Can any Italians explain the M5S (Five Star Movement) to me?

I know they're quite popular in Rome, but what do they actually want?

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bump cus I never heard of them

Bump for actual pol related shit.

they want spaghetti


They are the "fuck politicians hurr durr" party

started by some online memester

eurosceptic but still cucks

Explain you spaghetti niggers. This is the first decent thread on Sup Forums in months.

Theu were born as a direct democracy partu with online voting and shit but when the ideator died the facade leader (a literal comedian) went crazy and banned people left and right for disagreeingnwith him, now he stepped back a bit and its just pure confusion now

I'm gonna answer give me a moment.

whites unite. that's the only way to win

Lived in Italy.
If I'm not mistaken they were good at calling out others on crap but they lack any substance

they are cucks who can't change anything

Waiting for you too cause I still dont know what their main objective is except cutting their salaries and shit

im from Lithuania am i degenerate?

What is the best Italian Sup Forumsitical party?
The northern League seems based as fuck

Expect an answer to come tomorrow because Italian daylight savings/late train/spaghetti burned/fashion show/no more spaghetti/too much spaghetti/broke tooth on biscotto/spilled spaghetti/had to drink cappuccino/ate too much spaghetti

>The "five stars" are a reference to five key issues for the party: public water, sustainable transport, sustainable development, right to Internet access, and environmentalism.

Like others said they are very good at saying those politicians suck vote for us instead, I do think they mean it in a good way though keep it small don't spend more then we have don't bomb fucking random cunts.

Their leader is kinda honest he was complaining about politicians getting paid to much and driving big cars and then the ppl said but you drive a Ferrari and then he sold his car (he's an actor comedian so he earned it before he went into politics) I would compare him to Rand Paul but more on the green side

so a meme party that wants free shit

So just a regular libertarian party? And what about this Raggi chick? What's her deal? I read some news article where she was getting blamed for all the garbage piling up in Rome.


Nothing is free
Everything has a cost. But monetary cost is an incorrect way of valuing things.

I think calories would be more appropriate

They wanted to introduce a basic income, i don't know if they still want it or if someone made them realize how stupid it is

No not a party for free shit he literally wants emigrants in quarentaine and lower the budgets like I said

Don't know anything about her only that shes a female mayor of Rome sry.

No ? They want to do like in germany , where unemplyed people get some money to survive but they still have to look for a job , and if you don t attend the interviews you don t get free shit anymore . Our poverty and unemployment rate is big .

TL,DR: M5S it's a political movement started by Beppe Grillo.

>Who is Beppe Grillo?
It's a comedian. He has worked in television for years making appearence and short sketches in variety programs.
Here is an old video and a more recent one:

He realized he could have been very popular making political satire. Late in his career he started a blog in wich he attacked corruption in italian politic.
Here's the

Based on his idea that corruption could only be defeated throwing out all the old parties, the movement was born picking new faces from common citizens. Once Movimento 5 Stelle was created he refused to assume the leadership of the party wich is now controlled by a directory.

>What role they have in the political landscape?
-Movimento 5 Stelle it's a justicialist party. They get most of the protest vote. The repleced the role historically occupied by Italia dei Valori led by Antonio Dipietro.
-Partito Democratico is a left wing democrat party wich currently holds the government. It's led by the young ex-mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi.
-Lega Nord is a right wing eurosceptic party. It was born with the objective of secession of north regions from the central government. In the last years it has been renewd by the young leader Mattelo Salvini to gather votes from all Italy.
-Forza Italia is the historical right wing liberal party led by Silvio Berlusconi. It was closed and refounded in 2013. It's struggling to stay relevant since its inability to replace Berlsuconi with a younger lead.


(part 2)
>What's happening in Rome?
Virginia Raggi was elected mayor of capital city. It's the biggest victory obtained by the party and it's being used by media to judge if Movimento 5 Stelle is actually fit to govern.
There's been a case of collusion with the mafia of some elected members of the city council. Detractors of the movment have used this to attack them, while they defend themselves blaming the bad goverment left to them by their predecessors.

I've tried to be as unbiased as possible.

In addition to what the other posters said, Illegal immigration used to be a felony. Those "upstanding gentlemen" made so that particular law got abrogated.

That said, there are some actually decent politicians in the M5S, but only at municipal level.

All of the parties that are against the EU are terrible. It basically comes down to the M5S (lol), the Northern League (used to be a bunch of separatist retards that did well in administering municipalities but after some events it has started to become more and more like an halfassed right wing party), and who else? I can only think of two other euroskeptic parties and they're both irrelevant - New Force (fascist retards, very likely an honeypot) and Brothers of Italy. As a southerner it saddens me to say that the least worst of the bunch is the Northern League.

>italians don't have water
>RIGHT to be a NEET

Nobody knows.

so it's just some small lame shit

Explain M5S:
>hurr Chemtrails!
>elects chick mayor cause >muhvagina
>first person appointed by her: 200k yearly salary

idiotic cucks falling into the black pit of corruption that is Italian politics

That's a sipmlistic way to put it.

You have to consider that they spawned literally form nothing. None of the members has ever had a political experience before. That's unique for Italy where new parties are usually old politicians who have just changed their robe.
They had an enormous growth and the fact they are now a threat to other parties is impressive.