>Hugh Jackman didn't win Best Actor for this role
>Prisoners wasn't nominated for any Oscars besides Best Cinematography, which it lost
Defend this. Protip: you are unable to.
Hugh Jackman didn't win Best Actor for this role
>white people winning awards
That's some problematic shit, user. We need to give all awards to blacks or else it's slavery all over again.
12 Years a Slave won that year, so they did.. And the rest was utterly forgettable oscar bait like Dallas Buyers Club
>movie about the kidnapping of white children
Who the fuck cares about that user. It's 2017 FFS
>inb4 muh deakins pasta
The most IMDB sensibility film made so far. Anybody who thinks that Prisoners is above mediocre is juvenile about the medium and entirely emblematic of the video game crossposter fueled downfall of this board.
Villeneuve is one of the biggest trashmasters working today, hack's hack. This is hot pocket: the movie. Cheeto dust: the flick.
IMDB "FILM BUFF" pleb fodder. If you like this film then you are an enemy of the medium.
All the memes are there, it's shit.
It's a really boring movie. I didn't even recognize Hugh Jackman.
it's a shitty prestige tv flick only a rebbitor can enjoy
Not enough jews were working on that film
phuck Villnuff and phuk wyte peebol!
it's a crappy movie
villeneuve is a hack. Biggest hack in modern cinema.
arrival - bullshit script with absurd and simply stupid scenes like that scene when amy meets forest for the first time
>sicario. The same. Stupid script with b-class bullshits
>enemy. i don't need to say anything xD
>this. Stupid script with many bullshits in it
can't wait for him to ruin blade runner
> sicario
> bad script
Weve reached peak contrarianism.
i'm not saying this because of contarianism. I don't give a fuck about it. Sicario has laughable script.
>t.mental illness
not even joking, get out more dude, leave the chan a bit, it can't be healthy
Ppl who consist THATparticular award organizers except technical side, hasn't been able to educate themselves. Just looking at top prizers las couple of years, most of them are questionable pieces tho.
>if you don't like villenueve you are insane
holy shit this cult has gone on too far
You are just looking at "The Show" aspect of this particular award. On the technical side, many kinds of ppl have been awarded.
Yea, but a kidnapped kid ain't the focus of this story, dumbass!!!
he is right though
i don't give a fuck about vileneuvve or whatever the fuck he's called, look at this guy's vocabulary and hyperbole, he probably talks like that in real life, a consequence from too much chan
A story about a man whose kid was kidnapped, decides to take the matter in his hand. It must've had been much more praised film if it got made 80s or 90s.
I mean, all the acting he did was getting angry.
Easy: it wasn't very good. Jackman just yelled a lot. Nothing about the performances, or the overabundance of symbolism was subtle and the script was weak. I'm not entirely a Villeneuve hater, I enjoyed Sicario for the tense action film it was. But its his best film (though I've yet to see Enemy) and even it suffers from a very laughable script. The only reason he's praised so highly is because he's actually competent and is surrounded by utter shit. Prisoners is one of few movies I've seen that I just truly disliked watching.
the script was good and jackman's performance was good. i just contradicted your entire argument and there's nothing you can do about it
this scene was pretty tense
Good for you, I would never discourage someone from enjoying a film. Although you haven't contradicted my argument about that pointless symbolism that dragged down the entire film, both in terms of pacing and intensity; though of course you could just say you disagree. Prisoners was an absolutely emotionally hollow experience for me, and in my opinion it is because of the script and the attempts at depth that fell flat because the film offered nothing new or thought provoking to the table at all
How is it "pointless symbolism"? I would agree in most cases, but here the heavy christian/tree/maze imagery is not the usual "direct" symbolism where every frame is just a shallow surface-level puzzle with a singular universal answer, here the imagery just expands the narrative visually and thematically.
I thought it was a pretty well executed representation of the grey area inbetween right and wrong, as most Villeneuve films are.