Dindu BTFO'd on NYC subway train
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That guy has mental health problems.
Not to mention an ugly little manlets dressed like a gay Michael Jackson.
Cringy as fuck dude.
What an abomination. That's supposed to be "based"? LMAO
>Autistic manchild BTFO'd on NYC subway train
Why is tom Wolfe arguing with harambe on a train. Is this satire or something?
We'll see many more of these false flags now. Expect them to go viral too.
haha, is he not late for his big band concert?
Morons on a train shouting one syllable "arguments" at each other.
This means nothing, OP. Please fuck off.
Is that Axl Rose
fucking Love this guy, hilarious
He aint no Trump supporter, he's a numale.
He dressed in all white Kernal Sandars outfit and is insulting black women, followed by "Put them in the fields"
But look at him, those goofy ass side burns, that fat belly, fucking fedora, the guy is just out there trying to give a bad name to Trump supporters and get on the news, we all know it. It will work too, tomorrow cNN will be jackin it to this.
based. check em and see
two retarded autistic New Yorkers
Good god, fuck supporters like these.
Niggers vs jews, who cares
Just listen to that bernie kikestein accent, false flagging manlet.
False flag, all actors. Hillary is gonna need a better ones to go viral in coming weeks. To be continued...
Idk the dindu looked more in control then the guinea
>put them back in the fields
>says the man dressed like a plantation owner
I feel bad for the guy because no matter how he appraoched this sutation, no matter how he dressed, no matter how big the dindu was, everyone including all of Sup Forums is just going to rag on him because of his height
because its easy low hanging fruit, and they'll fit in with everyone else.
I understand that guys anger. I hope he finds peace within himself.
Yayyyyy Amerrrica!
First 20 seconds = best thing I've seen all week.
I bet if people tracked him down he'd have some sort of obscure career in acting or something.
wonder how much CTR paid some high blood pressure manlet to make an idiot of himself like that and allow it to be filmed
Show me one fucking video where a dindu can just take the higher ground and shut the fuck up for once. This angry, little man syndrome dude is gonna keep coming back if you keep egging him on. And of course, sheboon needs to have the last word no matter what.
I don't give a fuck that he's a man, like every fucking nog ever, they have to try and get the last word because fuck everyone else trying to have a peaceful ride, right. She probably fucking started it too.
ReviewBrah in 10 years
>like a gay Michael Jackson.
You mean like Michael Jackson
Nigga you short.
I wonder if it was staged to make Trump supporters look bad.
Don't usually say this. But probably an instigator. The moment he starts yelling trump 2016 in his ridiculous get up. Maybe he is just mentally ill, but then he'd probably be voting for Shillary.
I fucking despise everyone with a camera and Jewtube now.
you used to be able to see shit like this.
>black person yelling at person yelling at her
>she is literally just sitting there responding to manlet3000
>>"it... its her who is being aggressive because she is black.
This is why Sup Forums is the faggyiest board 4chit.
black people btfo by a manlet
I haven't seen someone more jewish
>Guy walking away yells something as he leaves
>Dindu has no self control in primate brain, has to respond
>Guy comes back to continue the confrontation before leaving again
>Dindu once again advertises subhuman status by engaging with unreasonable man when the conflict was essentially over
>Fucking repeat to infinite because nigs gonna fucking nig and cucks gonna defend them no matter what
Get out of Sup Forums then if you want to continue judging black people by a lower standard then you would any other race, you fucking self congratulating, liberal, cuck.
>Sup Forums goes on a big boy train ride
>a fucking leaf
>defends a manlet
>that cant even act white enough to control his own anger
Please do you parents a favor and abort yourself.
Gotta proofread my trollin.
It was a man trying t get in a physical confrontation with a woman ffs
This seems staged
>dindu apologist
>a fucking cuck
>defends a nog
>that din even du nuffin
Have fun when your Hillary vote amounts to nothing
oy vey look her goys at how racist and sexist trump supporters are
Heres your (you)
>Leslie Jones
>a woman
K, Portugal
Right back at (you)
Fake and staged.
