Why don't you cat call?

This is something feminists complain about (although it's clear they're just bragging) but can't do a damn thing about.

Why you should cat call women:
>remind them they are sex objects
>flatter womn who never get hit on anymore due to feminism
>you might even have sex with a real female
>most importantly, it will offend feminists who can't do anything about it and this will be fun

Exercise your manhood and make cat calling great again.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I'm not a nigger

Sorry, too white to catcall.


Will "stare rape" instead.

>buying into the "only niggers can be masculine" Jew

White men used to cat call. In the 80's this was no big deal. Now you millennials think only blacks can do it while millennials supposedly are having less sex than any previous generation.

>niggers and spics have to catcall because they have to
>because they are under privileged and need to establish masculinity
You can't make this shit up

Its called adopting social norms
Its pretty rude to shout out at some hot piece of meat just because your pecker tells you to
If anything you should be shitting on the niggers that still do it
Not that I support femicunts being anti cat calling.
>be hanging out with mixed buddy
>we go to store to get beer
>he sees a hot older white woman in yoga pants
>he pokes his head out the window
>mfw she ran away while clutching all her belongings closer to her
Having black friends can be fun sometimes

You are encouraging illegal behavior on a board of peace right now.

Absolutely unconscionable.

I'm not an asshole.

Social norms would have you wearing a dress and insisting that people respect your pronouns. That's a poor reason for allowing yourself to become emasculated.

It's not illegal.

>implying hitting on women makes you an asshole
No. Vilifying men who hit on women makes you an asshole.

Well I've read enough. Sup Forums is a board full of beta weaklings who desperately cling to their virginity by making any lame excuses they can. Have fun feeling ashamed of your natural attraction toward the opposite sex, MGTOW faggots.

None of you are half the man pic related is.

Cat calling is for guys who wanna look big in front of their friends. It's for low cultures who Base social status off displays of wealth and libido

Cat calling never works. It's a safe way to never risk rejection and losing face. Cat calling is for guys who don't have the balls to just go up and talk to a wolan woman

What about women who aren't feminists who just want to listen to their shitty music in peace?

Listen, if anybody ever has headphones in, don't talk to them. I wear headphones to intentionally ignore catcalling. It works perfectly. I can just act like I don't hear them and look the other way. The best part is when they start insulting you for not responding to catcalling. Niggers are the best at getting mad when you ignore them

It doesn't have to be about trying to pick up women. It's about having your balls still attached. You bongs are notorious for being pussies with women anyway. Your women like Americans because bongs won't even talk to them. Their words. Not mine.

They need it the most.

I prefer to make eye contact with the women I find good looking enough. If they sustain my gaze, I'll smile, if they smile back I'll say hello, if they say hello as well, I might attempt to engage in a conversation.
I'm not a filthy shitskin, I don't catcall women.

Yeah that's niggers. White men aren't going to chimp out after complimenting you just because you don't stop and suck their dick on the side of the road.

I swear you Jews can't help but to conflate masculinity with being a nigger every chance you get. It's like Jewish OCD.

Ok but that's if you're seriously trying to pick up a woman. What's wrong with with shouting out a quick compliment at a woman who walks around with her full ass on display in yoga pants?

You're telling me it's appropriate for a bitch to walk around like that, but she should be sheltered from any acknowledgement that her ass is hanging out? You're nuts if you think that's the same as a shitskin raping a woman. Fucking kikes all over this thread.

ITT Sup Forums lectures me on "rape culture".

Wew lads

Tell me OP how would you like if a group of gay men started cat calling you?

Anymore Jews want to tell me that being masculine is only for niggers or you got any other kike rebuttals?

I lived in San Francisco and I've had gay men cat call me. It's not a big deal, you pussy. It's also not the same context because I'm not gay. I'm also not attracted to men, so your point is retarded. Do you think I'm talking about catcalling lesbians eho aren't attracted to men?

Let's recap your arguments against cat calls:
>only niggers can cat call
>what if a group of gay men cat called you

Wtf is wrong with you people? I wish I could give you all a wedgie right now. You are embarrassing.

Pol, i'm not a nigger, but i do sometimes cat call.

It all started a few years ago when me and my mates used to jokingly cat call women on the street for laughs but now sometimes a quiet "dat ass" "or dem titties mayne" blurts out, and there is nothing i can do to stop.

Within five years, everyone on Sup Forums will be a femboy or undergoing gender reassignment while blaming the Jew.

You're my hero, Latvia.

This. I have never seen a white male under 35 catcall a woman. You might give a woman a compliment or smile at her, but yelling that she has nice titties is mexican/nigger-tier.

Seriously, this is why women in big cities are always bitching about catcalling, while those in decent,wholesome towns don't. One of these is a failed multicultural experiment full of 15 shades of brown. The other isn't.

But what do SJWs always come back to? Right. Fucking men. But not immigrant men, they're oppressed.

I get cat called all the time I love it. Please be more manly you sissies.

i have to do this now


I don't like it. I think it is very rude. Why would I do it?

