Why are whites the most hated race?

Why are whites the most hated race?

Success breeds jealousy.

cuz everyone loves them. Hate only succumbs to the beauty it wishes it was. Sorry for the Truth. I have poopoo brown eyes. So fuck off

But Muslims are gonna outbreed you from existense.

>Feel the burn


because everyone wants to bite the hand that feeds it some reason.

For the most part they're pussy beta faggots.

The few that actually help change the world are appreciated, but the rest can fuck off. All the cunts who mention "we" when they talk about important white inventions are the scum of the Earth, and shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Hate is defined as the viewing of an object under the aspect of how it's bad.


Success breeds jealousy

It's not our fault if you can't be proud of anything that your ancestors achieved, you being a nigger and shit...

1 vs 10.000 and we're still winning achmed.

Pretty much this.

Pride is different than taking credit for their achievements. I will never claim to have participated in any wars, or in the invention of certain things.

This idea of "we" needs to die off, it's cringy as fuck. It's the mindset of a follower, and that alone shows you'll never do anything useful in life. If we were still in the times where everyone had to fend for themselves, the majority of this board would have died off by now.

Kang Harald is using the internet again.

yea definitely, the genocide, mistreatment, xenophobia and superiority complex has nothing to do with it whatsoever

>more roaches than there are humans on this planet
>humans still rule the fucking planet
not about volume nigger; quality.

Wich quality again?

Because we're the best people.

Not just most successful, white people are also the nicest, most altruistic race on the planet.

That's why normies will accept the importation of violent, greedy third world assholes en masse. Most white people cannot comprehend that there are groups out there that will kill them just for the color of their skin because those types of thoughts have never entered their own head. We hate to see suffering, and are willing to share our success, because we tend to believe that everyone will be as hard working, and grateful as we are.

Whites tend to also take on the sins of their ancestors. We feel a need to correct things that our ancestors have done wrong, even though pretty much no other race on the planet admits wrongdoing for things in the past. See . If he could stop and rub the two braincells in his shitskin head together, he'd admit that his tribe came to dominate his homeland through killing all the other neighboring tribes (genocide), and that he is just as guilty of the -isms he's accusing whites of. But he doesn't admit it, because he's doesn't feel the need for righting past wrongs that whites feel.

This combination allows us to be taken advantage of, and allows us to be scapegoated for the worlds' crimes. Whites understand that our race did bad things in the past, and we want to make up for it. When we see other races not attempting to make amends, we assume it's because they don't have a bloody past, because we assume that everyone is as goodhearted as we are.

actually, the most hated humans on the planet are the english. They being pasty as a spaghetti, they're confused for white people. The most evil in the history of human kind have been the english, they invented slavery and all that. All white people shouldn't be called evil because some albinos from an island were bored a few hundred years ago.

First post best post.

says a gypsy kek.


Resentment of dominant cultures never happened until post-Christian militaries embraced "going to Heaven" by not genociding all threatening local tribes. Before this, hatchet massacres were an obvious, common-sense security measure. It was a simpler time ...

Today, turd world primitives with electronic networks courtesy of People of Pallor revile the whites who invented the Free World because, to a 7th century goatherd, tolerance and compassion are sins, not virtues. tl;dr:

Sand Nazis view Christians as incalculably creepy because we didn't slaughter six million of them after 9/11, proving that we couldn't be any MORE unislamic.

I don't know, maybe because they have colonized, destroyed, rape half of the planet.

what do you include in "whites"?

Are western Middle eastern white? How about Spaniards and Italians? What about Slavs and Celts? And if skins is light = white then what about Asians?

"White" is a useless American made up buss word.

>Germanics are the most hated race

We can wipe them from existence at any time.

You're using a White language, to post on an imageboard made by a White man, over a globe spanning communication tool created by white people, in a white country that provides you with a high standard of living due to white taxpayers.

If you'd rather live in the jungle, please, go the fuck home.

They're not, except in a few pockets of urban areas and maybe two countries in Africa.

you know I'm right though. There's a reason why your society is based on class and you still have a monarchy. It's nice to live on a island

There is one consoling thought; some people from around the world are beginning to wake up and criticize the flaws of their own non-European cultures. See Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Europeans are by far one of the most historically violent peoples, but they were also the ones who gave the world Enlightenment values and many scientific innovations, and were the first to formally abolish barbaric practices like slavery and reduce the systematic degradation of women.

When you're superior you tend to feel superior m8y

I don't hate white people.

>3000 years later shitskins still haven't gotten the memo that numbers don't mean shit

Yeah keep "outbreeding" us and then crying for welfare because you can't feed your turdlets.