Where were you when STEM fags are literally racists and hitler and shieet?
Where were you when STEM fags are literally racists and hitler and shieet?
>1 Post by this ID
confirmed for retard
>1 Post by this ID
Unable to understand that IDs do not carry over to other threads
Kill me
1 Post by this ID
>Math is racist
Has it REALLY come to this? You know what? Fuck it, every day is like watching some circus act with these idiots.
Here's my second post. Smd fags.
>Been this much a Reddit user
>being this much of a newfag
>applied mathematicians
> implying that's not a legitimate field
>nuh uh dats racis whitey
>Written by a woman
wtf I hate math now
Enlighten me on why it is relevant that there is 1 post by his ID? Why do people keep saying that...
>all women and brown people
not big surprise
>the black dude on the bottom left corner
The math says people with just 1 post starting a thread usually are trolls.
wew lad u r a fuckin idiot
>Math is racist
I tried telling this to my statistics professor, but he refused to change my grade from a B to an A.
>Where were you when STEM fags are literally racists and hitler and shieet?
And yet people will still say that STEM is not the masterrace.
Because it means that OP is a grade-A shill since he's only posting to give CNN views without archiving the link or replying to his own fucking thread.
1-post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
get off my thread you racist stemfag
>Math is racist
wew fucking lad
post proofs
he just did
>ban the facts because i don't like them.
Are you late for a bookburning by any chance?
>Denied a job because of a personality test? Too bad -- the algorithm said you wouldn't be a good fit. Charged a higher rate for a loan? Well, people in your zip code tend to be riskier borrowers. Received a harsher prison sentence? Here's the thing: Your friends and family have criminal records too, so you're likely to be a repeat offender. (Spoiler: The people on the receiving end of these messages don't actually get an explanation.)
This is all pretty fair, don't see any racism here.
it's about time math becomes racist too
climate change is racist, math is racist, i wonder what's next
First they claim Flying Planes is racist
Now maths is racist
>tfw almost cried after reading that article
>The models O'Neil writes about all use proxies for what they're actually trying to measure. The police analyze zip codes to deploy officers, employers use credit scores to gauge responsibility, payday lenders assess grammar to determine credit worthiness. But zip codes are also a stand-in for race, credit scores for wealth, and poor grammar for immigrants.
So she's basically saying that when they deny someone with a low credit score for a lone, it's not because you have a low credit score and might be unreliable or unable to pay the loan back, but it is a front to prevent minorities from getting loans seeing as they tend to have low credit scores. Liberalism truly is a mental illness.
why do all the shit articles get thrown on CNN money?
because they know not a single nigger is going to read it
its the best way to produce massive white guilt
Best part is when she bitches about law enforcement algorithms being used to deploy police to high crime areas as a tool used to lock up niggers unjustly then does a 180 later in the article saying that better algorithms would deploy police to high crime areas that don't target niggers.
Nah, he forgot the Q.E.D.
Satan pls stop this madness
this is actually correct under common core, right?
So this bitch is literally a racist. She wants to fix how 'racist math is' by applying affirmative action principles to credit checks and who gets arressted.
Fatty can't lift her arms as she has to support herself on the desk.
Stop using STEM, it's problematic.
STEAM is the current and proper accronym
BS unscientific personality tests are not in the same league as crime data.
Math "creates a poverty cycle" by excluding people with certain traits the same way actual people do the same thing: math is just more precise about it.
These cunts want to ban inequality by decree.
Math is bad?
Problem solved.
Yeah, I really do fear that the left will turn our world into a 1984 nightmare. I think that if we lose this fight, there's a very real possibility of all of us being shoved into a gulag or torture chamber 20-30 years from now because of what we've been saying here.
But genocidal racist isn't racist. Hillary praised Margaret Sanger ("Colored people are like weeds that need to be rooted out.") but is not called racist for it. We live in a world where words are losing meaning completely.
>B E E N
She's just promoting her new book guys, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
>think that if we lose this fight, there's a very real possibility of all of us being shoved into a gulag or torture chamber 20-30 years from now because of what we've been saying here.
And the internet is been given away to the (((UN))) at the end of this month, they will shut this place down and whoever continues to shill after that will probably suicide by shooting themselves 10 times in the back of the head in a car crash
I don't understand what this means.
this. never have I been so proud to be rayciss n shiet
Ah, the Ministry of Truth never fails to disappoint.
>there aren't enough women in the tech and science fields
>inb4 this is the call center
Yo nigga dat math be racis n sheeit, but we wuz da orignatorz of da math and we traveled to other galaaxieeeeeeees n sheit nigga
Dat white man jus holdin us down
Literally one post by this ID
Look at the fucking author. Holy shit. It speaks for itself.
Math is racist
My girlfriend is not racist
>fail personality test for minimum wage job
If you're not mentally fit for the job you're not fit. No employers want to hire an asshole who job hops, has problems with teamwork or steals form the workplace. Are employers supposed to make an exception for that because someone is a minority ?
I watched a video about the crime mathematics shit a few days ago. It's deceptively simple but it works.
Critical thinking is bigoted and relies on problematic and racist facts.
That's minus two privilege points.
>facts and stats are rayciss
It was only a matter of time before they did this
>Hides post
>Denied a job because of a personality test? Too bad -- the algorithm said you wouldn't be a good fit. Charged a higher rate for a loan? Well, people in your zip code tend to be riskier borrowers. Received a harsher prison sentence? Here's the thing: Your friends and family have criminal records too, so you're likely to be a repeat offender. (Spoiler: The people on the receiving end of these messages don't actually get an explanation.)
>Personality test
>Gangsta muthafucka can't get hired for the job
>People in your zip code are risky borrowers
>Live in da mudderfuggin hood
>Friends and family have criminal records
>Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and you have nothing else to redeem yourself with
Since when is there a Black Lives Matter in the United Kingdom?
British police don't even carry guns, what are they complaining about?
Ifeel like we should leave a review of her book wake people up to the racist hate speech this lady is spewing. Just left a 1 star review.
My nigga!
>literally every single comment calling them fucking idiots
You know if your wacky movement can't even get support from The Guardian, you're fucked.
>math is racist
One step closer to communism
>One post by this ID
oh look, more anti intellectualism from libs
They also blame the (((banks))) for housing inequality
the world has turned upside down ANYTHING you say, is racissss.
i swear to god, it's the politically correct crowd, who started all thsi bullshit.
Lets make people so fearful to say anything negative. Everyone will be happy then.
please tell me it wasnt a jewish woman, i will go postal right fucking now
>please tell me it wasnt a jewish woman, i will go postal right fucking now
I'll give you a hint load your guns
every. single. mother. fucking. time.
>that black guy in the bottom left
Facts are a hate crime.
>ay nigga just fuckin kill me from dis noise already I jus tryna make a livin here
Top kek. This is some kind of autism. The West is over. Prepare for annexation.
applied math-user
wtf i hate math now
Posting proofs would be racist, user.
Everything is racist!
>fucking charts
>math is a shit
math is a racist patriarchal construct
Pretty sure there's a follow-up picture out there on this guy where he was arrested for stealing.
Had to look that up, wtf lol. If you just somehow add that letter that'll surely make these sluts employable.Surely will.
>confirmed for dropping out of calc 1
sheeeit, those racist computers made him do it.
Correction, the racist computers made him rape some bitches.