihilism.
The Protestant Church built the West, you sillyhead.
>jesus walks into synagogue
>sees Jews taking money in droves
>dumps their shekels on the floor in his only fit of rage ever
>jesus gets shoah'd on the cross for insulting God's chosen
Degenerate Pagan nu-males btfo
It didn't, they both did.
It's Protestant puritanism that build the industrial west. But notice during the renaissance and the reformation, it was the Catholic society that was innovating high culture like art, music, architecture, sculpture etc.
If without religion, the only thing you see is nihilism, then it's a mere indication of your lack of intelligence and imagination. People like you are cowards, to scared to step out of the cave.
Religions are noble lies, it can only carry a civilization so far. You can't build a skyscraper on a rotten foundation.
We must learn to live beyond religions. It's like the first time we try a bicycle without stabilizers, we may stubble a few time, but we will go much further on the long run.
Christianity need to go.
Jesus was against the Jewish establishment. He even told them to submit to the Roman Empire, not to try and subvert it. He was killed for not being Jewish enough.
>If without religion.......
A secular ideology will take its place and use all of the same mechanisms to keep people in line with accepted dogma.
>People like you are cowards
You're making assumptions. Nihilism isn't the only thing I see in myself, it's what I see in others. They don't give a shit.
>Religions are noble lies
Everything is a noble lie. Everything we do is a noble lie. People lie about their intentions and make wild justifications for things so they don't admit the truth to themselves.
It seems that throughout human history humanity as a species has needed to continuously lie to itself in order to get by.
I don't know why I'm replying to a leaf anyway, you're pretty much all unironically shit posting now. What the fuck happened to you all.
The protestant church built the more freedom loving half of the west on the foundations that the catholics laid
Good goy. Keep up the (((good work))).
That secular ideology is going to be humanism and SJW bullshit.
Roman Empire was Catholic/Orthodox for the majority of its lifetime.
>building civilization
Furthermore, the Catholic Church is hugely responsible for the preservation and popularization of Greek works and ideas.
you are thinking on an individual basis, think as a society.
Religion is needed to be accepted by all as the source of morality.
For example, in an atheist society you will jsut have Randists bickering with Marxists etc, political discourse is impossible and so is democracy; ultimately society will split at the seems
how did he take the redpill? did he call out who's your daddy while the redpill ravaged his asshole, pulsating and hot, flowering in a glorious climax of autism?
Im 22. It feels weird thinking I'm already 1 quarter done with life. Really makes me want to get my shit together.
The Church really is, it rarely shifts on its dogma. So don't believe idiots who just say they are Catholic but don't adhere.
I've only talked with a few church goers but it's nice. They wear veils to Latin mass and have big families and are doing good with their lives.
I may join a catholic group at my university but I'm worried they're going to be really sheltered people.
The Enlightenment built the industrial west. This was the period following the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants, possibly the worst war Europe had until then, and one of the consequences resulting in the West SHIFTING AWAY FROM religion mixed into politics and the beginning of free market capitalism.
>If without religion, the only thing you see is nihilism, then it's a mere indication of your lack of intelligence and imagination. People like you are cowards, to scared to step out of the cave.
You might like to think you above all of it but you must realize your duty to support this institution that is necessary for morality and society
Stefan Molyneux going full retard.
you seriously are a retard. Why the fuck would you go to polar extremes like Marxists verses Randists. Both UK and Australia have largely secular societies and those views are on the extreme fringe.
>I've come round to the way of thinking that you don't have to take it all literally, you just have to understand its power in building and maintaining culture and civilization.
This. I'm an atheist however I understand the value Christianity and religion as a social tool can have.
There was no shifting away from religion, if anything, the common man's faith was even stronger, this is not in anyway in opposition free market capitalism, in fact, enlightenment thinking (entirely centred around God) caused it
TIL Western Civilization only existed for the thousand years between the fall of West Rome up until the Age of Enlightenment when the Vatican dominated Europe
Atheists love to talk about how a belief in god is a delusion but it's actually the other way around. You have to try very hard not to believe in god and sometimes you still believe even when you think you don't. There are studies that show this.
Thanks to the afterglow of christianity, when you realise this you will understand
For now. Just look at America.
