Risk Continued


Should I reroll or use my roll from last thread? >Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

But we didn't hit the bump limit?

anyway here is my roll

Fill Romania and Spill into Turkey.

I will use whatever the best roll is

GG m8

Fill Djibouti. Spills into Jordan and Chad.

Spill into Russia. Prefferably the St. Petersburg Region and then northern Russia.

You don't mind if I take Jordan do you? You haven't seemed very interested in it.

You already did, what's the point of asking after you did it, anyway take it i don't care.

So much spill! Where else?

do serbians like christian orthodox polar bear empires?

Also, you should fill Yemen and Oman for those extra bonuses.

Tunisia and Niger.

Well,we're an ortodhox constitutional monarchy,so yes i guess


Since this thread is dead, can we agree on a peace map?

Did you not get my attack?The original roll and the reroll were worth the same points.

Anyway, kill off Poland, and then fill in Germany/Poland

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

Cough cough


Okay,but i get what i captured,all turkey and Hungary

Fill Algeria. Spills into Cameroon and Congo.

Hell no. I'm still good to keep going.

more northern russia, the whole northern coast,

Peace map or not, my previous turn roll should have killed Teal.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

Finish with Turkey and spill into Hungary AND Slovakia.


i wanna die.

Just keep playing as long as we have 3-4 players. If the others don't return, who cares. They'll just lose their territory gradually and be killed off anyway.


not official, reply to above

Thank you. I'm sorry if I came off as aggressive about it. My roll for the current turn () should be +16 now.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

Ah good you fixed it, Now.......hmmmmm ah right attack yellow.

ffs,Finish with Turkey and spill into Hungary AND slovakia.


I did

Clean up Germany, and grab Denmark if there's enough points.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

Other spill?

Take turck and greece. let's do this.

Fill Algeria. Spills into Mali and Cyprus.

Fuck you.Counter attack Jordinian scum

To the north and east, under Purple. Fill uniformly, not a line.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

Shit here he comes.

M8 some help on Serbia.

Small amount of spill left



You don't seem to be struggling against him so bad. For now I'll consolidate my grip on Africa and then I'll help you if you require it.

Attack take him out.

okey i'll wait.

Secure the gap between myself and Gold.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

Fill the rest of West Africa. Including Nigeria's capital.

Double dubs? Or just dubs?

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

egh forgot to roll, was a bit preoccupied fuck

fill up northern russia and then the baltics

Keep in mind you have +19, not to mention a capital

Finish Jordan filth,attack!

Yes yes. Uh, just everywhere, really. Uniform spill in all directions.

Also the +19 already includes my +3 from the polish capital.

Yeah right, you won't last serbian scum.


Finish Jordania,without attacking British Egypt!

get those islands in the baltics

if i have any spill left put it into expanding into russia


Finish off brown. Spills into rest of unoccupied African lands.

Is Dark Olive playing anymore? If not, attack them. If so, expand northeast. Spill northeast I guess.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia


Hey,want to make an alliance? we could rule Europe together.


Would you be interested in upgrading our NAP into an alliance?

The Guys want so figure out what's going on with England first, also you two are enemies now, right? For now, I will retain all current NAPs.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

Not looking good for Arabs

K-Keep defending.

Attack Serbia.

Make a final asault against the filthy Jordan!
But don't attack British Egypt.

Expand northeast, through the uncharted gap between Purple and Grey.

>Those Guys (Blue)

El Rey de España
Kingdom of Serbia

expand more into russia

Thank you, thank you.

Damn. I am retarded, didn't see the new thread.
Defend if attacked. Take Anatolia.

You idiot, the British Are my ally.

Ok,defend against Britannia,and Attack Britannia too.

Bonus corrected

As you know, I'm only acting on my obligations with the Arabs. If you destroy him, however, that obligation will end.

So my question to you is, do you consider this protectorate to be a an enemy?

I've talked it over with the guys, and I hereby nullify my NAP with the Grand Monarchy of Spain (Dark Red). I will be pursuing their vacant throne in the next phase.

>Those Guys (Blue)

Kingdom of Serbia

No,i don't consider you an enemy. But if you want to help your ally,that's ok.

I'm referring to:

Literally no more room to expand to
Invade maroon?

Understood. Your position is a noble one.


See So, yes.

>Those Guys (Blue)

Kingdom of Serbia

It's always good to have an ally that will honor his word, i thought you were going to betray me because that happened to me many times, but you're different from my other allies so i thank you again.


What is your position on Spain's North African outposts? Do you seek them?

I would like to take them, but I wanted to tell you in advance as to avoid any potential conflict.

Invade ''Lost Legion'' in the Kazakhs.

Want to make an ally? Together we can beat That Guy. I will cede Southern Russia if you say yes.

No problem. It looks like Augustus is back now and is attacking Serbia as well. You should be fine.

The Guys and I were discussing this over, as well. If any of our forces this turn take African land, we don't think that sorting them out to you will be an issue. What conclusions have been drawn between you and Serbia?

>Those Guys (Blue)

Kingdom of Serbia

Attack in Ukraine and Belarus.

Why don't you ally with Augustus?

Augustus i don't think he want to be friends try Britannia instead.

o shit


And take note of my palis please.

And are you attacking both sides in taking anatolia?

Fill yaman, and defend if attacked.

Push towards Kazakhstan. The fight is just beginning!

Ally or NAP, Sir Leif?? Blue seems to be a problem.