>mfw this is the typical Drumpf supporter
Get a college degree, get educated, grow up, and vote Democrat you idiots.
>mfw this is the typical Drumpf supporter
Get a college degree, get educated, grow up, and vote Democrat you idiots.
>get educated & grow up
>vote democrat
Pick one, dude.
pretty much this
Kek. OP doesn't realize that literally everyone becomes conservative once they get a job and "grow up".
>vote democrat
>get college degree
>have no foresight and can't pay it back
>help me gubbermint
>chillary 4 prez
Get off this site please. Thank you.
I have a bachelors in history and I'm finishing my masters this year
I am 1000000000000000000% for TRUMP!
Looks like an ok dude. What's the problemo?
I have a college degree, I'm educated, I'm grown up, and I vote Republican. MAGA
The only thing sadder than the Drumpf meme is the shart in mart meme
Seriously. I thought libs were supposed to be creative.
You know, if the Democrats dropped the whole anti-gun thing, I'd probably vote for them. Too bad neither is going to happen.
>tfw that kid is whiter than me
that's some maximum b8 friendo
He's white and not some whiney minority or worse, an 'educated' white cuck
Finished college with 0 debt. I think overall it was fun but a massive waste of money. I work in computer science and what I learn in the classroom is not even a fraction of what I need to learn on my own for my jobs. Hell even in the classes I took the teachers didn't do shit and just had everyone code on their own.
>mfw I'm in the trades and making 4 times more than someone with a masters in a liberal arts degree, 100k+ of student loan debt, working at mcdonalds
>vote Democrat
>I'd probably vote for them
>get indoctrinated and vote Democrat you idiots
>grow up liberal
>be educated liberal
>slowly become more consevative
I could just imagine if I could go all the way back to my middle school self (Liberal Prime) to see how cringey I'd be.
Fucking fedora tippin sjw before the internet, so a loner.
Both sides suck, but there are a few issues I side with more on the Democrat's side (mostly tech-related). None of it stands up to gun rights, though, and I'm not voting for someone who wants to outlaw half my arsenal.
At last i truly see
>Muh democrats look out for the poor and uneducated
>Muh drumpf supporters are poor and uneducated, let's shame them for it
Wewest of lads
If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.
Look at that crease. Some tough guy liberal must've taken a swing at Donald.
that's a quote falsely attributed to Churchill, don't know who actually said it. I got a jump start on having a brain apparently, was a liberal until 20 then grew up.
I have a politics degree from Berkeley and am for Trump. Unlike you, the paid internet 1 post shill, who probably barely graduated high school.
He's pretty cute.
i was a liberal for 2 years from 18-20. college indoctrination is a frightening reality.
>grow up, and vote Democrat
yeah, except once you grow up and start paying taxes, you don't vote democrat, unless you're a retard
If you stopped taxing him to pay for your pet shitskins, he might actually be able to afford some food.
I have a bachelors in Finance and just completed my Masters in Business. I'm voting Trump.
Actually Trump supporters are, on average, slightly more educated than his detractors. It's easy to cherry pick stupid kids and hicks because that's the narrative the Dems try to push of the typical Republican voter.
This is a parody, right? Calling Trump Drumpf is about the most immature thing you can do. I have no idea how people think this is somehow an insult to him.