Is liquorice why sweden is so cucked?

Is liquorice why sweden is so cucked?
(glycyrrhizic acid is the main compound of licorice)

I know they love their liquorice up there, it would explain a lot

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it's a xenoestrogen?

so it taste like shit, and cucks you. nice.

If you eat black licorice you're a faggot. Redvines all day nigga

I like licorice a lot. Maybe I have to go to Sweden.

I've never met anyone ever that liked licorice and wasn't like 60 years old.

And not even a dislike. A full blown 'that shit is disgusting'. And I agree. I have no idea why old people love it so much or who else is eating it that there's enough demand for it to be available in every movie theatre.

Finns have the biggest loads in Europe, perhaps the world.
They also are the biggest liquorice consumers.
Imagine their loads if they stopped eating liquorice.

>I don't know why old people love the taste of disgusting as fuck licorice
They're dying user, they just want to be reminded they're still alive

It's fucking disgusting is what it is

And you brits made some of the most vile liquorice ever made when you made Bassett's.

>swede not liking liquorice
go home achmed

>liking liquorice
I mean, most candy tastes like utter shit, but liquorice is the worst offender nigger.

Now, ölkorv or jerky. Those are proper snacks.

We're naturally high test

>eating anything you cant replicate in your own kitchen

ölkorv i can agree on being one of the best snacks.

But liqurice still beats it by a long shot.

Off yourself

Licorice is awful

Who /hichew/ masterrace here?

Eating licorice is a right of passage here in scandinavia.

Can you replicate pussy?

>hating liquorice
I devour that shit like there's no tomorrow. The saltier the better

look at my trip bb
