Why do all the normies love stupid nig shit like shitty rap and retarded hood drugs? Is it just typical Jew tricks pushing this shit on everyone?
Why are normies so obsessed with niggers?
>retarded hood drugs
As opposed to meth?
They don't love it for the most part, I think they accept it and pretend to like it so they aren't racist or not normal
blame cuckolds like obongo and trump
meth is redpilled
the Wehrmacht and even uncle adolf himself used meth
if you are not dabbling in meth use, you are subhuman.
Black culture is about freedom. Free to express yourself, free to let your pants hang, free to rap, sing, say whatever you want.
White culture is about oppression. No you can't say this, no you cannot behave this way. Even though its not even against the law. White culture is about control so its no surprise the masses flock to a culture that promotes freedom.
Isn't it obvious? A lack of masculine role models and outlets has left a generation of kids desperate for anything that sounds cocky and tough. Thank God for Trump is all I can say.
Australia please go
This could be it, no shortage of nu-male betas acting tough
trump said hes fine with a nigger fucking his jew daughter though?
>Aussie shitposter
I know you're probably being a satirical cunt but many people do see it this way. When does that culture become slavery?
Why is it now when you don't like to rap, sag, do drugs, fuck bitches your the wrong one because you didn't fulfill all of those things? It suddenly all comes to a halt when your addicted to that shit and your way of life revolves around doing stupid shit all the time and you never really grow up or change.
if that were true then muslims would be the biggest nigger "culture" consumers around.
So? He is a confident, tough-talking man who is not a criminal nigger. It is important for young men to see such a person.
They get treated well. And the race card gets played a lot. So we have to pretend to like them...
I don't think it's all pretend I think some normies have been tricked into GENUINELY thinking coon shit is cool...
>checks post
>checks flag
I don't know but Sup Forums has given me severe nigger fatigue.
>freedom from constraint and discipline turns people into niggers
At last I truly see.
I'm about to blow up right now
Are you retarded? The ghetto is one of the most hierarchical and oppressive environments in existence. They just codify the norms of "oppression" in another way.
Its a pushed culture by big media outlets and has been since forever. People want to feel safe so they find a way of interacting with the threat and the threat tries to seem less threatening. While they leverage the situation for profit...
It's Stockholm syndrome.
Because normies cannot into history. This is greatly the teachers' fault.
Back in my teens I couldn't understand how other children found history so difficult. "Duh, how can I memorize all this?" or "user, why the fuck do you like history?". But for me it was like reading an interesting book. You don't fucking memorize books, you just follow the plot.
So when you have 0 knowledge of great past personalities that you can look up to, it's 100% natural to follow the role-models that media promote.
I like rap, sue me.
And by nigger drugs you mean weed as opposed to what fentanyl?
I mean complete porch monkey shit like lean in a Styrofoam cup
Don't judge bobby
History is one of the most useless subject I can think of
He just lost my vote. At least Hill will call a wog a nig when he nogs.
> #AllBlacksArentNiggers
Yes, user, they are.
It's the constant media offensive. The constant shilling for black culture, black issues, black everything. A guy I know used to think that the US was 50% black, because blacks are overrepresented in the media, and then people whine they're actually underrepresented.
And of course "black" means "African American". Actual African culture is unknown to all normies. They just don't know shit about it. If you're lucky, they've seen that Makmende clip, and that's it. You'll notice they argue as if African people are white Europeans with a coat of black paint. Pretty racist, actually. But lefties accusing others of racism while being fullblown White Man's Burden racist themselves is nothing new.