ITT: TV shows undervalued

ITT: TV shows undervalued

nah s2 is full of niggers





So much this.

At least season 1-3

Exactly how I feel about it. Got kinda shitty towards the end but overall was one of the best character dramas HBO produced. RIP Sweet princes

is it just a show about a guy with a big dick?

What about black sail, i have not seen it but i heard good things

So is your mom

r*ddit show

I miss this so much. Full of wasted potential but I miss it.

He's a Mormon polygamist
Those are his wives
He's presumably pretty hung

such a good fucking concept

Seasons 1-3 were torture to watch in the sense that it felt like it could have been a GOAT tv show on the level of Sopranos or Mad Men but something was missing or off. I'm still not sure what it was. Maybe it was the direction holding it back.

Still, a relatively top tier tv show for those first three seasons that unfortunately falls off afterwards.

Probably would've done better as a SHOWtime production. It's the type of show that makes commercial breaks extremely frustrating


based your mom poster


I could see that. I watched it long after it aired with no commercials

>I'm still not sure what it was.
Literally just weak main characters.
Buscemi is great but he couldn't carry the show; since Nucky is basically just an even-tempered guy who wants to maintain the status quo, he never gets to do anything interesting.
If the show committed to following Jimmy's rise as a gangster (with Nucky as a major supporting character) it'd be more interesting, but Michael Pitt being a fucking maniac irl made it impossible to commit more fully to his storyline

You're thinking of Hung.

Never see this mentioned since the movie came out

Also pretty underrated show
Most people I know have never even heard of it

Leftovers and Young Pope were both way ahead of their time


Damn, you're right. My bad.


Season 1 was kino, 2 and 3 were alright but sorta jumped the shark. Seriously, you can't make 3 Jesus figures in the same show.


The major problem was pacing
The show is 10/10 when you can just marathon through it but waiting weeks at a time is painful
Mostly because the story is a slow build up to an explosive end in regards to conflict. Which is great for when you can just binge it.
The problem it structurally has is Nucky and what to do with him. His status as a politician and gangster is something the show has difficulties figuring out, mostly because I think of the loss of Jimmy. Season one handles the difficulty perfectly, and season 2 handled the shift to gangster perfectly. Then they wanted to do both again in season 3 but Nucky never wanted to be a gangster so the only real conflict was forcing him to be one again while also shoving a political thing into it because of season 1. Ideally Jimmy would be the gangster arc and Nucky the political with a dark side. So by season 4 Nucky just holds the story together. Then the story is cut short and the series shifts back to Nucky, introducing Jack Kennedy who is what Nucky ideally is. He gives up everything for a rushed resolution

Probably the last show by TLC that doesn't glorify obesity


Jesus christ he was on Big Love too? I could spend my life working through this fucker's filmography.


He killed it in Big Love

Is that Dave Rubin

How dare you, sir.

I think that show would have worked a lot better if it had a modern hip-hop score.