The divide between left and right just keeps growing and growing. It's only a matter of time.
>Church built western civilization
>Picture of a pagan building
Without God, we are lost. Ergo God is real.
>There was no shifting away from religion
>The Enlightenment (also known as the Age of Enlightenment;[1] in French: le Siècle des Lumières, lit. 'the Century of Lights'; and in German: Aufklärung, 'Enlightenment')[2] was an intellectual movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the 18th century. The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and came to advance ideals such as liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.
>separation of church and state
until what? most of america has ape iq, what is gonna happen? you think some type of spontaneous revolution based on the common good? that shit is nigger tier logic, no...
Yeah it feels like protestantism and the enlightenment lead to the rampant individualism that we have now, but it was Catholicism that promoted culture. And politics is downstream from culture.
I think the Protestant work "ethic" has damaged society and its what has lead to us all being treated as a commodity. God is an empty shell. This is why I never understand why Protestants think they are the better church.
>separation of church and state
from the philosophy of liberty that protestantism gave us, it keeps the state out of the church.
In what way is this shifting away from religion?
Everyone still believed in God
The 'philosophy' of Freud and so called 'liberation' movements gave us rampant individualism IMO
AHAHAHAH you're LITERALLY a christfag.
I'm not Jewish, I'm not christian, believe what you want, I don't care. But thinking you're ANY smarter than some other religion because you believe in the "right god" is legit subhuman moron 80IQ tier thinking. If you ACTUALLY believe in god, or think ANY normal western adolescents believe in god in 2016, FLUSH YOURSELF.
I love how countercultures used to be pro atheist, but now that almost everyone actually IS atheist, you start ACTUALLY believing in god. Seriously? GOD? IN 2016? Lmfao. End yourself.
Fuck, I mean, I don't know. I honestly don't know. How stupid can you get? GOD? You seriously think magical sky fairy created all this, and that a virgin woman gave birth to the son of God? Lmfao. Fucking grow up and join the 21st century. "god" hasn't been relevant for 50 years. NOBODY believes in god these days. You are a fucking IDIOT for thinking ANY "white wimmin" believe in god. NO, they go to church every tenth sunday because they feel guilty over getting RAILED by chad and tyrone. You think they've EVER opened a bible in their LIVES?
More like civil wars and Balkanization and mass destruction and death
>in hopes of curing his growing levels of autism, he decided to bleach his asshole.
>he found the right men for the job at a local Presbyterian church, who were happy to help him by pushing the redpill deep inside his ass, before releasing their bleached seed...
>I may join a catholic group at my university but I'm worried they're going to be really sheltered people.
There was a girl from the Catholic society in my archaeology class when I was in university. She didn't seem sheltered at all, she was pretty nice actually. If I knew then what I know now, I would have spoken to her more.
You should go for it. Even if nothing comes of it, you'll learn what young Catholics are like and how they cope with modern society.
lol hahahahahhaaha yeah no, they are going to eat more wendys and watch niggerball on sundays.
This sort of nonsense is the same as deciding you're norse or celtic "pagan" because you like the mystic and ancient aesthetic better. Don't try to trick yourself into believing something just because you like it.
believing in God is not the same.
And it wasn't about keeping the State out of the Church. The Church effectively was the State. The Vatican had the most political influence in Europe for the thousand years between the fall of West Rome and the end of the Thirty Years War.
>ACTUALLY believing in god. Seriously? GOD? IN 2016?
>So little faith in your own humanity.
And I'm the shitposter. People like you disgust me.
I guess it's your Christian root that gave you such pessimism.
Christianity is what gave us the SJW in the first place.
>Original sin = White Guilt.
>We must repent for the guilt someone else.
>Disacree, then you are a heretic.
>Accepting SJW is the road to redemption.
SJW are just reactionary Christians.
We need to destroy Christianity to end SJW forever.
I don't need some Jewish fairy tale to serve my nation and my fellow citizens.
Go read some non western history.
>separation of church and state
Wow, very impressive. The chincks had that for the last 3000 year. Oh wait, they had always been a secular civilization, and they were much more advanced than Europe until the industrial revolution.
this post sure triggered me
Its always been the jews
>But I'm too much of a cynic and a non believer
its a worldivew as well, friend.
