Why in the FUCK is she even running for president? Why not just retire with some semblance of dignity if she's so unhealthy? Does she want her legacy to be secured in high school history textbooks? Is she just a pawn of the global elite? Is Kaine their true chosen one?
Why in the FUCK is she even running for president...
How stupid you guys will look when it turns out she just has a common cold. Anyone who was seen attacking her will seem like a dickhead and this would just strengthen her position.
She'll be addled in another 8 years, this is her last chance since that nigger stole her last one.
She's been hacking nonstop for over a year.
> a common cold that lasts for months
She hasn't sacrificed any kids recently. I'll bet there's a high profile abduction/shooting that she twists somehow to blame trump and then a week later she's magically ok.
It's a good question. But her deep psychological need to always be the most powerful person in the room.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
>>A year-long cold
She wants a place in history. If she died the day after she was inaugurated, she would still have secured her place in history. Also this allows her to outshine Bill, who history will reflect was just another president.
Common colds don't last months, retard.
>Why not just retire...
She is not allowed to. Simple as that.
could be her insane lust for money. could be her insane lust for power. could be she made a deal with (((them))) to become president and she knows there will be terrible consequences if she fails.
I'd bet it's a little of all 3.
>Does she want her legacy to be secured in high school history textbooks?
Yes. This is literally the only reason why she wants to be president. So her name will be in a book for all eternity.
Because there's no way a sudden Democrat second choice stand-in would ever get elected.
If she gets elected and then drops dead after a month, she gets replaced by a democrat by default.
she wants to take 99% of the worlds population with her.
If she's going to die, she'd prefer to at least be immortalized first. May even deliberately choose destructive policies in the event she is elected, knowing she doesn't have long enough to suffer any consequences. A normal person may not want all this, but she's a psychopath so it's perfectly logical for her.
The Democrats can't just abandon her as that's essentially forfeiting the election. They don't care if she dies the day after election before she is even inaugurated, Kaine is fine for them.
>Why in the FUCK is she even running for president?
she just high af
She was supposed to win in 08 but Obongo took all the black votes she needed
This was her prime and she wanted it bad.
No one saw what happened next, the fall, the blood clot, the forgetfulness.
In the time between 2008 and 2016 she got progressively worse in health.
This is her final chance to get back in and she knows it. I don't think she's even going to last 4 years from now. She wants what she thinks is owed to her.
Pardon herself and her husband for all their crimes.
I think she always felt robbed by not getting the nomination in 2008 and just couldn't let the idea go.
As if its consumed her ever since she and her husband left the White House, she vowed she would return again.
Now she too old, tired, corrupted to make a proper job of it.
She wants to be the first female president and to stuff the supreme court with 2-4 more Ginsburgs.
It already is, she was a first lady. Seriously bitch stop over reaching. I want the first woman president to be someone worth voting for.
>Why in the FUCK is she even running for president?
Unbridled ambition.
Why else would she stay with a womanizer that public humiliated her?
Unless she wanted to ride his coattails.
It's almost like she isn't that sick and probably is just a 70+ y.o woman speaking publically daily for hours at a time for months - as president she won't have to be yelling so fucking much.
>Wanting a woman president at all
>Pardon herself and her husband for all their crimes.
Expect this in the final days of the Obammer presidency.
>It's almost like she isn't that sick and probably is just a 70+ y.o woman speaking publically daily for hours at a time for months
Thanks for correcting the record™!
Are you saying a woman isn't up to campaigning?
Cause there are 70 year old men who seem to do okay with this.
>Trudeau is such a manly man
Have you leafs actually checked his testosterone levels? Eeehhh?
but that won't happen though
I don't necessarily want a woman president. But let's be realistic. The first woman president of the united States is going to be a historic event. I would rather it be on some worth while. Not this currport piece of shit.
If she dies in December after having won the Presidency but before inauguration would be the biggest lel.
she has a really punchable face
Bill, Kaine & Huma will be running the show while she sits in the corner and drools.
I would think otherwise. It would make for a cautionary tale regarding voting for someone purely for reasons of identity politics.
Like how Obama has considerably made race relations worse rather than better, and all that hope and change and magical Negro stuff was a lie.
>Not this currport piece of shit.
If we're talking """historic""" and shit, then wouldn't this be rather fitting?
