Sup Forums and drumpf BTFO forever!
Sup Forums and drumpf BTFO forever!
What? Can anyone explain?
If this was 2012, Trump would be behind.
Can they stop shilling for a moment?
CNN literally could not stand having a poll out with Trump ahead.
How? How have they calculated that?
What the fuck does that even mean? If this was 2012 Trump would not be running.
I think they're assuming that Hillary's turnout will be equal to Obama's, but there's no way in hell that that's happening.
What the fuck does that even mean??
Thanks for correcting 2012's non-existent record CNN.
If the numbers don't fit the narrative, just change them until they do.
> my nigga 2012
> hillary 2016
I thought in the primaries republican votes were at an all time high, and that democrat votes were at an all time low.
>Hillary's tutnout will be as high as obamas
HAHAHHAHAHA stalin will rise from the dead before that happeneds. Regardless of who wins clinton is NOT going to do as good as obama
uhh why would you not use the current electorate
>We don't like that Trump is winning so now we're going to make up a poll where he loses
Why WOULDNT they say hillary is winning?
Would the adjustment not be more compelling if they used the relative turnout from the primaries compared to 2012?
What the fuck if this even supposed to mean? There's more Republicans voting, less Democrats, Obama isn't running, Romney isn't running, issues have changed, public opinions have changed; it's a completely different scenario.
They're using obamas historic black vote as the new normal.
Basically, more dems voted in 2012 so they're expecting the same as if it was an obama reelection
How many fucking times have they (((adjusted))) it now?
"I didn't vote in 2012 but I am this year"
the words that will spell her doom
>this election even remotely resembles 2012 and the mood of that year
it doesn't get any more damage control
Yup. You see the kiddies have to get excited about something to go vote, and Hillary is about the least exciting thing to ever grace the face of American politics.
But it isn't. So he isn't.
Are americans really this retarded?
If there was equivalent turn out as the 2012 election based on party, trump would lose by 4 points.
They should have done this from the beginning 2bh. It's a bit (((coincidental))) they decided to do this now, though
>adjusted (because we didn't like the result)
This. Female jeb bush isnt going tocome close to charismatic "black Jesus's" turnout
2012? wtf is that bullshit?
They rubbed their hands and chanted some hebrew gobblydigook then cast their +20 Kabalistic Confusion spell hoping the goyim lose the saving throw.
Here... take this rare Japanese Kek talisman to protect you from fire attacks and bat-creatures!
> Let's just adjust this to fit our agenda
> No manipulation here folks, okie dokie
no, nobody trusts the media
They're using an election with a huge democrat turn out and since then registered democrats have decreased and registered republicans increased.
They're literally just manipulating the numbers to fit their agenda.
>actual poll says trump is winning
>make up a blatantly fake poll with hillary winning
you literally cannot make this shit up folks
"Woke" basketball americas trust it
Well he did briefly run in 2012 to be fair...
Trust in the media is around ~6%.
We trust Congress more than the TV. And we hate Congress.
>Losing favorability with women.
>Almost losing it with Hispanics.
Holy shit, unless something really major goes down in the next couple of months it's fucking over.
>Stalin will rise from the dead
>implying $hilLIARy is not already undead; her disgusting corpse being powered by experimental nanobots (that;s what the nigger SS doctor is REALLY injecting her with!) and lesser daemons placed in her by the dark jew-mages she was serving since the 60's.
2012 Voter enthusiasm: 57%
Current Voter enthusiasm: 46%
Trump Voter enthusiasm: 58%
Clinton Voter enthusiasm: 46%
Democrats freak out so much about Trump being ahead in the polls that they make up their own. Requesting image of the republican one if anyone has.
do the execs at msnbc and cnn understand if shillary loses their channels are basically done right?
>Trump has nearly half of the Independent vote
Holy Christ, it's gonna be a landslide victory.