Examine it for its truth, its principles, its majesty.
Appreciate it as it is.
>The Jews killed Jesus
>The Jews went after Christians relentlessly
>The Jews did whatever possible to distort Christianity
>Jesus beat the shit out of the Jewish Merchants and called them out on their ursury (ursury is a mortal sin in Christianity, in Judaism its held up as the highest form of power)
>Christianity is Jew centered
This is some Varg tier bullshit.
>This recent pagan surge is ridiculous
Yes, yes it is.
However we must remember that The West was built upon the confluence of Christian Religion, Greek/Latin Law and Thought, and Ancient Germanic Culture.
Dues Vult.
It is not because I like it. I realised that a common basis for morality is necessary for society.
That that is not possible in an atheist or multi-religious society.
That the church has the best chance of providing this basis.
And that the church has good moral values that have proved themselves innumerable time in history.
Are you retarded?
Did you see Baltimore? Ferguson? trump in Chicago? San Jose? This shit is only going to get worse and the economy continues to tank and the standard of living keeps slipping and more beta males check out of society because they have no hope or prospects.
wow well i guess that's me convinced. christianity is just as problematic as everything else about western civilisation. i guess im #WithHer now
>I guess it's your Christian root that gave you such pessimism.
You've proven yourself to be an idiot because as I said in a previous post, I'm not even Christian. I stated plainly that I'm a non believer.
And an emo pic? Fucking hell lad.
>SJW are just reactionary Christians
Pretty weak bait, leaf.
So you like the good moral values and its use to society. That doesn't mean you need to start having a theological position on whether the priest is actually magically transforming the wine and crackers.
I find churches so beautiful that i would become a catholic, if christians weren't such a bunch of cucks
The fact that other societies existed without the church was what shrouded my views of it for a long time.
in a modern context however you must recognise that what these societies had was a homogeneous morality.
This is no longer possible, there have been too many influential thinkers and cultures with entirely different moralities and our society knows about them all; we are not lucky enough to be ignorant of history or philsophy anymore.
Additionally, I know you do not a fairy tale, but the moral basis of the church must be recognised as basic to society by everyone.
>biggest redpill
>muh jesus
Name one good atheist philosopher.
Protip: you can't.
all of that shit includes nigger chimp outs
what is someone living in a comfy suburb gonna do? drive to chicago and stage a "white" chimp out?
no because it's nigger tier logic, hopefully they will wake up and simply vote niggers out of office because all anyone wants is to simply forget about stupid shit like blm and the chimp outs. they want pumpkin spiced lattes and to not be bothered
did you even read that? it directly addresses that point
and this is the exact reason why you *tip fedora* and never debate a self described atheist.
>believing in the space jew
Free will was my gateway drug too
>being an ignorant fedora tippin' muslim cocksucker
I'm hoping that when Francis dies, the next Pope is a lot more hard line.
Since Francis has been Pope ISIS and terrorist attacks across Europe has happened. The game has changed. Or at least it should have.
>what these societies had was a homogeneous morality
I think this is the key thing people need to pay attention to. A homogeneous morality is more or less a homogeneous culture. When that breaks down you have infighting and constant internal conflict, like we have now. We would not have a culture war if we had homogeneous morality.
And without it, we waste time on these petty squabbles that will have not so irrelevant repercussions. It threatens to tear society apart. Which is why it is currently so pessimistic, demoralized and demotivated.
you don gotta beleive in jeebus to know Catholicism helped build the west
what are you eben sayin bronus
Ohhh, so the "alt right" and white nationalism and Trump aren't things that are growing and signs of whites becoming pissed off on top of the chimp outs AND a big part of those I listed were spics.
Not to mention the shit economy and declining standard of living I mentioned which you seem to think working class whites are immune to.
Do you believe in white privilege or something?
Do you really wanna talk about who has nigger tier logic?
>what these societies had was a homogeneous morality
Yeag, meme philosopher and sophist after all. whatever
JIDF pls go
>why you *tip fedora*
Be careful, your nose might get in the way.
You are starting to understand. Religion is not about obeying how other people interpret the Bible, it is a lot more abstract that you have to look inside yourself and find the answers to what it means to live through God.