Thank you. I know women who say the same. It doesn't mean you have to talk to them or go have sex with them.

I smack my wife on the ass a few times a day and call her sweet cheeks does that count?

annoying behavior usually associated with minorities

Sure. That's an important part of a healthy relationship.

>masculinity is annoying and only minorities can be masculine

Why are there so many bitch boys ITT? You guys are using racism as a crutch for your own shortcomings as men.

>be working in steel mill
>outside on coffee break with some mates
>one of the few women working there pass by
>guys keep talking about cars and shit
she must have felt really ugly

As sick as I am of certain types of SJWs, this is a terrible idea.

Let's look at your logic:

>remind them they are sex objects
No. I thought we settled this already.

>flatter womn who never get hit on anymore due to feminism
This has some validity, but there are better times and places to do so.

>you might even have sex with a real female
No one ever got lucky by harassing a stranger who they probably won't even see again. Have you gone outside at all, user?

>most importantly, it will offend feminists who can't do anything about it and this will be fun
Fun is subjective and offending feminists is neither inherently good nor bad.

TL;DR: OP is looking for excuses to ignore social boundaries and act autistic

White men are civilised, niggers are not. Hence why white men do not catcall. Fuck off nigger.

Kind of different when it's a co-worker and she has to hang around you all day while you have to worry about the sexual harassment Jew getting you fired.

>No. I thought we settled this already
Nobody has addressed this at all, actually . Women are sex objects.

>OP is looking for excuses to ignore social boundaries
Your social boundaries are not universal. Only a small minority of men insist that they are women.

>implying talking cat calling women is autistic
That's a new one to me. I don't recall the sexual harassment bronie being a common complaint from tumblr.

How is it masculine to shout "NICE ASS"?

It's been associated with masculinity for as long as I've been alive. You've never seen the movie trope of a white construction worker cat calling women while jackhammering concrete? You've probably never even operate a piece of heavy machinery, you pussy.

Thing is it sounds much more snarky and inoffensive in English, but when I say "geiler Arsch" in German it sounds like "let's fuck bitch"

I'd say nice ass all the time, it's so easy and a nice compliment as well, but it'd seem really weird even nowadays where everyone speaks English here at some basic level

What's the German equivalent of a cat call?

>inb4 allahu ackbar

Calling that a man.


Maybe I just believe in not being on the same level as a spic or nigger

>What's the German equivalent of a cat call?


You kikes really can't come up with anything besides this huh. Maybe you should have read the other 20 exact same posts.

women like cat calling from men they find attractive.

Consider this scenario.
>be driving
>woman walking in yoga pants has a nice butt
>yell "WOOH! Nice ass!"
>keep driving

Sup Forums is triggered by this.


Nah women just like attention and being desired. The ones who like cat calls aren't even considering whether they would fuck the guy who drives by and yells "Nice ass" then keeps on driving. White knights who are offended by it seem to take it way more seriously than it is.

I don't like this.

I'm 100% against complimenting a woman, ever.

Said it yourself
>(although it's clear they're just bragging)

I wouldn't want to inflate their ego anymore than it already is, enable their sense of self-entitlement or load their guns with "Men R evil, paytreearchy" ammo.

MGTOW is the way to go. Clear, social severance from the women. Anything else only serves their purpose, enables them, or gives them ammo.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

Well maybe those other 20 posts should really make you think. Whites tend to be more civilized. The only people who catcall me tend to be niggers, probably on the account of being a skinny white blonde chick with a round ass

This here. Started imitating nigger speak and makin suckin/lip smacking sounds anytime I sees somthin dat looks good mayne ironically at first.
The other day I was drunk and it went a step further where I picked up a short stack woman and started aggressively kissing the face off her and she shrieked and ran as I chased her through a parking lot but it was all merely for the banter, my friends and all the women laughed it off and oddly enough I think she loved it

I can't stop and It's getting worse Bros

I respect your position and that you have sound reasoning behind it. I'm not MGTOW, but that's first legitimate reason I've seen for not cat calling. I would do it only because I don't mind complimenting a woman with a nice ass or at least reminding her that when you walk around with your ass on full display that the first thought on my mind as a man is putting my dick in it.

Because I'm not desperate or a nigger

I wanna go up to a chubby latina girl with really tight skinny jeans and be like "daaaamn gurl, u THICC as fuk." and see if she either giggles or curses me out in spanish.

Lmao was she a part of your circle of friends or just some rando? It makes a difference.

Another Jew. How dull.

That's even better than a legit cat call.

Do it at a bar and women won't care

I dont drink so I would never be in a bar.

You know there's a difference between asshole catcalling and just being creepy, right? I can accept assholes and respond accordingly by also being an asshole, but niggers who catcall are creepy and annoying. Around blacks, never relax.

I work at a bar. I'm Mormon and I don't drink, either. I just love watching the degeneracy

Why do so many Jews on this board insist that no middle ground can be found between being a nigger and walking on eggshells around women who have their tits and ass on full display?