>be canadian
>cant into logic
>makes fun of portugal
Manlets, manlets everywhere.
It's a fucking jew.
When he takes off his hat he looks like jonah goldberg.
lol you cant even get angry at this its so absurd
Lol you're so desperate to defend this nog that you think I give a shit about the manlet.
Again, show me the video where a nog takes the high road and actually avoids conflict instead of feeding into it.
Please, I beg you.
Yup. All to fuel the social unrest illusion
How many cherry trees are in canadia?
Trump supporters are assholes because Trump supporters are bigots, xenophobes, and misogynists (or in this case, likely all three) who are foolish enough to think that this Narcissistic demagogue has any desire -- much less a clue how -- to Make America Great Again. The Donald is only interested in making The Donald Great Again, and he's counting on people who are ignorant and stupid enough to think that building a wall at the Mexican border, deporting 11 million people, and banning Muslims, while we give Reaganomics yet one more try to trickle down, will Make America Great Again. Yep, they're assholes. Can't wait for a woman to be in charge!
Enough for you to be able to find one video to prove me wrong.
Fake and gay
>not getting off the L train after Bedford Ave
He asked for it.
Sure dude, one sec. Just keep hitting refresh and ill post one!
lmao. how can you take someone like that seriously?
>Ch-cherry picking
>She literally did nothing wrong!
>N-no, I don't have time to refute y-your point
Whatever, dude.
Dont feed it!! Leafs have a hard time understanding the world.
>Sure that chimp was being unreasonable
>But did you see that guy's height!
Man you have a lot of free time. You should put all that passion toward fixing you muslim-chink nation.
alas, these were such simpler times...
Having fun engaging with crazy people on public transportation.
People are gonna love you for it.
Im not watching the video, but why did the person who uploaded it feel the need to include [VIDEO] at the end? If its on youtube, isn't it known by everyone that it's going to be a video?
Here is another (you)
Yeah, you're not responding either or anything.
Excellent rebuttals to anything I've said so far too, bro.
Good one, another solid refutation from the anti manlet task force.
Hillary hiring gay Louisiana Elton john to pretend to be a trump supporter.
>Those comments
islezeus1 month ago
+Sheila TT so what? The old Democrat and Dixiecrats are not the Democrat aprty of today, as was the old Republican party. Back then, BOTH were racist, but when President Johnson signed the Civil Rights act of '64, Nixon and the Republicans came up with the Southern Strategy (read up on it) where they attracted the racist Dixiecrats of the south to their party, which was more socially conservative then this new Democratic party. The Democratic party of today has a socially liberal platform that the Republicans despise because they are racists and bigots.
So much cringe in here
Stay off the streets you fucking coons.
One more (you) just to the laughs coming in.
>so much cringe
>what a leaf
Your middle school shaming tactics don't work too well out the lunch room, fag.
Good thing its dinner time in texas.
Hilarious, we both keep responding to each other.
This is so funny and hilarious.
Good thing I'll be up for a few more hours.
Just enough time for this thread to get pruned for all of this shit posting.
a fucking manlet sure is mad.
How does it feel like a shitskin average height like myself is taller then you?
There is 3 of us tho.
If that dude isn't an MRA, I'll eat my hat.
How tall are you?
Also, it's sad that you think of yourself as a shit skin.
Yep, you sure know how to jump on a bandwagon.
Could be worse. He could be canadian. Id hang with a shitskin over a manlet canadian any day.
stop with the fucking tripcodes, you discusting pice of shit.
this is fucking classic
>Implying your name isn't Juan
This is fake.
There's at least 50k in Vancouver alone IIRC. They make a big deal out of it with their annual cherry blossom festival.
I'm sure there's more in the rest of the country.
Why do you want to know anyway?