Why do all poor whites (conservashits usually ) vote against their own economic interests ?
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What makes you think you know their interest better than them? Typical libcuck imposing his ideas onto others.
Might want to check who is getting the most donations from Wall Street and the 1% crowd.
protip: not Trump
I can't speak for conservatives, but I imagine liberal smugness plays a role
Bernie for Automation
>implying socialism is in anyone's interest besides kikes
Gas yourself.
Why is voting for handouts like a nigger voting against my interests? White's work for their living, no matter how simple it is. Asking for free shit is kike propaganda so that government has even more control of our daily lives.
Remember that one time globalization and over-immigration helped out the American working class?
All I remember is them getting royally fucked by it
>bernouts still mad
Because even though I'm poor as shit I deserve it. I don't want free hand me outs and other people shouldn't get them either.
t. $500 to my name
This. Going to university and seeing the sneering middle class far left caused a bigger shift to the right than Sup Forums ever caused me.
Notice how OP's epic mey-mey is in no way designed to convince working class whites to vote Democrat, but for already Democratic voters to sneer at "the other side"
Because they are working class not unemployed type of "poor". There are no benefits for working class only disabled and minorities who refuse to work.
Voting against their own economic interests? All Bernieshit would do is make them poorer.
For example, raise the minimum wage? Enjoy losing your job unless you're lucky enough to be vital to the company in which case you probably weren't being paid minimum wage anyway.
>I have to vote for someone if I get gibsmedats under his retarded economic plan
Because they have other interests besides economic ones. Not rocket science.
Wedge strategists. See: en.wikipedia.org
But he ssucked money from bernouts, bought himself sport car, new house and endorsed hillary. Bernie jewed you so hard
Allegiance to party over country.
You dont get gibsmedats and even if you do, for how long? One day you will be working and you will be mad at 25 year old potheads leeching off you and abusing the already flawed system.
Because the powers that be know how to exploit racial tensions to their advantage. Ever noticed how in healthcare discussions 'Shaniqua and her nine kids' comes up every time?
>government taking 30% of your salary to subsidize single mothers and nigs who hate us, everything we have built, and will make the lives of our descendants objectively worse
>my economic interests
shiggy diggy (you) faggot
because these poor idiots doesn't understand how to turn words they hear into context
Case in point:
because i dont need the government to carry my dead weight.
Pretty spot on my Union Jack friend
Except its objectively true. Generation after generation of human trash are being subsidized by the American taxpayer. These are people who contribute absolutely nothing and shit out multiple kids, who then also go on shit out multiple kids, on the government dime. These are the absolute worst, most entitled people in America who do nothing but make it a worse, more dangerous place. Perhaps you haven't been paying attention the last few years. Or maybe you were just on your reddit hugbox. Either way, youre a delusional faggot. Fuck off
Found the racist
I remember doing the math figuring out that you need to make under $11 per hour to make money on Bernie's tax plan and minimum wage, and under $9 to make more compared to Trump's plan.
Because right-wingers know how to embrace the concept of deferral of gratification, unlike liberals who expect and demand everything in the here and now and as soon as possible regardless of future consequences.
>globalism is good for the poor native people of a country
Specifically, I'll bet telling people they're "voting against their own interest" contributes.
If you have enough money for cable and shitty overpriced processed food how are you poor?
A corporate state a la Fascism is in my economic interests, not watered down state socialism espoused by an old kike and whiny millenials.
>voting for fairness over personal interests is a bad thing
Liberal logic.
It's a major part. There's no larger driver for hatred of socialism than arrogant self-righteous cunts that demand state control of everything and the destruction of private business as they make a six-figure salary and have the fanciest new gadgets.
Why are smug leftists always so certain they know what's best for Working Americans? Is it all those movies you watched that pandered to your world view, or your unfinished Sociology Degree?
They understand making everyone poorer isn't the answer to their situation.
Because I'm not going stay poor, asshole. Work your way out of it, Don't let government take it back because libcucks wanted a share of your work.
If liberal economics work so well why are the most liberal countries in the world in the midst of socio-economic upheaval?
Why is people losing their jobs, and paying more for goods and services, considered the economic interest of the poor?
>Make almost 6 figures
>Implying Trump will be worse for me than Clinton
Trump is the only hope the middle class has of expanding or even existing in America.
If you read my post carefully, you'll notice that I didn't dispute that there are many broken black families in America. My point was that they are being weaponised by special interest groups to harden attitudes to social policies that would broadly benefit the working class. This strategy has been immensely successful, as your post demonstrates. I guess the question you should be asking yourself is whether or not you are willing to actively forgo benefit to prevent dysfunctional black families from receiving it too. Take healthcare for example. America spends more per capita (in both public AND private money) on healthcare than does any other OECD country (see picture), and yet its healthcare system is ranked
How can I be poor?
Bernie told me I have no idea what it's like to be poor....
>Getting free shit is a valid interst
>That picture
I think I know where the food is going
My long term economic prosperity is more valuable than free shit lmao
The economic interests of the poor who are actually hard-working is free-market capitalism to be able to prove their worth in a competitive society.
The economic interests of lazy poor niggers is muh free shiet.
What kind of starter pack is this?
why would you care about bernie sanders at all?
he lost by a huge margin
>Rational white male with a decent amount of money starter pack.
why would you think White geNOcide through mass immigration and forced assimilation would be in their interests?
are you retarded?
>Wedding ring
The my life is over but hey at least I won't be alone kit
That graph is misleading as it doesn't factor in population growth. As the American population has more than doubled since the 1940s the expense of tackling poverty will obviously increase. The graph could have accounted for that by displaying per capita welfare spending, but it didn't, almost certainly for partisan reasons
Why would we vote for a party that openly hates white males?
Can you read? It factors the percentage, not the number.
because they focus on whats right for the country not for themselves. Alot like older hispanics they arent selfish assholes, they care about others.
Bernie's policies didn't workout so well in Venezuela.
>White people voting for the party that openly admits it's contempt for them on a regular basis
wew lad