This will happen
This will happen
Washington is in play as well.
>Land of 10,000 Somalis per sqare mile
>voting Red
literally only 25000 in the state.
Thing is, this COULD actually happen.
Following the polls, and predicted change after debates this isn't far off.
I don't think he'll win Nevada or Penn but the rest seems accurate enough
The delusion is strong with this one
This is believable if Assange isn't trolling and Trump ravages her in the debates. Maine's 1st district would go blue though.
it is written
i work at TSA at a Cat X airport...
Every single Minnesota driver's license is fucking somalis or nigerians or pretty much non whites.
Whenever I see someone White from Minnesota I am actually surprised.
>taking PA, CT, OR, CO
*Dream On by Aerosmith hums in the background*
> Connecticut
> Michigan
> Oregon
> Wisconsin
Why are you faggots so cringey?
t. butthurt nigger state
you are just jealous of our nordic state.
>PA and VA
Subhuman BTFO
I want this to happen so badly.
It would be just the most perfect meme cherry on top of the memiest election ever to be held.
What's going on in this thread? Kek has blessed it.
Why does Coliformia has much more delegates than the others?
because that's where hillary clinten lives
Switch Minnesota to blue.
Also Massachusetts and California are going red this time.
Screencap it.
population. and they aren't called delegates
Michigan and Wisconsin closer than Ohio and PA according to the polls
It's based on population. More people live in CA than all of Scandinavia combined.
i can promise you we won't be getting maine 1st district, fucking liberals who wish they lived in the other portland
i have high hopes for 2nd district where i live. a lot of visible trump support, nothing for hillary.
i just got 3 trips within 30 minutes. also checked.
So, if Hillary win California by 1 vote she gets all the 55 electoral votes of the state?
Yes, it's not like the primaries. It's winner take all.
That wouldmt happen. san Francisco and LA are hard blue. san diego is more purple/red
Welcome to FPTP politics
Never come here anons. Every degenerate trend and idea was born here and it will not stop. Please, pray to kek to show us mercy and cleanse us with nuclear fire from the face of the earth
do you seriously fucking think hillary isn't getting california? lol
as someone from wisconsin there is literally no way minnesota goes red, they are the only state that didnt go for reagan in 1980, and the odds of wisconsin going red are such a long shot its probably not gonna happen unless there is a huge amount of people that never voted before voting.
Either way ill do my best, lads. trump 2016
I bet it'll be this honestly.
California is by far the most populated state so it gets the most EC votes.
and this was with a moderate republican candidate and the anti-obama circlejerk at the time
PA isn't showing any signs of going red.
Also, Minnesota was the only state that voted for Rubio in the primaries.
They truly are behind saving.
a daring synthesis
PAfag here. It's thousands of Trump signs as far as the eye can see. I know people from all backgrounds and ages and I never met a single Hillary supporters. Just Trump and Bernie people. Hillary supporters are rarer than unicorns.
The dindus in Philly and Pittsburgh will vote Hillary but that won't be enough this time to stop the massive amount of support that Trump has here.
If PA doesn't go red this year, it was rigged.
More likely than the op
>tfw Maryland
>tfw no matter what, my state will vote for Hillary because of all the cucks and dindus in Murdermore, Prince Trayvon County, and The Peoples Republic of Montgomery County
Still voting Trump after Gary went full cuck
Pic related
Is he with us?
Nice quads
Kek is always with us, Brother.
You're a literal cuckold, Anthony Burch, tell your sister she looked a million times more hot with her long hair.
More digits
Lol always forget why my name is Anthony Burch on her and its because on April 1st everyone on v was trying to get his name and the meme stuck
switch Florida and Pennsylvania
t. floridanon
People tend to surround themselves and live in areas with similar minded people. This anecdotal evidence is meaningless. I don't know if it's just a meme or if people really think this way. Literally no poll shows Trump leading in PA.
>and this was with an obama clone in a red tie
The problem with people like you is that you assume people are naturally inclined to prefer the left over the right.
Screencap this
Flip VA and NM
cmon now faam
You are what in the industry we call a "tiny dick pozzcuckold". You must be of Swedish heritage.
He will win both, trust me. Kaine isn't doing shit for the VA vote.
I firmly believe enough votes will be siphoned off Clinton from Flaccid Johnson in NM to give Trump the win there.
for the last time, stop couloring Washington blue!
best case scenario for trump
I live here you fucking nigger. The only places that Clinton will win here are Trenton and Newark. And her black support here is faltering.
The only people here that would vote for Clinton are salty high school kids that still believe the whole "he's a racist, listen to this two second long instagram soundbyte."
The suburban families here fucking LOATHE Clinton and they want to vote for Trump really badly. Everyone I know is ready to vote for him and I see Trump signs all over the towns here. It will be close bc of the cucked Newark and Trenton (and MAYBE Camden) vote, but Trump will win here.
This is the most likely scenario, except I think Trump wins Ohio in an upset.
more like MEMEsota
Hillary doesnt even need Kaine to win VA. The cancer of Norther Virginia has only grown stronger and bluer in the last 8 years. The coalminers in the south and west can no longer hold off the hordes of cucks.
Johnson will be largely irrelevant come election day. He was polling 7-10% last time around and he barely got 1% on election day.
This is the map. I am from the future
He'll get to 270+ but NJ won't be a part of that. Sorry bruh, you just live in a liberal shit hole
>trump wins Illinois
you didn't even try did you?
Pretty accurate. Texas will be blue.
Every year since 1992 it's been the same deal. "PA. Will go red this year just you wait!!" It's not going red. However it's dependent on of the snow birds move to Florida in time for the winter in November. If that's the case. PA will go red and Florida blue, but most go down to Florida after the thanksgiving holiday, make PA blue and Florida red.
>Wisconsin might vote Trump
trump wins if the republican senate stays loyal to the party :)
I think he means that she won't win California by only 1 vote, it'll be much more because blue cities.