(((((((((((((((((ADJUSTED PROJECTIONS))))))))))))))) for the upcoming (((((((((((((((((((ADJUSTED ELECTIONS)))))))))))))))))
Trump is ahead in some polls so they need to change the results so they can broadcast it to all faggots in their safe spaces.
Trump has a demographic that isn't in play for most elections. People who have never voted before
Yea its over now. Assange will just be beating a dead horse in October and assuring Trump will win
so they adjust it to NOT JUST INCLUDE LIKELY VOTERS.........but UNLIKELY, AND MISCREANTS.......and you think this is reality.........?
You really think Hillary wants to be President? She's dying. She is just putting on a show for the rest of the election to make it look real. Trump was decided on a long time ago. The whole "anti-establishment" Jew is a farce.
What the fuck hahaha
That's just retarded. You can't do that shit.
This, combined with the massive Independent lead and almost guaranteed lower turnout for Clinton, make me think that it actually will be a landslide. Unless Trump does something totally out of line, I personally have a very hard time seeing him losing.
Wait Trump is leading again in mainstream polls?
You DRUMPFAGS are so delusional
Yes, clearly the Jews adjusted the polls because you disagree with them
Why can't you fuckers accept REALITY. Trump is going to lose and he's going to lose badly. Every poll that matters reflects this, especially in battleground states, only fucking right wing shit sites like Breitfart say otherwise.
Just accept it, Hillary is going to WIN. No one wants an Orange MEme as their president.
Its gonna look like this
Trump might just win Minnesota too.
>Having to correct the record on your own polls
What kind of clusterfuck of an ogranization are they running over there at CNN?
I'm glad there are actually intelligent people in America like you.
Why don't these polls take into account Trumpocrats, and white union workers who used to vote Dem, but won't vote Clinton. A great chunk of the population of PA and Michigan are white union workers. They voted for Obama. They aren't voting for Clinton. If Clinton can't win those voters, she can't win those states. Why isn't that taken into account?
because it is (((adjusted))) you piece of shit racist
You know back in the day when we were a politer society, a man wouldn't hesitate to feed you a knuckle sandwich if you blatantly lied to his face.
Those were better times. CNN deserves a fertilizer bomb.
it doesn't suit the jew's agenda
white union worker in ohio here (ford-uaw) lots of us voting trump
In the most simple terms...
They poll people and then adjust the raw data to a "model" of what they think the electorate will be. CNN apparently predicts in their 2016 model that voter turnout for Trump will be much higher than Clinton (which makes sense, based on primary turnouts). However, if they use their 2012 model for the electorate, Trump would lose (Romney had pretty bad turnout, and Obama had a good turnout). If you remember in 2012, there was literally ZERO enthusiasm around the Romney campaign, but 2016 seems to be the opposite this time around.
4 points is easy to make up
Stein and Johnson won't get that high of the vote either. People say they'll vote 3rd party but they never do because they know they won't win
I'm going to enjoy watching the chucklefucks on CNN and MSNBC being forced to announce that Donald Trump will be the next president on election day.
Thank God it's the current year
>are Americans really this retarded
Yes It's September, we are now pandering to the undecided voters. Literally the dumbest voting demographic all around. These are the people so ass retarded they can't figure out how to get out of jury duty
holy fuck bruh are you serious?
you cant be serious
are you kidding me???
Because everyone knew that the GOP just McCained us again with another cuck that didn't have a chance in hell of winning.
Ron Paul was their candidate and they railroaded him twice.
Thanks for Correcting the Record™!
That is great. I'm not worried about Ohio. I think he wins you guys. My only concern is him being able to flip blue states with union workers like PA and Michigan. If he can't pull it off in PA, I think Michigan is his best bet.
don't let this slide into oblivion the kikes are literally preparing us all for the end.
BUT IT'S 2016
Nice to see that Sup Forums of all places is full of intelligent people like you three gentlemen
Even this place is seeing Trump for the LOSER that he is is! DRUMPFAGS forever BTFO!
>i-if the electorate was different hilldawg would be winning!
shills getting more pathetic by the day