Yo fgts wana know the new Decalogue first commandement?
Nwo ez
Was that an attempt at English or did you drop your phone into the toilet your cleaning?
C'mon dude, for 1 word?
Yes now carry on with whatever your going to post
i did wrong Mein Feurer?
Harambe is dead my friend
They should of shot the monkey instead :^(
my government going one direction
Jokes on you i dont even have a functioning government
great news friend
war when?
You have to Safe the World Canada-Kun!
Theres a beautifull world beyond the maple syrup!
I must say Canada already contributed much they gave the world Justin B and PewDiePie.
I thought pewdiepie was swedish and poland has contributed cute girls good job on that
dont be so triggered my friend and no Turkish are better
Man were the only ones in this thread thats pretty spooky
you are the chosen my friend
Make leafs and kurwas great again
>my uncle immigrated to Canada and got shitzoprenia
i must say im close too after reading this
We have warning signs do not do drink the tap water so thats on him atleast he's now qualified to run for pm now
hes dead bro ;/
>inb4 1 pollack less
Rest in peace i have only a dad every other family members is dead so like 15 less leafs
wow we really the only ones in this thread...
sorry to hear bro
I'm here you fucking cucks!
lemme guess east coast? cut west is kinda wtf m8
btw did you know Pewdz is new christ?
Took you long enough
what the fuck did I just read?
at least i did it my way
How high are you?
probably too?
vely nice hao muche?
420 not blez it man!
oh comon!
You shall have no other gods before me.
>not knowing the 10 commandments
i took a dump try hoarder
9llahu akbar?
a classic