2chan thinks Sup Forums hates Japanese people

I was just browsing on the internet and I thought "what does 2chan think of Sup Forums?" and this page is one of the first things I saw. The insecurity is hilarious....

Truth is nobody hates Japanese people here, but like the first 2 comments pointed out we just hate people who put Japan on a pedestal

Other urls found in this thread:


That's not fucking 2chan you fucking retarded leaf

We hate the japanese because 出来ない.

choose one

It was taken from 2chan, and posted on another website

Do Japs real think Jap is used as a pejorative and not just a useful nickname?

japs (and all other asians) are subhuman.

>even though they watch anime
>anime defines an entire nation


WE do hate nips.

They're degenerate as fuck.

weebs like OP need to be gassed

But Japs is a term of affection and they're the only non-whites we don't want to gas.

You posted chinese people my mongrel friend.
No one consider the chinese ( or korean for that matter ) human.

I love these Mokou memes.

Fuck off, japs are honorary aryans

The larger irony is that otaku are seen as the scum of society there.

That's 2ch retard

We don't even think about them lel

I haven't met any Japanese people IRL, but from what I've seen online, they tend to be nice and polite, but some of them can get too shy and obsessed with anime and waifus.


2ch is Japanese reddit, they are probably SJW normalfags

/fa/ as fuck

>that parka


Nice try (((OP)))

Why are Japs surprised? They act like they're superior and are xenophobic to all races including anglos who are objectively superior to them. They treat us like shit if we go to their nation which we conquered and now protect for them.

Fuck those zips.

Japan has the same temperament as Hillary supporters. If you don't absolutely love them, you are an ignorant bigot.

I wonder how many people that meme made give up.
Personally, it motivated me to continue, fuck that smug bitch.

From my experience they are extremely cold people that are basically impossible to ever become friends with. Same thing with other asians, really.
Oh and the vast majority of them don't speak a single word of english or any foreign language to them, so yea, pretty hard to communicate anyway, unless you go through the grueling effort of learning their moon runes

Nip is usually used for that.

There's idiot PC people that think any slang or shortened names are bad. Brit's aren't even publicly allowed to use the word Paki. The PC brigade pushed so far even using Pakistani is questionable, so they Asian.


So saying "jap" is racist?

do they not know that jap stands for jewish american princess

someone with a jap ip address needs to make a thread over there and link it to a thread here in the name of diplomacy

Says the amerifat.

Their chan is too small.

Yet 'Brit' is perfectly acceptable.

As for the Nips, they're pretty arrogant, but I want to fuck a cute Nip bitch

Since when do we hate the Japanese? I mean, I've said Jap about 1007492962792964 times on here but that's mostly because I'm posting here on Sup Forums.

I'm sorry you little yellow monkeys are so sensitive.

>tfw you will never fulfill your dream and be a filthy gaijin weeb lolicon living in glorious nippon.

should i commit sudoku already?

wtf i hate japs now

Choose one

second this

let the nips know it's just how we are

Nah, Sup Forums is a place of love. A love that dare not speak its name. We really love the Japanese. With tentacles. And futa.

those are chinks, not japs
you can tell because they're abusing a dog

> caring what Japanese reddit thinks


>tfw you will never fulfill your dream and be a filthy gaijin weeb lolicon living in glorious nippon.

Just stop.

Remember that pretty much all of japan post there so its full of normies.
Mokou is hot.

Shart in Mart etc.



anime is for faggots

I saw a thread like this a while ago on 2ch and a lot of people realized that it's just corean dogs doing trolling on both sides.
That's a lot of unsubstantiated bias there.

quints of truth

I want to impregnate Illya

>Understanding satire

Pick one. Fuck those hooked nosed Asians. The Chinese are superior in every way.


Japs bring good bants they 10/10




I was on Futaba just now and they called you a triggered faggot

Is this one of those things where there are secret organizations I am unaware of?

Is the a 1 and 3 chan too, ready to join forces and fight some megazord someday?

wouldnt they eat it if they chinks?

No, LINE is reddit/Facebook. 2ch is still niche in Japan.

c-can we do it together user?

I do hate japanese!

I will never forgive japanese dogs for what they do in ww2 to my homeland!

>The Chinese are superior in every way.

They literally put poison in their own food just to save some money.



wew lad ur new is showing

some people jesus christ

I'm no softfag, and I've killed stuff, but torturing animals for masochist amusement is subhuman, unless the animal is muslod or negroid ofcourse


WTF I love chinese cartoons now.

fuck off you zipperhead korean monkey

bow down to your Nip overlords

That merely shows that they are a DIY nation. A nation of improvisers, free thinkers, and pioneers.

Mexican James Carville

[spoiler]Jaime Carillo[/spoiler]

Every jap poster here is actually koreans or marines.

Nihonjin, please realize that Jap is not an insult anymore. It's kind of like how niggers call each other nigga, it's not an insult (unless the white man says it).

Or an English teacher.


>Not having a japanese girlfriend

What was the first chan?

>Not having a 2d(3d) waifu

Jackie Chan

Japanese imageboards are a lot more mainstream over there than imageboards are over here. The typical Japanese businessman that stumbles onto Sup Forums would probably be shocked at how hateful and edgy we are.

spot the weeb
a f u c k i n g l e a f . . .

I think anime is for people who like it -- I don't -- and I've got nothing against Japanese.

they're country wont even exist in a 100 years so who cares.

Ha ha ha

No really, the Chinese are subhuman scum.

Futaba/2chan. Moot copied the code for Sup Forums

Delet this.

Spotted the shart in mart

Dunno wanna cheer a depressed finn up a little?

I would probably die for the Japanese people and the emperor before Bush/Obama/Clinton and the JewSA (((establishment))) ruining the world.

>pic related makes me sick

You don't wanna piss me off got it?!

>I was just browsing
>screenshot says 2013

I will jam a Vessel JIS 2号 screwdriver through your cat-eating, dog-fucking, chinkocanadian a-fucking-leaf face you cryptojew, turbonegro forest firing muslimcoddling extreme fuckngleaf

Implying Sup Forums = Sup Forums

Full house trips says kek hates the dogeaters

u best be b8ing son

learn to read context you fucking asian nigger

wtf I hate the Japs now

>5 posts by this ID
Can you be anymore triggered you weebcuck?

Lord Kek is harsh but honest.

Brit's are white, well mostly. So of course it's okay.

>a depressed finn up a little
Maybe if you join me in Hell with my demonic friends then yes?
KK shart in the mart

English teacher plz go

All of Sup Forums, including and most especially Sup Forums, is a board of peace.