How one sided is this? Women can dress like prostitutes, but you think it's wrong for men to so much as comment on it?


I won't cat call anyone but if a purple haired feminist is going to ask my name i'll tell my name is humoungous

How exactly does that make me a Jew?

Are you 14?

>started aggressively kissing the face off her and she shrieked and ran as I chased her through a parking lot but it was all merely for the banter,

I completely believe that someone who posts on Sup Forums would do that

Exactly. There's a huge difference between a drive by yelling "Nice ass" amd a nigger following a girl for a block "Hey baby sup girl daaayyyuum lemme get dem digits girl ayy gurl cmon aw don't be like dat ayy fuck you den."

I've seen both. Anyone who can't tell the difference is a retard.

We're not talking about women dressed as prostitutes. I'm in a white T-shirt and jeans. The shirt isn't even see through and I've been catcalled.
Catcalling is uncivilized
Therefore catcallers are niggers. It's simple elementary, my dear Watson

Because you are pushing the Jew meme that white men can't be masculine amd only niggers can ever express their natural attraction to the opposite sex. You're being a total bitch.

See this if you can't tell the difference.

Niggers just tend to be the creepy ones who continuously harass you. As a wimmens, I've experienced it numerous times. They want my delicious white skin, but I won't let them taint me

WIll you marry me?

Men can express their sexual attraction through other civilized means. If this is the only way you think men can show they're attracted to a woman/prove how manly there are, there's something wrong with you

Who says you can't be masculine without cat calling?? I think cat calling something wannabe niggers do all the time and it's fucking stupid.

Ever hear of the James Bond approach?

Are you white?

"You will have sex with me"
"Uh, no"

Aw did you cry the last time a white man whistled at you? Did the white man follow you for the block and then cuss you out like a nigger? Nope.

Chivalry does wonders famalam

yep. as white as they come. I used to have auburn hair, but it's gone really dark. still have a coppery auburn beard.

I'm really muscular, I lift 4 times a week, 5' 11' 220

Finding white women like you are acting is really hard to do

Yeah, catcalling is for niggers... Where do you get this shit? MTV?


White men acting like niggers!!

I actually got a girlfriend like this, not trolling.

A few months ago, I whistled to this girl in front of a restaurant right outside my college. She had bleached silver/purple hair and looked like a typical tumblr feminist, but not fat. I'd say she was a 7 or 7.5/10, not bad looking. Predictably she got mad at me and I engaged with her in debate for a minute or so. I gave her my number and invited her to my apartment. She was mad at me so I wasn't expecting anything, but she texted me later and showed up at my door that night. I cooked dinner for her and we ended up cuddling on my couch and watched some movie.

We ended up staying together for about 6 months, but we broke up because she hated when I tried to redpill her. Some of these feminist girls aren't that bad, though. I'd certainly date one of them again.

I wish a girl would catcall me.

Honestly I don't get women, spend alot of money to be attractive and looked at, work out, then be insulted when a man expresses his attraction.

>implying niggers work
Sorry you can't tell the difference between being a nigger and catcalling.

That's what this thread is all about. The fact there are so many white knighting newfags ITT is pathetic.

No, because I'm not a feminist who gets mad over catcalling. I don't acknowledge such behavior. It encourages it.

Women who don't get cat called are tired of other women getting cat called. Men don't compliment them and are collateral damage

Oh the humanity

typical female rationality -totally unlogical

Both is basically nigger behavior.

If you drive by and yell nice ass... What did you honestly accomplish? Nothing, just driving by yelling nice ass.

You didn't casually walk up and start a conversation and make her laugh, you acted like a retard, congrats.

And that's why you shouldn't be afraid of offending women. I've found that a lot of women respect you more for not backing down to them and they're even more likely to find you attractive. These apologetic white knights get walked all over and make women's pussies dryer than the Atacama.

Yes they've even complained that they aren't getting catcalled anymore.

So what? Catcalling doesn't mean you are trying to get laid. It's just catcalling. "Baw that's nigger behavior" is a terrible excuse for being a white knighting faggot, lad.

Its crazy honestly, I can understand a woman not being happy an unattractive man would but this hatred of any catcalling makes no sense, it's a faux cultural norm created by women for no logical reason.

But I find that degenerate and the goal is to get the girl that you're cat calling, not simply drive by.

Your Sup Forums thread-

Is meaningless


It's created by the feminist Jew. I have never heard a white woman irl complain about cat calls. I have heard plenty see that it's flattering.

And they sure as hell weren't referring to black guys following then down the road harassing them. All these guys on this board who have nothing but blacks on their mind are out of touch.

Wew somebody's triggered. You really believe every time a white guy catcalls a woman he is seriously expecting her to have sex with him? That's the kind of thinking beta white knights have who place way more value on vagina than os healthy. You're going to turn into a supreme gentleman with that kind of thinking.

If anything, catcalling reminds you that women and sex aren't that big of a deal instead of making it such a serious thing all the time. Lighten up.

>Why don't you cat call?
because I barely know how to talk to women, let alone things like this