ITT : pics that divide Sup Forums instantly
ITT : pics that divide Sup Forums instantly
Best girl
why would this divide Sup Forums? every non ctr shill here supports the confederacy
That's not Rei.
>supporting a bunch of white trash southerners over the superior industrialized north
>supporting a bunch of libfags in their fight against states rights and for nigger rights
Not an argument you jew. The south was morally right and they had proper justification, democracy took place.
Might is right faggots. Get over it
Sup Forums is christian. only the newfag kike redditors are non christians.
>muh might is right
REEEEEE get out statefag people like you deserve to be forcibly removed from the earth
It doesn't matter if at the time the Union might have been worth saving
It has completely gone to shit and should be dissolved ASAP
If Abe had his way, all the blacks in America would have been deported to Liberia.
>the only people who disagree with me are members of an organized conspiracy to create the illusion of disagreement
but he didnt so it was pointless and left everyone worse off
>born in the South
>family has lived in NC/VA/TN since 1607
>don't care about the civil war
>actually admire Lincoln and Grant for steps they took to win
Abe never support removing them. He supported voluntary emigration. He later eased off on these views.
6. Totally yellow is ideal, with as little green or brown as possible.
What's it's gender?
1 you fucking plebs
Palestine crisis
>Sup Forums hates Muslims
>Sup Forums hates Jews
>Who do they support if the two start killing eachother?
Also, traps, because it is degeneracy, but this is Sup Forums and 50% of its userbase would fuck a trap if they could.
Fuckin' war criminal.
The south was the libfags. Democrats created the KKK and Jim Crowe.
Abe was a republican through an through.
Inb4 muh great switch
Inb4 republicans were liberals
Inb4 unproven assertion
>being the spawn of inbred criminal rejects from tealand and having an opinion on American history
Fuck off dude. You complain about niggers like the rest of us but act like it isn't your fault their monkeying around.
inb4 muh math
inb4 muh it equals 4
>all astrotheological allegories for the sun and moon
>>Who do they support if the two start killing eachother?
>choosing if you hate rats or cockroaches more
>Also, traps, because it is degeneracy, but this is Sup Forums and 50% of its userbase would fuck a trap if they could.
A forced meme. I never remember seeing it here before 2009. Hell, I can't remember seeing it at all before then.
>When I start watching the video
I'm sorry to tell you oldfag, but 2009 was a long time ago. Now it makes up a lot of Sup Forums and sometimes that spreads to other boards. It's still a devisive issue though, I'll give you that.
Yeah half that board is just porn and the other half is facebook "what do I say" and rolling.
Pretty sad desu
2 for my ass, 5 to eat.
Absolutely esoteric my lad.
what a slut
Are you still BUTTHURT that union boys swept through the battlefield like FUCKING heroes and DESTROYED your petty qualms of "muh states rights"? Ha!!! The south will never rise. I always laugh when I see southerners raise that battle flag. Or should I say LOSER FLAG.
"taken guff" what is that?
union won
we support winners
north forever
>south is run by what amounts to a defacto aristocracy
>make their money through farming mostly
>import thousands of african slaves to work their fields instead of hiring their fellow country men
>keep fighting legally to allow more and more of these african slaves in because they also make money off of the trading of slaves
>gets to the point where a lot of places have more black slaves than free white people
>meanwhile, the rest of the south is full of dirt poor peasents who have no chance of doing better because the ruling class has basically tied a knot in society, making their few families set for generations, while ensuring others have no chance
>leave the union after its merely suggested slavery not spread to the rest of the states
>go to war over this
>is the bloodiest war in US history
>Lincoln planned to ship most of the slaves back to Africa
>is assassinated by a butthurt actor
Lincoln was right. "south will rise again!' fags are just LARPers with no brains
this honestly
Revelation 2:9
"I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan"
Romans 16:18
"For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."
Just look up bible verses about Jews, true Jesus was a Jew, but he was jesus Christ I.E. Christian
>bashing aristocracy
cuck detected
>wanting an aristocracy
no user, you are LITERALLY the cuck here. why dont you just let them fuck your wife?
I support the south
This, God bless the South
>unironically being a republicuck
>muh votes are relevant!
>PLEASE MASTER! let me prep you to fuck my wife!-you
stay cucked you retarded LARPer
>not eating a fucking apple
America makes the best food
Shlomo pls
(((Abraham Lincoln)))
7 :^)
OP wins. Sup Forums is divided. Thanks a lot you fucking jew.
>y-youre a jew if you dont want a ruling class to fuck your wife!
sure thing newfag cuck. Go fantasies about rich people fucking you on your gay fetish sites and not a political board, ok?
'' Go fantasies about rich people''
I don't think you understand the definition of aristocracy. Also how is your vision of southern aristocracy any different from what the kikes are doing in America right now? You shitposting?
Niggers unironically voting democrat, even though up until the late 1800s, the KKK was the military arm of the left.
That's funny dude.
>magic sky jew
>swapping on delusion for another
Take your dirty jew desert religion somewhere else.
Just fucking kill yourself you fucking retarded newfag. You are seriously arguing for an aristocracy because youre such a retarded manbaby, you need mommy and daddy government to take care of you.
Im going to stop with the wife jokes because its painfully obvious you are a virgin and will NEVER get married anyway
Sure is.
>shitposting kike is okay with his vermin brethren ripping people off but he wont tolerate a responsible government
what a shock
>yfw the yanks were prepping the bull way before the war.
>shitposting kike
you are obviously a newfag DESPERATELY trying to fit. With your wrong use of the word cuck, le kikes shitposting, shilling for some retarded fringe idea. Like theres ever going to be a fucking aristocracy in America for any real reason.
Continue LARPing while you remain a pathetic loser you fucking faggot.
>retarded fringe idea
k Shlomo
He's not voting Democrat. He's a Trump supporter
Non shill here. I support confed
>le nigger meme
>le slavery did nothing wrong meme
These bants....holy fuck I'm dying
I really, really, really like this image.
lots of expensive ingredients, i wonder how much they charge. i would think $12 per sandwich would be a bargain.
well played
would have intercourse with
no division
the north was full of kikes and liberals, south shouldn't have had to secede but was objectively the more noble and admirable side. south had to industrialize though
feels bad to have the south raped and fuck the north but slavery was wrong and we should have shipped them all back to africa
>t. shill