>could be her insane lust for power
My money's on this one
Yeah, but the HIV is what's doing the damage mate.
Kaine is just some clown who her political dynasty owed favors to. He's not chosen to be anything other than a failed VP candidate.
She has wanted this from the very start. From when she first married Bill. She is driven. She doesn't even acknowledge she isn't healthy enough any more. She is blinded by desire.
>become president
>get gravely ill in the later years/shortly after her terms end
>50 years later textbooks are filled with how the first female president fought through illness to do what's best for our country and hid it from the public so the nation would appear strong
Is she taking a raw cock?
Is she?
She must be putting on the laziest campaign in world history.
how stupid will you look when she fucking dies
exactly this
she's wanted it so fucking long and it's HER TURN goddammit, no matter what the country needs. she'll get in, no doubt with a large amount of election rigging, and keel over within a year.
>be Hillary
>first woman to ever have a shot at the presidency
>everything going flawlessly, seen as the presidential favorite
>lose to a fucking nigger with no political experience
>give it up for the promise of '16
>spend the next 8 years fixing the DNC and the media
>offer the chairman of the DNC the vice presidency so your campaign manager can take the spot and control the primary
>pay off media through the Clinton foundation
>everything going flawlessly, seen as the presidential favorite
>lose to Donald J. Fucking Trump
She has many debts to pay. These debts are only payable if she become the POTUS.
Was it Rutherford B Hayes who made a point of not campaigning?
Huh, a leaf telling it like it is. Today must be a special day.
she made a lot of money from a lot of powerful people based on her influence , if she doesn't become president thats pretty much it for the clintons unless Chelsea runs for something.
>unless Chelsea runs for something.
Miss World/Universe?
Some colds are a bitch to get rid of.
she will probably go to prison if Trump gets elected
people who gave her millions for presidential influence will have her killed. She will probably be safe in a prison.
You have to go back to the Monica Lewinsky scandal to understand.At that time, it was up in the air whether or not Clinton would be impeached - not because he got a blowjob, but because he lied about it. It was incredibly important to the globalist faction that Clinton survive with public opinion of him and the democrats largely intact. Hillary was a major player in this, she could have abandoned him and made her own power play, but instead she struck a deal with the oligarchs backing the Democratic Party to stand with Bill. In exchange, they promised her she would be president some day.
In 2008, after the disastrous reign of Bush, a democratic victory was virtually assured. Obama had been groomed by the global elite, and rose through the political ranks as fast as (((they))) could make it happen, while Hillary was powerful in her own right, and merely allied with the globalists. The primaries were very close, Obama was ahead by a hair before the annual Bilderberg meeting. Three days after that meeting, Hillary conceded. Although she thought it was her time, she was bought off and pacified probably with the following arguments:
>it's easier to sell a black man to the American populace than a white woman at the moment
>you will be given a position of extreme importance (secretary of state) in the government, and a large say in how it is run
Over the past eight years, Hillary has accumulated more and more political capital and wealth via her foundation and position as SoS. It is finally her time, and she desperately wants it. She was likely not even the preferred choice by the global elite, considering how poisoned her reputation is, but she holds too much power in the US government to be denied. The primaries were rigged, by her (as she won't leave this final run to chance) and I have no doubt there will be electoral fraud in the general election.
will conclude
Her health IS failing, and so this is her last real chance to become president. She doesn't have four, or eight more years to bide her time. The stress of running a campaign, plus all of the revealed scandals in the past few months are doing serious damage to her health. It doesn't matter to her anymore, though, as she is incredibly power-hungry and wants the office she's had her eyes set on for the past 30 years.
God help us all if she gets it.
>Hillary fundraises hundreds of millions of dollars
>Takes all the heat leading up to the election
>Dies of an unknown illness after the debates are over
>Dems appoint Bernie as their emergency replacement
>He uses Hillary's war chest to destroy Trump and coast into the White House in the biggest landslide victory in US history on the sympathy garnered for the Democrats following her death
>Builds a tremendous gulag and makes the bourgeoisie pay for it
It's happening.
I would love to see a Bernie presidency. His policies are not feasible, but the huge amount of chaos and butthurt the global elite would have over losing the most powerful office in the world to someone who hates them, would be worth it
There has always been electoral fraud. We will just have to see HOW MUCH of it they have to use. How many dead people will be voting and how many times all for hillary while not allowing military to vote we will see.